[eletter] eletter 341
Jianghai Hu
jianghai at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 2 13:54:54 EST 2017
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
Issue 341
January 2017
Jianghai Hu
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Ave.
West Lafayette, IN, 47907
Tel: +1 (765) 4962395
Fax: +1 (765) 4943371
Welcome to the 341 issue of the Eletter, available electronically at
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The next Eletter will be mailed out at the beginning of February 2017.
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1 IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
1.2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.3 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
2.1 Winter School on Intelligent Transportation
2.2 International Graduate School on Control
2.3 Guidance, Navigation, and Control Listserv
3. Books
3.1 Controller Tuning with Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. A
Holistic Multiobjective Optimization Design Procedure
3.2 L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control; Revised and
Enlarged Third Edition
3.3 Cognitive Radio: Interoperability Through Waveform Reconfiguration
4. Journals
4.1 Contents: Automatica
4.2 Contents: Journal of Modern Technology and Engineering
4.3 Contents: Information and Inference
4.4 Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
4.5 Contents: Asian Journal of Control
4.6 Contents: Control Engineering Practice
4.7 Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
4.8 CFP: Journal of Control Science and Engineering
4.9 CFP: Control Engineering Practice
5. Conferences
5.1 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
5.2 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
5.3 International Conference on Information Fusion
5.4 International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
5.5 IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation
5.6 Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power
5.7 Professional Engineering Seminars to Advance Machine Fluid Power,
Electronic Control
6. Positions
6.1 PhD: Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH, Germany & UPC-BarcelonaTech, Spain
6.2 PhD: University of Leicester, UK
6.3 PhD: University of Georgia, USA
6.4 PhD/PostDoc/Research Assistant: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
6.5 PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
6.6 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
6.7 PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
6.8 PostDoc: Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
6.9 PostDoc: Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
6.10 PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
6.11 PostDoc: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
6.12 PostDoc: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
6.13 PostDoc: Umeå University, Sweden
6.14 PostDoc: University of Sydney, Australia
6.15 Research Fellow: University of Melbourne, Australia
6.16 Research Fellow: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6.17 Research Fellow: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6.18 Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
6.19 Faculty: University of Twente, The Netherlands
6.20 Faculty: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
6.21 Faculty: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
6.22 Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
6.23 Faculty: Ohio State University, USA
6.24 Faculty: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6.25 Faculty: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
6.26 Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
1. IEEE CSS Headlines
1.1. IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
CSS Publications Content Digest
The IEEE Control Systems Society Publications Content Digest is a novel and
convenient guide that helps readers keep track of the latest published
articles. The CSS Publications Content Digest, available at
http://ieeecss.org/publications-content-digest provides lists of current
tables of contents of the periodicals sponsored by the Control Systems
Each issue offers readers a rapid means to survey and access the latest
peer-reviewed papers of the IEEE Control Systems Society. We also include
links to the Society’s sponsored Conferences to give readers a preview of
upcoming meetings.
1.2. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 61 (2016), Issue 12 (December)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
Scanning the Issue, p. 3709
- ISS with Respect to Boundary Disturbances for 1-D Parabolic PDEs, I.
Karafyllis, M. Krstic p. 3712
- Optimal Dynamic Outpatient Scheduling for a Diagnostic Facility with Two
Waiting Time Targets, N. Geng, X. Xie p. 3725
- An Asynchronous Mini-batch Algorithm for Regularized Stochastic
Optimization, H. Reza Feyzmahdavian, A. Aytekin, M. Johansson p. 3740
- Interval Bipartite Consensus of Networked Agents Associated With Signed
Digraphs, D. Meng, M. Du, Y. Jia p. 3755
- Performance Analysis of Gradient-Based Nash Seeking Algorithms Under
Quantization, E. Nekouei, G. N. Nair, T. Alpcan p. 3771
- Backward Mean-Field Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) Games: Full and
Partial Information, J. Huang, S. Wang, Z. Wu p. 3784
- Luenberger Type Observers for a Class of Nonlinear Triangular Control
Systems, J. Tsinias, D. Theodosis p. 3797
- Dissipative Switched Linear Differential Systems, J. C. Mayo-Maldonado,
P. Rapisarda p. 3813
- Linear Time-Invariant Anytime Codes for Control Over Noisy Channels, R.
T. Sukhavasi, B. Hassibi p. 3826
- On Network Topology Reconfiguration for Remote State Estimation, A. S.
Leong, D. E. Quevedo, A. Ahlen, K. H. Johansson p. 3842
- Random Pairwise Gossip on CAT(\kappa) Metric Spaces, A. Bellachehab, J.
Jakubowicz p. 3857
- Design and Analysis of Distributed Averaging with Quantized
Communication, M. El Chamie, J. Liu, T. Basar p. 3870
- Stability and Stabilizability of Continuous-Time Linear Compartmental
Switched Systems, M. E. Valcher, I. Zorzan p. 3885
- A Distributed Optimization Algorithm for the Predictive Control of Smart
Grids, P. Braun, L. Gruene, C. M. Kellett, S. R. Weller, K. Worthmann p.
- Optimal Stationary Dynamic Output-Feedback Controllers for Discrete-Time
Linear Systems with Markovian Jumping Parameters and Additive White Noise
Perturbations, V. Dragan, E. F. Costa p. 3912
- Distributed Formation Stabilization Using Relative Position Measurements
in Local Coordinates, M. Aranda, G. Lopez-Nicolas, C. Sagues, M. M.
Zavlanos p. 3925
- Stochastic Gradient-Push for Strongly Convex Functions on Time-Varying
Directed Graphs, A. Nedich, A. Olshevsky p. 3936
- Communication-Free Multi-Agent Control under Local Temporal Tasks and
Relative-Distance Constraints, M. Guo, J. Tumova, D. V. Dimarogonas p. 3948
- Plug-and-play Fault Detection and Control-Reconfiguration for a Class of
Nonlinear Large-Scale Constrained Systems, S. Riverso, F. Boem, G.
Ferrari-Trecate, T. Parisini p. 3963
- An Adaptive Observer Design for n + 1 Coupled Linear Hyperbolic PDEs
Based on Swapping, H. Anfinsen, M. Diagne, O. M. Aamo, M. Krstic p. 3979
- Regularization for Design, N. Matni, V. Chandrasekaran p. 3991
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Noise Reduction by Swarming in Social Foraging, S. Pu, A. Garcia, Z. Lin
p. 4007
- Performance Analysis of the Kalman Filter with Mismatched Noise
Covariances, Q. Ge, T. Shao, Z. Duan, C. Wen p. 4014
- Distributed Covariance Intersection Fusion Estimation for Cyber-Physical
Systems with Communication Constraints, B. Chen, G. Hu, D. W. C. Ho, L. Yu
p. 4020
- Output Feedback Cooperative Control for Linear Uncertain Multi-agent
Systems with Nonidentical Relative Degrees, Y. Su p. 4027
- Output Feedback Stabilization and Estimation of the Region of Attraction
for Nonlinear Systems: A Vector Control Lyapunov Function Perspective, D.
Xu, X. Wang, Y. Hong, Z-P. Jiang, S. Xu p. 4034
- Stabilization of Reaction Diffusion Equations with State Delay using
Boundary Control Input, T. Hashimoto, M. Krstic p. 4041
- Convergence Time of Quantized Metropolis Consensus Over Time-Varying
Networks, T. Basar, S. R. Etesami, A. Olshevsky p. 4048
- Fundamental Limits and Tradeoffs on Disturbance Propagation in Linear
Dynamical Networks, M. Siami, N. Motee p. 4055
- On the Effect of Collaborative and Antagonist Interactions on
Synchronization and Consensus in Networks of Conspecific Agents, S. Roy, N.
