[eletter] IEEE Control Systems Letters: a new CSS journal open soon for submission

Jianghai Hu jianghai at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 9 14:32:41 EST 2017

Do you have a great new idea or result suitable for quick publication?

Would you like to see your latest brief paper published in an IEEE journal
within 6 months from first submission?

Would you like the paper you are preparing for the next IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control (CDC) to appear on IEEE Xplore as a journal paper?

In all three cases the IEEE Control Systems Letters is the right venue for

Please read on for further information.

The IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) is a new journal of the IEEE
Control Systems Society (CSS) that will be launched on February 1, 2017.
The journal has two features that make it unique among other scientific
publications in Systems and Control:

1) It is a rapid publication, high quality journal: at most two rounds of
review and at most 6 months from submission date to online appearance.

2) While submission is possible all year-round, in certain periods of the
year a paper can be submitted for publication to the L-CSS and at the same
time for presentation at the CDC.
For CDC 2017, you can submit your papers to L-CSS and CDC from February 1
to March 6. *** Don't miss these dates!!!***

For more information about this new exciting journal, please check the
website at

For more information about joint submission to L-CSS and CDC see,
section "L-CSS and CDC".

Additional information:

Editor in Chief: M. Elena Valcher, University of Padova, Italy,
meme at dei.unipd.it

Steering Committee: Christos Cassandras (Boston University, MA), Fabrizio
Dabbene (CNR-IEIIT, Torino, Italy), Mario di Bernardo (University of Naples
Federico II, Italy and University of Bristol, UK), Dimitar Filev (Ford
Motor Company, Dearborn, MI), Amit Roy-Chowdhury (University of California
at Riverside), Thomas Parisini (Imperial College, London, UK and University
of Trieste, Italy), Mathukumalli Vidyasagar (University of Texas at Dallas
and Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India)

More info on the Editorial Board is available at

The L-CSS is technically co-sponsored by three IEEE societies: Circuits and
Systems Society, Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, and the Signal
Processing Society.
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