[Epics-india] Week 4 Reminders

Kelsey N Welch welch4 at purdue.edu
Sun Sep 10 14:11:46 EDT 2017


Week 4 is starting and a few things are due. Notebooks, budget, website and schedule.

Notebooks are due for review Wednesday September 13th at 11:59pm. If you have access to your OneNote Notebook you do not need to do anything extra to turn in. If you do cannot access your Notebook you must turn in a digital format (ie. word document, personal onenote) of your notebook to sharepoint. Sharepoint location is: Sharepoint>india>Semester Documentation>2017 Fall>Notebooks. Upload your notebook here titled as your name. Lack of access to OneNote is not an excuse for not having a notebook. OneNote works on ECN computers as well.

Budget, I believe Rishab has what he needs.

Website, we did not take individual team pictures on Friday so you will need to do this in your team meetings and upload them to Sharepoint>india>Pictures>Team Members>Fall 2017 Team. Karthick needs these to update the website. My apologies for not doing it on Friday.

Your semester schedules/gantt charts need to be a part of PIGS for Friday and should be incorporated into all future PIGS and your design document.

Thank you,

Kelsey Welch, E.I.T.

Candidate for Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Structures

EPICS Graduate Teaching Assistant
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