Abaid p. 4063
- Distributed Stochastic Approximation: Weak Convergence and Network
Design, M. S. Stankovic, N. Ilic, S. S. Stankovic p. 4069
- Homogeneous Time-Varying Systems: Robustness Analysis, H. RÌos, D.
Efimov, A. Polyakov, W. Perruquetti p. 4075
- On Distributed Pinning Observers for a Network of Dynamical Systems, C.
Edwards, P. P. Menon p. 4081
- Global Stabilization via Sampled-Data Output Feedback for a Class of
Linearly Uncontrollable and Unobservable Systems, C. Qian, H. Du, S. Li p.
- Dynamic Scheduling for Charging Electric Vehicles: A Priority Rule, Y.
Xu, F. Pan, L. Tong p. 4094
- A One-step Approach to Computing a Polytopic Robust Positively Invariant
Set, P. Trodden p. 4100
- A Short Note on Constrained Linear Control Systems with Multiplicative
Ellipsoidal Uncertainty, B. Houska, A. Mohammadi, M. Diehl p. 4106
- Optimal Control of Production Rate in a Manufacturing System Prone to
Failure with General Distribution for Repair Time, B. N. Khoury p. 4112
- Analysis and Control of Networked Game Dynamics via A Microscopic
Deterministic Approach, S. Tan, Y. Wang, J. Lu p. 4118
- Graph Distances and Controllability of Networks, A. Y. Yazicioglu, W.
Abbas, M. Egerstedt p. 4125
- Leader-Following Formation Tracking Control of Mobile Robots Without
Direct Position Measurements, X. Liang, Y. H. Liu, H. Wang, W. Chen, K.
Xing, T. Liu p. 4131
- Stable Model Matching by Non-Regular Static State Feedback, V. Kucera p.
- Stability Analysis of Stochastic Delayed Systems with An Application to
Multi-agent Systems, X. Wu, Y. Tang, W. Zhang p. 4143
- Resilient Estimation for Networked Systems with Variable Communication
Capability, L. Zhang, Y. Zhu, Z. Ning, X. Yin p. 4150
- LMI-based Reset H-infinity Design for Linear Continuous-time Plants, F.
Fichera, C. Prieur, S. Tarbouriech, L. Zaccarian p. 4157
- Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Adaptive Optimal Output Regulation of
Linear Systems, W. Gao, Z-P. Jiang p. 4164
- Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Stochastic Systems with State and
Control Dependent Noise, T. Bian, Y. Jiang, Z-P. Jiang p. 4170
- Regional Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Dynamic Output Feedback
Under Aperiodic Sampling and Input Saturation, J. M. Gomes da Silva Jr, I.
Queinnec, A. Seuret, S. Tarbouriech p. 4176
- A Robust MPC for Input-Output LPV Models, H. S. Abbas, R. Tóth, N.
Meskin, J. Mohammadpour, J. Hanema p. 4183
- Model Predictive Control for Switching System with Dwell-time
Restriction, C-J. Ong, Z. Wang, M. Dehghan p. 4189
- Bounded Integral Control of Input-to-State Practically Stable Nonlinear
Systems to Guarantee Closed-loop Stability, G. Konstantopoulos, Q-C. Zhong,
B. Ren, M. Krstic p. 4196
- Operator-Type Stability Theorem for Retarded Stochastic Systems with
Application, X. Zhao, F. Deng p. 4203
- Measurement Random Latency Probability Identification, X. Wang, Y. Liang,
Q. Pan p. 4210
- Local Positive Reachability of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Systems, Z.
Bartosiewicz p. 4217
- Global Stabilization of the Multiple Integrators System by Delayed and
Bounded Controls, B. Zhou, X. Yang p. 4222
- Adaptive Controller for Linear System with Input Delay and Output
Disturbance, A. A. Pyrkin, A. A. Bobtsov p. 4229
- Optimal Control of an Inventory System with Joint Production and Pricing
Decisions, P. Cao, J. Xie p. 4235
- Exponential Stability for Discrete-Time Infinite Markov Jump Systems, T.
Hou, H. Ma p. 4241
- Joint Pricing and Production Control for a Manufacturer with Volume
Flexibility, L. Chen, M. F. Keblis p. 4247
1.3. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Contributed by: Elizabeth Kovacs, ekovacs2 at nd.edu
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Volume 62 (2017), Issue 1 (January)
Please note that the contents of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, together with links to the abstracts of the papers may be found at
the TAC web site:
Scanning the Issue, p. 1
- Tangential Interpolatory Projection for Model Reduction of Linear Quantum
Stochastic Systems, O. Techakesari, H. I. Nurdin p. 5
- A Distributed Networked Approach for Fault Detection of Large-scale
Systems, F. Boem, R. M.G. Ferrari, C. Keliris, T. Parisini, M. M.
Polycarpou p. 18
- Output-based and Decentralized Dynamic Event-Triggered Control with
Guaranteed Lp-Gain Performance and Zeno-Freeness, V. S. Dolk, D. P.
Borgers, W.P.M.H. Heemels p. 34
- Differentially Private Distributed Constrained Optimization, S. Han, U.
Topcu, G. J. Pappas p. 50
- On Finite-State Stochastic Modeling and Secure Estimation of
Cyber-Physical Systems, D. Shi, R. J. Elliott, T. Chen p. 65
- Approximate Safety Verification and Control of Partially Observable
Stochastic Hybrid Systems, K. Lesser, M. Oishi p. 81
- Robust Global Trajectory Tracking for Underactuated VTOL Aerial Vehicles
using Inner-Outer Loop Control Paradigms, R. Naldi, M. Furci, R. G.
Sanfelice, L. Marconi p. 97
- Efficient Feasibility Determination with Multiple Performance Measure
Constraints, S. Gao, W. Chen p. 113
- Decentralized Robust Synchronization of Unknown High Order Nonlinear
Multi-agent Systems with Prescribed Transient and Steady State Performance,
C. P. Bechlioulis, G. A. Rovithakis p. 123
- Support Vector Machine Informed Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive
Control Using Low-Discrepancy Sequences, A. Chakrabarty, V. Dinh, M.
Corless, A. E. Rundell, S. H. Zak, G. T. Buzzard p. 135
- Nonlinear Estimator Design on the Special Orthogonal Group using Vector
Measurements Directly, D. E. Zlotnik, J. R. Forbes p. 149
- Adaptive Search Algorithms for Discrete Stochastic Optimization: A Smooth
Best-Response Approach, O. N. Gharehshiran, V. Krishnamurthy, G. Yin p. 161
- Self-triggered Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Input-Affine
Dynamical Systems via Adaptive Control Samples Selection, K. Hashimoto, S.
Adachi, D. V. Dimarogonas p. 177
- Deterministic Networked Control of Discrete Event Systems with
Nondeterministic Communication Delays, S. Shu, F. Lin p. 190
- Convex Relaxation for Optimal Distributed Control Problems, G. Fazelnia,
R. Madani, A. Kalbat, J. Lavaei p. 206
- Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information: Common Information Based
Perfect Bayesian Equilibria and Sequential Decomposition, Y. Ouyang, H.
