[Epics-india] likely to miss lab tomorrow

Oakes, William C. oakes at purdue.edu
Thu Apr 5 15:39:19 EDT 2018

I will likely not be online during lab.  I am at the headquarters of the IEEE working on relationships to support our work in India.  Please send me updates.  I want it DONE... and ideas for the next semester.

Also, can we send the IIT Delhi people the report from last semester.  They told me they hadn't received it.  Cc me on the email.

Prof. Oakes

William Oakes, PE
150th Anniversary Professor
Director, EPICS Program
Prof., Engineering Education

EPICS Program
Armstrong Hall of Engineering
701 W. Stadium Avenue
West Lafayette, IN   47907-2045

Email: oakes at purdue.edu<mailto:oakes at purdue.edu>
Mobile: +1-765-418-8029,
office: +1-765-494-3892,
Fax: +1-765-494-0052

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