[Epics-india] Just a reminder

Rahul Maheswaran rmaheswa at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 11 19:47:50 EDT 2017

Hey guys,

Hope your week is going well. I know exams are coming up for some of you, and you're going to get busy.

Just keep in mind that the notebooks are due by Wednesday 11.59pm. If your computer is syncing with sharepoint, you have nothing to worry about.

If your computer isn't syncing with sharepoint, you can either do it on the webapp through sharepoint, or for now make your own notebook and get a shareable link and MAKE SURE you SEND IT to the TA. If that doesn't work either, you can just make a word document and send the file to Kelsey.

As for team progress and work for this lab, please let me know if you want to make calls during lab time. (even if you did inform me last week, please pm me) Your semester timelines/Gantt charts are due this week, so make sure it is there on your PIGs. I will once again send out a link and you guys can put in your PIGs there. I think it's hassle free and you can work on it until Friday morning if you want to.

Webmaster: The website is due this week (updated version that is)


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