Tavafoghi, D. Teneketzis p. 222
- Robust Output Regulation of Strongly Linear Passive Systems with
Multivalued Maximally Monotone Controls, F. A. Miranda, F. Castanos p. 238
- LaSalle-Type Theorem and Its Applications to Infinite Horizon Optimal
Control of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Stochastic Systems, W. Zhang, X. Lin,
B-S. Chen p. 250
- An Iterative Method for Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control Based on
Path Integrals, S. Satoh, H. J. Kappen, M. Saeki p. 262
- Power Control of an Energy Harvesting Sensor for Remote State Estimation,
Y. Li, F. Zhang, D. E. Quevedo, V. K N. Lau, S. Dey, L. Shi p. 277
- Distributed Evaluation and Convergence of Self-Appraisals in Social
Networks, X. Chen, M. A. Belabbas, T. Basar, J. Liu, Z. Xu p. 291
- Optimal Distributed Control for Platooning via Sparse Coprime
Factorizations, S. Sabau, C. Oara, S. Warnick, A. Jadbabaie p. 305
- Optimal Estimation over the Collision Channel, M. M. Vasconcelos, N. C.
Martins p. 321
- Convex Synthesis of Robust Controllers for Linear Systems with Polytopic
Time-Varying Uncertainty, G. Chesi p. 337
- Control for Ito Stochastic Systems with Input Delay, H. Zhang, J. Xu p.
Technical Notes and Correspondence
- Periodic Event-Triggered Synchronization of Linear Multi-agent Systems
with Communication Delays, E. Garcia, Y. Cao, D. W. Casbeer p. 366
- Synchronization of Goodwin's Oscillators Under Boundedness and
Nonnegativeness Constraints for Solutions, A. V. Proskurnikov, M. Cao p. p.
- Mixed-Strategy Learning with Continuous Action Sets, S. Perkins, P.
Mertikopoulos, D. S. Leslie p. 379
- Adaptive Actuator Failure Compensation for a Class of Nonlinear Systems
With Unknown Control Direction, C. Wang, C. Wen, Y. Lin p. 385
- Adaptive Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems: Application
to Photovoltaic Control Systems, F. Jaramillo-Lopez, G. Kenne, F.
Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue p. 393
- Stability of Positive Switched Linear Systems: Weak Excitation and
Robustness to Time-varying Delays, Z. Meng, W. Xia, K. H. Johansson, S.
Hirche p.399
- Stabilization of Delay Systems: Delay-dependent Impulsive Control, X. Li,
S. Song p. 406
- The Designated Convergence Rate Problem of Consensus/Flocking of
Double-Integrator Agents With General Non-Equal Velocity and Position
Couplings, W. Li, G. Chen p. 412
- A Modified Bayesian Filter for Randomly Delayed Measurements, A. K.
Singh, P. Date, S. Bhaumik p. 419
- Computing a Guaranteed Approximation of the Zone Explored by a Robot, B.
Desrochers, L. Jaulin p. 425
- Iterative Control for Networked Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with
Uncertainties, S. Devasia p. 431
- Nonsmooth Feedback Control of Time-Delay Systems: A Dynamic Gain Based
Approach, W. Lin, X. Zhang, Y. Lin p. 438
- Entrainment Control of Phase Dynamics, W. Qiao, J. T. Wen, A. Julius p.
- A Dynamics Perspective of Pursuit-Evasion: Capturing and Escaping When
The Pursuer Runs Faster Than The Agile Evader, W. Li p. 451
- Towards Optimal Control of Evolutionary Games on Networks, J. R. Riehl,
M. Cao p. 458
- Subspace Identification of Distributed Clusters of Homogeneous Systems,
C. Yu, M. Verhaegen p. 463
- Nonlinear Static State Feedback for Saturated Linear Plants via a
Polynomial Approach, G. Valmorbida, L. Zaccarian, S. Tarbouriech, I.
Queinnec, A. Papachristodoulou p. 469
- Reduced-order Distributed Consensus Controller Design via Edge Dynamics
D. H. Nguyen p. 475
- Adaptive Fault-Tolerant PI Tracking Control with Guaranteed Transient and
Steady-State Performance, Y. Song, Y. Wang, C. Wen p. 481
- Stabilizing Transmission Intervals for Nonlinear Delayed Networked
Control Systems, D. Tolic, S. Hirche p. 488
- Construction of Synergistic Potential Functions on SO(3) with Application
to Velocity-Free Hybrid Attitude Stabilization, S. Berkane, A. Tayebi p. 495
- Output Feedback ILC for a Class of Nonminimum Phase Nonlinear Systems
with Input Saturation: An Additive-state-decomposition-based Method, Z-B.
Wei, Q. Quan, K-Y. Cai p. 502
- Corrections to "A Global High-Gain Finite-Time Observer", T. Menard, E.
Moulay, W. Perruquetti p. 509
- Correction to "Relative Observability of Discrete-Event Systems and Its
Supremal Sublanguages", K. Cai, R. Zhang, W. M. Wonham p. 511
1.4 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, eic-ieeetcst at units.it
Table of Contents
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Volume 25 (2017), Issue 1 (January)
T. Parisini, page 1
- State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on a Nonlinear
Fractional Model, B. Wang, Z. Liu, S. E. Li, S. J. Moura, and H. Peng, page
- Cooperative Look-Ahead Control for Fuel-Efficient and Safe Heavy-Duty
Vehicle Platooning, V. Turri, B. Besselink, and K. H. Johansson, page 12
- Receding Horizon Pseudospectral Control for Energy Maximization With
Application to Wave Energy Devices, R. Genest and J. V. Ringwood, page 29
- Near Contact Thermal Flying Height Control in Hard Disk Drives, L. M.
Matthes, B. E. Knigge, R. A. de Callafon, and F. E. Talke, page 39
- Load Management of Modular Battery Using Model Predictive Control:
Thermal and State-of-Charge Balancing, F. Altaf, B. Egardt, and L.
Johannesson Mårdh, page 47
- Broadband Low-Frequency Electroacoustic Absorbers Through Hybrid
Sensor-/Shunt-Based Impedance Control, E. Rivet, S. Karkar, and H. Lissek,
page 63
- Receding Horizon Adaptive Second-Order Sliding Mode Control for
Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based WindTurbine, C. A. Evangelista, A.
Pisano, P. Puleston, and E. Usai, page 73
- Terminal Impact Angle Constraint Guidance With Dual Sliding Surfaces and
Model-Free Target AccelerationEstimator, Z. Hou, L. Liu, Y. Wang, J. Huang,
and H. Fan, page 85
- On Orbital Stabilization for Industrial Manipulators: Case Study in
Evaluating Performances of Modified PD+ andInverse Dynamics Controllers, S.
S. Pchelkin, A. S. Shiriaev, A. Robertsson, L. B. Freidovich, S. A.
Kolyubin, L. V. Paramonov, and S. V. Gusev, page 101
- Distributed Reactive Power Sharing Control for Microgrids With
Event-Triggered Communication, Y. Fan, G. Hu, and M. Egerstedt, page 118
- Feedback Control for Transportation of Magnetic Fluids With Minimal
Dispersion: A First Step Toward TargetedMagnetic Drug Delivery, A.Komaee,
page 129
- Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Positioning Controllers With Parasitic
Thrust Reduction for an OveractuatedFloating Platform, A. Tsopelakos and E.
