[Embrio-list] End of Week Reminders

Ladd, Brent Thomas laddb at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 13 12:48:52 EST 2023

Dear EMBRIO Members,

Quick reminder that in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day<https://lifeat.purdue.edu/mlk2023/>, we will not meet this coming Monday. We encourage everyone to engage in your university's activities honoring and continuing MLK Jr.'s work and legacy. There are also opportunities to donate to food drives, including ours - canned goods accepted at our office in DLR 228c.

The following Weekly Update on Jan. 23rd  is for Trainee's only, as we continue our professional development grant writing series with the topic of "De-Mystifying the Craft of Creating an Aims Page". Everyone will be back together on January 30th with a talk from Dr. Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi.

Purdue Investigators: For mentoring an REU student through EMBRIO this summer, please complete this form<https://forms.gle/izYZU6vVUoHSf5fr9> (today if possible) with details about your EMBRIO research project that will engage and train an undergraduate student (more details and instruction are on the online form). I need to upload our projects into the SURF portal today for student applicants.

The next issue of Emergence newsletter will be out Wed. the 18th with updates and news.


Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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