[Epics-india] EPICS INDIA Final Deliverables

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 10 11:10:47 EDT 2018


I thought that this would be the right time to send this email to you so that you would have enough time to work on the deliverable items. PM and LEADS, please make sure that the reviewers' comments are reflected in the final design document. (The review sheets will be accessible here<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Findia%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&FolderCTID=0x0120005AA3492775FC25438DCE19D15FA89C82&View=%7B921A51DA-B409-40FD-B775-1B3B2DB0D80B%7D><https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/hfh/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Fhfh%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring&FolderCTID=0x01200007CF7AB7A7743949A962FC85556EE854&View=%7BD53FF1EF-40D3-498E-8DBF-0918A877E665%7D><https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/i2r/Semester%20Documentation/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fteams%2Fi2r%2FSemester%20Documentation%2F2018%20Spring%2FFinal%20Design%20Reviewer%20Comments&FolderCTID=0x0120003548F09775BEE14C9C6AB7129A0F8F5F&View=%7BBBBBCFE3-6596-4D75-97F1-21AF7F754F8A%7D> after the final design review session.)

It is the time to document everything. Below, please see the upcoming deliverable items. I know that this is a long e-mail, but please go through the bullet points carefully.

  *   Design Document is due Thursday by midnight in this Sharepoint folder<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/Friday/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fdesignreview%2FFriday%2FINDIA&FolderCTID=0x01200069B64DD4747FAB4885F7904E793C4248&View=%7B4C38B867-3221-434F-9F1B-2CBCBE6440B6%7D><https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/Thursday/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fdesignreview%2FThursday%2FHFH&FolderCTID=0x0120006F9193A52EF78042AA18716C89C01D74&View=%7B07F84545-933E-4B46-B426-102F1F8F3802%7D&InitialTabId=Ribbon%2ERead&VisibilityContext=WSSTabPersistence><https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/designreview/Tuesday/Forms/AllItems.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fepics%2Fdesignreview%2FTuesday%2FI2R&FolderCTID=0x0120007148A7F998D9B14C8C4052B6DDDC1701&View=%7BF4ACC0C5-3566-47D1-8AE9-9DB30223E276%7D>. Please title them INDIA_Sp2018_DesignDoc_Final_ProjectName.pdf

General Comments:

  1.  You can revise/modify your notebook up to Apr.21st 11:59 p.m.

  1.  Please upload all of the necessary documents on SharePoint (EPICS SharePoint ONLY); i.e. this is the time to move the most important items from the Google Drive to the EPICS SharePoint.

  1.  Please make sure all the documents are checked-in on SharePoint

  *   If documents are checked-out, they are accessible only to the person who checked them out - Please check-in documents that you check-out (this does not happen automatically!)

  1.  Make sure the documents on SharePoint are well organized in a logical manner (folder organization) and their folder-name is referred to in your notebooks/reflection. (PM/Design Lead and Project Archivist are responsible for making sure the files are in a good shape.)

  *   Use location (link) in your notebooks

  1.  PM/DLs are required to write their lessons learned in their notebooks. Talk about anything you have learned and about anything that you think it might be helpful for the next generation who want to take your role in EPICS. (You will need to add a tab to your notebook called "Lessons Learned.")

List of Deliverables for Week 16 - Due Saturday 04/21/2018 by 11:59 p.m.  (unless otherwise noted)

  1.  Individual Evaluation Rubric
THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO ME VIA EMAIL and please label your documents as follows: INDIA-IER-Spring18-YOURFULLNAME.docx.

  *   Outline your accomplishments with detailed description

  *   Please fill out the form in MS Word

  *   Add lines for additional items; your specific accomplishments and grade you think you deserve will probably push the first page to be longer

  *   Note where evidence of your work can be found as mentioned in point 4 of general notes.

  *   Specific SharePoint folders (“Notebook” is not adequate) Provide links in the  "Where Documented" column.

  *   Explain why you deserve a certain grade in the Student Comments box

  *   A link to IER can be found here. https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier
<https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/team-documents/ier>(fill out the one that is associated with your EPICS level)

  1.  Design Review Follow-Up Document<https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/india/_layouts/15/WopiFrame2.aspx?sourcedoc=/epics/teams/india/Semester%20Documentation/2018%20Spring/Design%20Review%20Follow%20Up.xls&action=default> - Responsibility: PM & DLs

  *   One per sub-team (project)

  *   Please complete the one that you uploaded for the mid-semester and upload it to SharePoint. <https://sharepoint.ecn.purdue.edu/epics/teams/hfh/_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc=/epics/teams/hfh/Semester%20Documentation/2018%20Spring/Design%20Review%20Follow%20Up.xls&action=default>

  1.  Project Evaluation Rubric: This document can be downloaded from the team documents under the grading tab in the EPICS website. A link to the document can be found here:

  *    https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/teams/team-documents/Grading

  *   Upload to Sharepoint Semester Documentation Folder

  1.  Peer Evaluations

  *   To be completed on myEPICS
  *   Please rank and comment on individuals you have worked with
  *   If you give everyone the same score and/or no feedback your contribution to peer evaluation grade will suffer

Project and Individual Documents

  1.  Design Document - Responsibility: DLs (This will be due Thursday April 26th so that you have time to include detailed information from design review)

     *   Upload the most recent design document on SharePoint (Semester Documentation) and email it to the Advisors and the TA. This version MUST address comments made by Design Reviewers

  1.  Individual Documentation (OneNote) - Responsibility: Individual Team Members

     *   Make sure all your work is attached to your notebook
     *   Remember that the notebooks should provide evidence of your efforts!
     *   Reflections - Make sure they are up-to-date, and also include your reflections on the Design Review
     *   More information on how to write good reflection can be found here: https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections <https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections>

  1.  Final Reflection (OneNote)

     *   A detailed information could be found at the following link https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections
     *   <https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS/purdue/individual-documents/reflections> Each reflection should address following questions and contain at least 300 words:

  *   ‘What’ did I learn?

  *   ‘How’ did I learn it?

  *   ‘Why and how’ does this learning matter?

  *   What will/could I or others do in light of this learning?

     *   The final reflection is 2 reflections, each 300 words and must address two of the four topics in the link above.

  1.  Transition Document - Responsibility: PM & DLs (This will be due Thursday April 26th so that you have time to include detailed information from design review)

  1.  One per project/sub-team

  1.  A one-page summary of your project

  1.  Major accomplishments this semester

  1.  Suggestions for future teams

  2.  There is NO template for this.


  1.  Verify that your attendance and course number (EPCS 1, 2, 3, or 4xx) are correct on myEPICS. (If you find any problem, please let me know.)

  1.  All PDHs must be complete and verified on myEPICS before Friday April 27th

  1.  Purdue Course Evaluation

     *   https://www.purdue.edu/cie/IDP/courseevaluations.html
     *   <https://www.purdue.edu/cie/IDP/courseevaluations.html> Submit proof of completion by printing “completed evaluations” pages by emailing a screenshot to me.

  1.  Teaching Assistants Review Forms

  *   This will be done in lab on Friday April 27th in myEPICS.

  1.  Return all checked out equipment (Arduino Kit, etc)

Let me know if you have questions,

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant
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