Papadopoulos, page 145
- Potential Canals for Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems in the
Absence of State Measurements, A. Komaee and P. I. Barton, page 161
- A Method for PLC Implementation of Supervisory Control of Discrete Event
Systems, A. D. Vieira, E. A. P. Santos, M. H. de Queiroz, A. B. Leal, A. D.
de Paula Neto, and J. E. R. Cury, page 175
- A Generalized Reduced-Complexity Inertial Navigation System for Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles, E. Fresk, G. Nikolakopoulos, and T. Gustafsson, page 192
- Performance Assessment of Cross-Directional Control for Paper Machines,
Q. Lu, M. G. Forbes, R. B. Gopaluni, P. D. Loewen, J. U. Backström, and G.
A. Dumont, page 208
- Intruder Isolation on a General Road Network Under Partial Information,
H. Chen, K. Kalyanam, W. Zhang, and D. Casbeer, page 222
- Nonlinear Analysis and Control of a Reaction-Wheel-Based 3-D Inverted
Pendulum, M. Muehlebach and R. D’Andrea, page 235
- Joint Measurement and Trajectory Recovery in Visible Light Communication,
D. Zheng, G. Chen, and J. A. Farrell, page 247
- Operation Status Prediction Based on Top Gas System Analysis for Blast
Furnace, L. Zhang, C. Hua, J. Li, and X. Guan, page 262
- Distributed Formation and Reconfiguration Control of VTOL UAVs, F. Liao,
R. Teo, J. L. Wang, X. Dong, F. Lin, and K. Peng, page 270
- Adaptive Admittance Control for Human–Robot Interaction Using Model
Reference Design and Adaptive InverseFiltering, I. Ranatunga, F. L. Lewis,
D. O. Popa, and S. M. Tousif, page 278
- Communication Relay for Multiground Units With Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Using Only Signal Strength and Angleof Arrival, A. Chamseddine, O. Akhrif,
G. Charland-Arcand, F. Gagnon, and D. Couillard, page 286
- Semiactive Inerter and Its Application in Adaptive Tuned Vibration
Absorbers, Y. Hu, M. Z. Q. Chen, S. Xu, and Y. Liu, page 294
- State-Space Modeling and Observer Design of Li-Ion Batteries Using
Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy System, M. F. Samadi and M. Saif, page 301
- Multi-aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Based on Probabilistic
Reach Sets, Y. Yang, J. Zhang, K.-Q. Cai, and M. Prandini, page 309
- Recursive Identification of Micropositioning Stage Based on Sandwich
Model With Hysteresis, R. Dong, Y. Tan, Y. Xie, and K. Janschek, page 317
- Observability Analysis and State Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries in
the Presence of Sensor Biases, S. Zhao, S. R. Duncan, and D. A. Howey, page
- Hierarchical Task-Based Control of Multirobot Systems With Terminal
Attractors, G. Arechavaleta, A. Morales-Díaz, H. M. Pérez-Villeda, and M.
Castelán, page 334
- Robustness of First- and Second-Order Consensus Algorithms for a Noisy
Scale-Free Small-World Koch Network, Y. Yi, Z. Zhang, L. Shan, and G. Chen,
page 342
- Control Design for Nonlinear Flexible Wings of a Robotic Aircraft, W. He
and S. Zhang, page 351
- Approximate Simulation Budget Allocation for Subset Ranking, J. Zhang, Z.
Li, C. Wang, D. Zang, and M. Zhou, page 358
- Autoregressive Dynamic Latent Variable Models for Process Monitoring, L.
Zhou, G. Li, Z. Song, and S. J. Qin, page 366
- A Multistate-Based Control System Approach Toward Optimal Maintenance
Planning, B. Wang, Z. Wu, and X. Xia, page 374
1.5 IEEE Control Systems Society Technically Cosponsored Conferences
Contributed by: Luca Zaccarian, CSS AE Conferences, zaccarian at laas.fr
The following conferences have been recently included in the list of events
technically cosponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society:
- 6th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2017). Batna,
Algeria. May 7 - May 9, 2017.
- 2017 Winter School on Intelligent Transportation, organized by Nanyang
Technical University and by the IEEE-CSS TC on Smart Cities. Jan 16 - Jan
20, 2017. Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore
- 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS’17).
Miami (FL), United States. Jun 13 - Jun 16, 2017.
- 6th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes
(AdCONIP 2017). Taipei, Taiwan. May 28 - May 31, 2017.
For a full listing of CSS technically cosponsored conferences, please visit
http://ieeecss.org/conferences/technically-cosponsored and for a list of
the upcoming and past CSS main conferences please visit
2.1. Winter School on Intelligent Transportation
Contributed by: Rong Su, rsu at ntu.edu.sg
The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at NTU, and the IEEE
Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Smart Cities are organising
the 2017 Winter School on Intelligent Transportation from Jan 16 to Jan 20,
2017 in Nanyang Executive Centre (NEC) on the campus of Nanyang
Technological University. It is technically co-sponsored by the Centre of
INFINITUS, the Smart Mobility Experience Lab (SMEL) at NTU, and the IEEE
Control Systems Society. We have the following confirmed speakers:
Keynote Speakers
Prof Anuradha Annaswamy (MIT)
Prof Christos Cassandras (Boston University)
Dr Kian Keong Chin (LTA)
Prof Justin Dauwels (NTU)
Prof Yong Liang Guan (NTU)
Dr Jaya Shankar P. (A*STAR I2R)
Dr Laura Wynter (IBM Singapore)
Prof Christos Cassandras (Boston University)
Prof Amro M. Farid (Dartmouth College)
Prof (Samual) Qing-Shan Jia (Tsinghua University)
Prof Cedric Langbort (UIUC)
Prof Jonas Martensson (KTH)
Mr Dario Menichetti (PTV Group)
Prof Shinji Hara (University of Tokyo)
Prof Rong Su (NTU)
Prof Ardalan Vahidi (Clemson University)
Prof Danwei Wang (NTU)
Prof Lihua Xie (NTU)
The winter school will provide an overview of the latest technical
progresses related to intelligent transportation via realistic case studies
delivered by well known scholars and practitioners, and present challenges
and opportunities for future research and applications.It will cover the
following topics:
Smart transportation - challenges and opportunities
Big data analytics and cognitive analytics
Modeling of multi-modal transportation electrification
Coordinated signal control and sensing
Road pricing for traffic equilibrium via games
Introduction to V2X applications and services
Introduction to simulation tools to plan a future city
Integration of electrical vehicles in microgrid
Moreover, it will provide an opportunity for all participants to gain
hand-on experiences via realistic projects in a hackathon, and a networking
opportunity to set up research collaborations with Singapore government
agencies such as SNPO, LTA, MOT, iDA, EDB, A*STAR, and local research
institutes and companies. We will issue a certificate to each participant
for the attendance of this event, and a prize of $300 plus a certificate
for the winner of the hackathon competition, which will be held on Jan. 20,
2017. The registration fee of 550 SGD for international participants will
cover the accommodation from Jan 15 to Jan 20, 2017, the reception and
farewell banquets, tea breaks and materials distributed in the winter
school. For domestic participants, the registration fee is 300 SGD, which
does not include the accommodation.
This winter school will coincide with the Smart Mobility Test Bed Industry
Partnership Showcase 2017, which will also be held at NEC on Jan. 18, 2017.
