[Embrio-list] End of Week Reminders

Brent T Ladd laddb at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 2 11:50:58 EST 2022

Dear EMBRIO Community,

Weekly Update
For our Weekly Update next Monday, December 5th, we feature guest speaker and our first affiliate member, Dr. Gregory Reeves<https://engineering.tamu.edu/chemical/profiles/reeves-gregory.html>, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University.


Watch Party

All EMBRIO members are invited to a Watch Party next Tuesday, Dec. 6, 10:30-12:30 ET featuring student presentations in the Quantitative Systems Biology course taught by Drs. Umulis and Linlin Li. please RSVP<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0HFcMbnm00lzEyy> by the end of today, Friday Dec. 2, so that we can plan for enough pizza available.

In person: PURDUE, Room MJIS 2001

Watch Party Zoom:

Meeting ID: 981 0071 1659
Passcode: 918890

Symposium Dec. 9
Taking place next Friday, Dec. 9, 9am - 5pm: Virtual Notre Dame - Mexico Symposium 2022: Reverse Engineering Cellular Systems: Patterning and Morphogenesis.  https://forms.gle/KZurTw5rwxyCdYxE9<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/KZurTw5rwxyCdYxE9__;!!IBzWLUs!Q14tgBtCAB5TVdUSFbjCEV_mVc-THVXPCtrjsF4aCJ83EvPFFf6XShLkc-VepMjDe9jFZfjaElA92YixAaYOnA$>

New DEI Director & Thrust 2 Investigator
If you missed our interview with Dr. Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi, new DEI Director for EMBRIO and Thrust 2 investigator, you can read it in the recent issue of Emergence<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/files/newsletters/embrio-news-update-11.30.2022.pdf>.

Brent T. Ladd, Senior Research Program Manager, EMBRIO Institute<https://www.purdue.edu/research/embrio/>
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
laddb at purdue.edu

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