For registered international student participants, there will be up to 10
fellowships covering the airfare and accommodation (up to 1000 SGD), on a
competition basis. More details about this event, and how to register for
this event and apply for a fellowship can be found on the following winter
school webpage:
If you have any questions regarding this winter school, please do not
hesitate to contact me at rsu at ntu.edu.sg. We look forward to seeing you in
Singapore in January 2017.
Rong Su (NTU) and Karl Henrik Johansson (KTH)
Organizers of 2017 Winter School on Intelligent Transportation
2.2. International Graduate School on Control
Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue,
lamnabhi at l2s.centralesupelec.fr
2017 International Graduate School on Control
EECI-IGSC-2017: extension of EARLY REGISTRATION deadline to 6 January 2017
How to proceed? Connect to <www.eeci-igsc.eu/registration> and
==>> either pay 20€ online (Paypal or Bank transfer) (they will be deducted
from the registration fees)
==>> or SEND the Order Form - OR a commitment e-mail from your PhD
Advisor’s - to <admin-eeci at l2s.centralesupelec.fr> and REGISTER online by
ticking ‘Order Form’
Financial support will be awarded to few selected PhD or Master students.
Programme of the 2017 International Graduate School on Control
(co-sponsored by IFAC http://www.ifac-control.org/news):
Computational issues in nonlinear control
Arthur Krener, Naval Postgrad. School, Monterey, USA
Decentralized and distributed control
Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate, EPFL, Switzerland & Marcello Farina, Politecnico
di Milano, Italy
Model Predictive Control
Eduardo F. Camacho, University of Sevilla, Spain
Nonlinear control design via Lyapunov functions and positivity-based
Frédéric Mazenc, INRIA, Paris-Saclay, France
Modeling and control of distributed parameter systems: the Port Hamiltonian
Yann Le Gorrec, ENS2M, Besançon, France & Hans Zwart, University of Twente,
The Netherlands
Energy-based modeling and control of physical systems
Arjan van der Schaft, University of Groningen & Dimitri Jeltsema, TU Delft,
The Netherlands
Modern mathematical methods for nonlinear systems with constraints,
discontinuities, impacts...
Rafal K. Goebel, Loyola University Chicago, IL, USA
M08 – MADRAS(India)
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Frank Allgöwer & Matthias A. Müller, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Stability, control, and computation for time-delay systems
Wim Michiels, KU Leuven, Belgium & Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, CNRS,
Paris-Saclay, France
Hybrid feedback control systems: analysis and design
Ricardo G. Sanfelice, University of California at Santa Cruz, California,
M11 – PADOVA(Italy)
Local methods for nonlinear systems and control
Rodolphe Sepulchre & Fulvio Forni, University of Cambridge, UK
M12 – BERLIN(Germany)
Distributed coordination of multi-agent Systems
Wei Ren, University of California, Riverside, USA
Introduction to the control of Partial Differential Equations
Enrique Zuazua, DeustoTech-Bilbao and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
M14 – L’AQUILA(Italy)
Modeling, analysis and design of wireless sensor and actuator networks
Alessandro D'Innocenzo, University of L'Aquila & Carlo Fischione, KTH Royal
Inst. Tech., Sweden
M16 – GRENOBLE(France)
Adaptive control with applications to active noise and vibration control
Ioan D. Landau, CNRS GIPSA-LAB, Grenoble, France &Tudor-Bogdan Airimitoaie,
Univ. Bordeaux, France
LMIs for optimization and control
Didier Henrion CNRS LAAS, University of Toulouse, France
M18 – BERLIN(Germany)
Distributed computation and control
A. Stephen Morse, Yale University, USA
Deterministic networked control: new entropy and information concepts
Girish Nair, University of Melbourne, Australia & Christoph Kawan,
University of Passau, Germany
M20 – ISTANBUL(Turkey)
Practical adaptive control
Anurhanda Annaswamy, MIT, USA
Switched systems and control
Daniel M. Liberzon, University of Illinois, USA
Nonlinear observers: applications to aerial robotic systems
Robert Mahony, Jochen Trumpf, Australian Nat. Univ & Tarek Hamel, CNRS,
Sophia-Antipolis, France
Modern Sliding Mode Control
Leonid Fridman & Jaime A. Moreno Pérez
Contact: Janet Lucotte
admin-eeci at l2s.centralesupelec.fr
2.3. Guidance, Navigation, and Control Listserv
Contributed by: Tansel Yucelen, yucelen at usf.edu
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Listserv
Guidance, Navigation, and Control Listserv is a communication tool created
for researchers and educators in the Guidance, Navigation, and Control
field. Its purpose is to distribute Guidance, Navigation, and Control news
and announcements to subscribers on its server. Specifically, after
subscribing to this listserv, a subscriber can simply email to
gnc at listserv.usf.edu for distributing intended message, where all other
subscribed people will receive this message via email. Currently, this
listserv has about 1,600 subscribers.
To subscribe to the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Listserv, send an
email to listserv at listserv.usf.edu with no text on the subject line but
write "subscribe gnc" without quotation marks to the body of your email.
Once subscribed, simply email to gnc at listserv.usf.edu for distributing your
news and announcements. You will also start to receive most recent
Guidance, Navigation, and Control news and announcements after subscribing.
Asst. Professor Tansel Yucelen
Laboratory of Autonomy, Control, Information, and Systems (LACIS)
University of South Florida
3. Books
3.1. Controller Tuning with Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. A
Holistic Multiob- jective Optimization Design Procedure
Contributed by: Javier Sanchis, jsanchis at isa.upv.es
Book Title:
Controller Tuning with Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization. A Holistic
Multiobjective Optimization Design Procedure.
ISBN: 978-3-319-41299-3 (Print) 978-3-319-41301-3 (Online).
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41301-3.
Springer. 2017
Gilberto Reynoso-Meza. Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Parana.
Xavier Blasco Ferragud. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Valencia.
Javier Sanchis Saez. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Valencia. Spain.
Juan M. Herrero Durá. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Valencia. Spain.
This book is devoted to Multiobjective Optimization Design (MOOD)
procedures for controller tuning applications, by means of Evolutionary
Multiobjective Optimization (EMO). It presents developments in tools,
procedures and guidelines to facilitate this process, covering the three
fundamental steps in the procedure: problem definition, optimization and
decision-making. The book is divided into four parts. The first part,
Fundamentals, focuses on the necessary theoretical background and provides
specific tools for practitioners. The second part, Basics, examines a range
of basic examples regarding the MOOD procedure for controller tuning, while
the third part, Benchmarking, demonstrates how the MOOD procedure can be
employed in several control engineering problems. The fourth part,
Applications, is dedicated to implementing the MOOD procedure for
controller tuning in real processes.
3.2. L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control; Revised and
Enlarged Third Edition
Contributed by: Arjan van der Schaft, a.j.van.der.schaft at rug.nl
L2-Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control; Revised and Enlarged
Third Edition, Springer
ISBN 978-3-319-49991-8, p. xviii + 321
Arjan van der Schaft
The third edition of this book differs substantially from the second
edition that came more than fifteen years ago. Approximately one-third of
the book is new material, while existing parts have undergone major
rewritings and extensions. The spirit of the third edition has remained the
same: to provide a compact presentation of the basic ideas in the theory of
L2-gain and passivity of nonlinear systems, starting from a brief summary
of classical results on input-output maps, to a broad range of analysis and
control theories for nonlinear state space systems, regarded from the
unifying perspective of dissipative systems theory. A major change with
respect to the second edition is the splitting, as well as substantial
extension, of the old chapter on dissipative systems into three separate
chapters on dissipative systems theory, passive systems, and L2-gain
theory. Furthermore, the old chapter on port-Hamiltonian systems has been
reworked and extended into two chapters on port-Hamiltonian systems theory
and on control of port-Hamiltonian systems. Also, the theory of all-pass
factorizations has been augmented with a treatment of nonlinear state space
spectral factorization. Finally, the third edition reflects increased
attention towards network dynamics and large-scale systems, resulting in
new sections on network interconnection of passive and port-Hamiltonian
systems, and a network version of the small-gain theorem.
Table of Contents:
1 Nonlinear Input-Output Stability
2 Small-Gain and Passivity for I-O Maps
3 Dissipative Systems Theory
4 Passive State Space Systems
5 Passivity by Feedback
6 Port-Hamiltonian Systems
7 Control of Port-Hamiltonian Systems
8 L2-Gain and the Small-Gain Theorem
9 Factorizations of Nonlinear Systems
10 Nonlinear H∞ Control
11 Hamilton-Jacobi Inequalities
3.3. Cognitive Radio: Interoperability Through Waveform Reconfiguration
Contributed by: Mitch Kokar, m.kokar at neu.edu
Title: Cognitive Radio: Interoperability Through Waveform Reconfiguration
Authors: Leszek Lechowicz and Mieczyslaw M. Kokar
Publisher: Artech House
This book describes an approach to dealing with change of waveforms during
the operation of radios. In the scenario discussed in this book, one of the
radios has a formal specification and design of a waveform, while the other
radio has only some of the lower level software components that can be
aggregated into an executable waveform. Additionally, the first radio knows
the specifications of the behavior of the waveform encoded in a formal
language as finite state machines. After receiving the formal description
of the new waveform, the second radio auto-generates the waveform code and
the two radios continue to communicate using this waveform. The book
provides the description of how an experimental system was implemented
using three simple types of waveform – BPSK31, QPSK31 and RTTY. The
expected advantages of this approach are envisioned due to the replacement
of (expensive) code development by automatic generation of code from formal
specifications, as well as in a rapid implementation of new waveforms in
situations when a replacement of the current waveform can lead to either a
more efficient communication or to a more secure communication link.
4. Journals
4.1. Contents: Automatica
Contributed by: Elisa Capello, elisa.capello at polito.it
Table of Contents
Vol. 75, January 2017
Survey Paper
- Emanuele Garone, Stefano Di Cairano, Ilya Kolmanovsky, Reference and
command governors for systems with constraints: A survey on theory and
applications, Pages 306-328
Regular Papers
- Marko Tanaskovic, Lorenzo Fagiano, Carlo Novara, Manfred Morari,
Data-driven control of nonlinear systems: An on-line direct approach, Pages
- Nima Monshizadeh, Claudio De Persis, Agreeing in networks: Unmatched
disturbances, algebraic constraints and optimality, Pages 63-74
- Pedro O. Pereira, Rita Cunha, David Cabecinhas, Carlos Silvestre, Paulo
Oliveira, Leader following trajectory planning: A trailer-like approach,
Pages 77-87
- Mahmoud Abdelrahim, Romain Postoyan, Jamal Daafouz, Dragan Nešić, Robust
event-triggered output feedback controllers for nonlinear systems, Pages
- Huiping Li, Weisheng Yan, Yang Shi, Continuous-time model predictive
control of under-actuated spacecraft with bounded control torques, Pages
- Vinicius Mariano Gonçalves, Carlos Andrey Maia, Laurent Hardouin, On
max-plus linear dynamical system theory: The regulation problem, Pages
- Xiaojing Zhang, Maryam Kamgarpour, Angelos Georghiou, Paul Goulart, John
Lygeros, Robust optimal control with adjustable uncertainty sets, Pages
- Duo Han, Junfeng Wu, Huanshui Zhang, Ling Shi, Optimal sensor scheduling
for multiple linear dynamical systems, Pages 260-270
- Pedro O. Pereira, Dimos V. Dimarogonas, Family of controllers for
attitude synchronization on the sphere, Pages 271-281
Brief Papers
- Lei Wang, Daniele Astolfi, Lorenzo Marconi, Hongye Su, High-gain
observers with limited gain power for systems with observability canonical
form, Pages 16-23
- Pantelis Sopasakis, Haralambos Sarimveis, Stabilising model predictive
control for discrete-time fractional-order systems, Pages 24-31
- Giorgio Valmorbida, James Anderson, Region of attraction estimation using
invariant sets and rational Lyapunov functions, Pages 37-45
- Lionel Magnis, Nicolas Petit, Angular velocity nonlinear observer from
vector measurements, Pages 46-53
- Joachim Deutscher, Finite-time output regulation for linear 2×2
hyperbolic systems using backstepping, Pages 54-62
- Somayeh Bahrami, Mehrzad Namvar, Global attitude estimation using single
delayed vector measurement and biased gyro, Pages 88-95
- Wen Yang, Chao Yang, Hongbo Shi, Ling Shi, Guanrong Chen, Stochastic link
activation for distributed filtering under sensor power constraint, Pages
- Alexey S. Matveev, Kirill S. Ovchinnikov, Andrey V. Savkin, A method of
reactive 3D navigation for a tight surface scan by a nonholonomic mobile
robot, Pages 119-126
- Yanjun Shen, Daoyuan Zhang, Xiaohua Xia, Continuous observer design for a
class of multi-output nonlinear systems with multi-rate sampled and delayed
output measurements, Pages 127-132
- Michael Malisoff, Robert Sizemore, Fumin Zhang, Adaptive planar curve
tracking control and robustness analysis under state constraints and
unknown curvature, Pages 133-143
- Yu Zhao, Yongfang Liu, Zhongkui Li, Zhisheng Duan, Distributed average
tracking for multiple signals generated by linear dynamical systems: An
edge-based framework, Pages 158-166
- Deyuan Meng, Kevin L. Moore, Robust cooperative learning control for
directed networks with nonlinear dynamics, Pages 172-181
- Raheleh Nazari, Maria M. Seron, José A. De Doná, Actuator fault tolerant
control of systems with polytopic uncertainties using set-based diagnosis
and virtual-actuator-based reconfiguration, Pages 182-190
- Jan Goos, John Lataire, Ebrahim Louarroudi, Rik Pintelon, Frequency
domain weighted nonlinear least squares estimation of parameter-varying
differential equations, Pages 191-199
- Yueqiao Han, Yonggui Kao, Cunchen Gao, Robust sliding mode control for
uncertain discrete singular systems with time-varying delays and external
disturbances, Pages 210-216
- Yuanqing Wu, Xiangyu Meng, Lihua Xie, Renquan Lu, Hongye Su, Zheng-Guang
Wu, An input-based triggering approach to leader-following problems, Pages
- Yuri B. Shtessel, Jaime A. Moreno, Leonid M. Fridman, Twisting sliding
mode control with adaptation: Lyapunov design, methodology and application,
Pages 229-235
- S. Emre Tuna, Synchronization of harmonic oscillators under restorative
coupling with applications in electrical networks, Pages 236-243
- Giacomo Canciello, Alberto Cavallo, Selective modal control for vibration
reduction in flexible structures, Pages 282-287
- Mazen Alamir, Contraction-based nonlinear model predictive control
formulation without stability-related terminal constraints, Pages 288-292
- Wenying Hou, Minyue Fu, Huanshui Zhang, Zongze Wu, Consensus conditions
for general second-order multi-agent systems with communication delay,
Pages 293-298
- He Cai, Frank L. Lewis, Guoqiang Hu, Jie Huang, The adaptive distributed
observer approach to the cooperative output regulation of linear
multi-agent systems, Pages 299-305
Technical Communiques
- Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, Shengyuan Xu, Relaxed conditions for stability of
time-varying delay systems, Pages 11-15
- Saša V. Raković, The Minkowski–Lyapunov equation, Pages 32-36
- Shigeru Hanba, Existence of an observation window of finite width for
continuous-time autonomous nonlinear systems, Pages 154-157
- Miguel Galrinho, Niklas Everitt, Håkan Hjalmarsson, ARX modeling of
unstable linear systems, Pages 167-171
- Guobin Chang, Tianhe Xu, Qianxin Wang, Error analysis of Davenport’s q
method, Pages 217-220
- Kiyoshi Nishiyama, H_\infty optimality and a posteriori output estimate
of the forgetting factor NLMS algorithm, Pages 244-248
Correspondence Items
- Haichao Gui, George Vukovich, Comments on “Finite-time consensus and
collision avoidance control algorithms for multiple AUVs” [Automatica 49
(2013) 3359–3367], Pages 75-76
- Xunlin Zhu, Hanyong Shao, Xiangpeng Xie, Comments on “Stability analysis
of uncertain sampled-data systems with incremental delay using
looped-functionals [Automatica 55 (2015) 274–278]”, Pages 200-201
- Omar Naifar, Abdellatif Ben Makhlouf, Mohamed Ali Hammami, Comments on
“Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional order nonlinear dynamic systems
[Automatica 45(8) (2009) 1965–1969]”, Page 329
- Yan Li, YangQuan Chen, Igor Podlubny, Reply to “Comments on
‘Mittag-Leffler stability of fractional order nonlinear dynamic systems’
[Automatica 45(8) (2009) 1965–1969]”, Page 330
4.2. Contents: Journal of Modern Technology and Engineering
Contributed by: JMTE, jomardpublishing at gmail.com
Journal of Modern Technology and Engineering V1 N1, 2016
ISSN 2519-4836,
- Z.N. Milovanovic, S.D. Milovanovic (pp.1-18), Hybrid Systems Based on the
Solar and Wind Potential in the Banja Luka Region
- A.B. Hasanov (pp.19-29), Distribution of Non-Stationary Viscoelastic
Waves to Porous Environments
- E. Nuri, F. Nuriyeva, E. Nasiboglu (pp.30-38), A Fuzzy Model of the
Problem of Optimal Placement and Integration of Offshore Oil and Gas
- A. Ghuseynov (pp.39-43), Informing Knowledge Control of Computing Design
of Flexible Manufacturing System
- G.A. Rustamov, U.Kh. Agayev, A.T. Mammadova (pp.44-51), Computer
Technologies of Design of the Phase Portraits of Dynamic Systems
- K. Pattabiraman, P. Kandan (pp.52-56), On the Fifth Atom-Bond
Connectivity Index of Armchair Polyhex Nanotube
4.3. Contents: Information and Inference
Contributed by: Katy Roberts, kathryn.roberts at oup.com
Contents, Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA, 5 (4)
Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
This issue is available at http://bit.ly/2gABv91
- Total variation regularization on Riemannian manifolds by iteratively
reweighted minimization, Philipp Grohs and Markus Sprecher,
- On the optimality of averaging in distributed statistical learning,
Jonathan D. Rosenblatt and Boaz Nadler, http://bit.ly/2h0hmdf
- Stable low-rank matrix recovery via null space properties, Maryia
Kabanava, Richard Kueng, Holger Rauhut, and Ulrich Terstiege,
4.4. Contents: Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems
Contributed by: Lars Gruene, lars.gruene at uni-bayreuth.de
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)
Volume 28, Number 3 and 4
- Adaptive stabilization of a class of time-varying systems with an
uncertain delay, Darrell L. Gaudette, Daniel E. Miller, 39 pages
- iISS and ISS dissipation inequalities: preservation and interconnection
by scaling, Hiroshi Ito, Christopher M. Kellett, 36 pages
- Robust stabilization of discrete-time periodic linear systems for
tracking and disturbance rejection, H. Bourlès, U. Oberst, 34 pages
- Decentralized optimality conditions of stochastic differential decision
problems via Girsanov’s measure transformation, Charalambos D.
Charalambous, 55 pages
- Replicator dynamics under perturbations and time delays, Germán Obando,
Jorge I. Poveda, Nicanor Quijano, 32 pages
- Global Carleman estimates for linear stochastic Kawahara equation and
their applications, Peng Gao, 22 pages
- Well-posedness and exact controllability of fourth-order Schrödinger
equation with hinged boundary control and collocated observation, Ruili
Wen, Shugen Chai, Bao-Zhu Guo, 28 pages
- Sequential decision aggregation with social pressure, Wenjun Mei,
Francesco Bullo, 27 pages
- Approximate local output regulation for nonlinear distributed parameter
systems, Vivek Natarajan, Joseph Bentsman, 44 pages
- Duality of switched DAEs, Ferdinand Küsters, Stephan Trenn, 35 pages
- Stochastic differential equations with variable structure driven by
multiplicative Gaussian noise and sliding mode dynamic, Viorel Barbu,
Stefano Bonaccorsi, Luciano Tubaro, 28 pages
- A contact covariant approach to optimal control with applications to
sub-Riemannian geometry, Michał Jóźwikowski, Witold Respondek, 47 pages
- Flatness for a strongly degenerate 1-D parabolic equation, Iván Moyano,
22 pages
- Locally convex topologies and control theory, Saber Jafarpour, Andrew D.
Lewis, 46 pages
4.5. Contents: Asian Journal of Control
Contributed by: Lichen Fu, lichen at ntu.edu.tw
Asian Journal of Control
Vol.18, No.6 November, 2016
[Invited Paper]
1. Paper Title: Multi-Objective Cost-Detectability in Unfalsified Adaptive
Control (pages 1959–1968)
Authors: Kiran S. Sajjanshetty and Michael G. Safonov
[Regular Paper]
1. Paper Title: Time Averaging Algorithms with Stopping Rules for
Multi-Agent Consensus with Noisy Measurements (pages 1969–1982)
Authors: R. Morita, T. Wada, I. Masubuchi, T. Asai and Y. Fujisaki
2. Paper Title: An Algorithm for Accurate Distributed Time Synchronization
in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks from Noisy Difference Measurements
(pages 1983–1994)
Authors: Chenda Liao and Prabir Barooah
3. Paper Title: Output-Feedback Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Single-Phase
Half-Bridge Ups Systems (pages 1995–2009)
Authors: M. Kissaoui, A. Abouloifa, Y. Abouelmahjoub, F. Z. Chaoui and F.
4. Paper Title: On an Optimized Fuzzy Supervized Multiphase Guidance Law
(pages 2010–2017)
Authors: Mohsen Rezaee and Saeed Seyedtabaii
5. Paper Title: Graph-Based Dwell Time Computation Methods for
Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems (pages 2018–2026)
Authors: Ferruh İlhan and Özkan Karabacak
6. Paper Title: STP Approach to Model Controlled Automata with Application
to Reachability Analysis of DEDS (pages 2027–2036)
Authors: Yongyi Yan, Zengqiang Chen, Jumei Yue and Zhumu Fu
7. Paper Title: Decentralized Observer Design for a Class of Nonlinear
Uncertain Large Scale Systems with Lumped Perturbations (pages 2037–2046)
Author: Wen-Jeng Liu
8. Paper Title: Boundary and Distributed Control for a Nonlinear
Three-Dimensional Euler-Bernoulli Beam Based On Infinite Dimensional
Disturbance Observer (pages 2047–2063)
Authors: Tingting Jiang, Jinkun Liu and Wei He
9. Paper Title: Embedded MPC Controller Based on Interior-Point Method with
Convergence Depth Control (pages 2064–2077)
Authors: Yi Ding, Zuhua Xu, Jun Zhao, Kexin Wang and Zhijiang Shao
10. Paper Title: Cooperative Tasking for Deterministic Specification
Automata (pages 2078–2087)
Authors: Mohammad Karimadini, Hai Lin and Ali Karimoddini
11. Paper Title: Dynamic Output-Feedback Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems with
Input Time-Varying Delay (pages 2088–2099)
Authors: Ziye Zhang, Chong Lin and Bing Chen
12. Paper Title: Adaptive Friction Compensation: Modular Design with
Passive Identifier (pages 2100–2108)
Authors: Reza Dadkhah Tehrani and Alireza Khayatian
13. Paper Title: H∞ Non-Fragile Synchronous Guaranteed Control of
Uncertainty Complex Dynamic Network with Time-Varying Delay (pages
Authors: Yi-ping Luo, Fei Deng, Bi-feng Zhou, Xin Luo and Huan Liu
14. Paper Title: Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles for
Improved Fuel Economy (pages 2122–2135)
Authors: K. Yu, X. Tan, H. Yang, W. Liu, L. Cui and Q. Liang
15. Paper Title: NN-Based Output-Feedback Control for Stochastic Nonlinear
Systems with Unknown Control Directions (pages 2136–2145)
Authors: Hui-Fang Min and Na Duan
16. Paper Title: Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problem for Partially
Observed Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations of Mean-Field
Type (pages 2146–2157)
Authors: Heping Ma and Bin Liu
17. Paper Title: New Stabilization of Continuous-Time Delayed Systems Based
on Partially Delay-Dependent Controllers (pages 2158–2171)
Authors: Guoliang Wang and Li Liu
18. Paper Title: Hierarchical Control of Linear Systems from the
Abstraction Feedback Gain (pages 2172–2179)
Authors: Yang Kaihong and Ji Haibo
19. Paper Title: Robust H∞ Filtering and Deconvolution for Continuous Time
Delay Systems Based on Game-Theoretic Approach (pages 2180–2192)
Authors: Fuqiang You, Hui Li, Fuli Wang and Shouping Guan
20. Paper Title: Fault Detection Based On Online Probability Density
Function Estimation (pages 2193–2202)
Authors: Majid Ghaniee Zarch, Yousef Alipouri and Javad Poshtan
21. Paper Title: All-Stabilizing Proportional Controllers for First-Order
Bi-Proper Systems with Time Delay: An Analytical Derivation (pages
Authors: Baris Samim Nesimioglu and Mehmet Turan Soylemez
22. Paper Title: Experimental Implementation of New Sliding Mode Control
Law applied To a DC–DC Boost Converter (pages 2221–2233)
Authors: Yosra Massaoudi, Elleuch Dorsaf, Jean-Paul Gaubert, Driss Mehdi
and Tarak Damak
23. Paper Title: Control of Julia Sets in Generalized Alternated System
(pages 2234–2243)
Authors: Pei Wang and Shutang Liu
24. Paper Title: Finite-Time Stabilization of Stochastic High-Order
Nonlinear Systems (pages 2244–2255)
Authors: Xing-Hui Zhang, Kemei Zhang and Xue-Jun Xie
25. Paper Title: Fault-Tolerant Control for Flutter of Airfoil Subject to
Input Saturation (pages 2256–2262)
Authors: Mengxiang Luo, Mingzhou Gao and Guoping Cai
26. Paper Title: Trajectory Tracking Control of XY Table Using Sliding Mode
Adaptive Control Based on Fast Double Power Reaching Law (pages 2263–2271)
Authors: Haoping Wang, Xuankai Zhao and Yang Tian
27. Paper Title: An Efficient Numerical Solution of Fractional Optimal
Control Problems by using the Ritz Method and Bernstein Operational Matrix
(pages 2272–2282)
Authors: Ali Nemati, Sohrabali Yousefi, Fahimeh Soltanian and J.Saffar
28. Paper Title: Biologically Inspired Control Of A Fleet Of Uavs With
Threat Evasion Strategy (pages 2283–2300)
Authors: Sami El Ferik and Olapido Raphael Thompson
29. Paper Title: Augmented Lagrangian Pattern Search Based Multi-Agent
Model Predictive Control of Rhine-Meuse Delta (pages 2301–2309)
Authors: Narjes Sharafi and Ali Akbar Safavi
[Brief Paper]
1. Paper Title: Input/Output Decoupling of Square Linear Systems by Dynamic
Two-Parameter Stabilizing Control (pages 2310–2316)
Author: René Galindo
2. Paper Title: Robust Finite-Time Control for Linear Time-Varying Delay
Systems With Bounded Control (pages 2317–2324)
Authors: P. Niamsup and V. N. Phat
3. Paper Title: Robust Repetitive Control and Disturbance Rejection Based
on Two-Dimensional Model and Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach (pages
Authors: Pan Yu, Min Wu, Jinhua She and Qi Lei
4. Paper Title: GM-PHD Filter with State-Dependent Clutter (pages 2336–2342)
Authors: Jinguang Chen, Xiaoshan Qin, Lili Ma, Bugao Xu and Xinjuan Zhu
5. Paper Title: Adaptive Mittag-Leffler Stabilization of a Class of
Fractional Order Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (pages 2343–2351)
Authors: Qiao Wang, Jianliang Zhang, Dongsheng Ding and Donglian Qi
6. Paper Title: Finite-Time Stabilization of a Class of Cascade Nonlinear
Switched Systems (pages 2352–2357)
Authors: Qingyu Su, Xiaolong Jia and Honghai Liu
7. Paper Title: Eso-Based Adaptive Robust Control of Dual Motor Driving
Servo System (pages 2358–2365)
Authors: Xuemei Ren, Dongwu Li, Guofa Sun and Wei Zhao
4.6. Contents: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Martin Böck, cep at acin.tuwien.ac.at
Control Engineering Practice
Volume 58
January 2017
- H. Lhachemi, D. Saussié, G. Zhu, Explicit hidden coupling terms handling
in gain-scheduling control design via eigenstructure assignment,Pages 1-11
- Susanne Rösch, Birgit Vogel-Heuser, A Light-Weight Fault Injection
Approach to Test Automated Production System PLC Software in Industrial
Practice,Pages 12-23
Junchen Jin, Xiaoliang Ma, Iisakki Kosonen, An intelligent control system
for traffic lights with simulation-based evaluation,Pages 24-33
- Chudong Tong, Ting Lan, Xuhua Shi, Ensemble modified independent
component analysis for enhanced non-Gaussian process monitoring,Pages 34-41
- Matheus Cammarosano Hidalgo, Claudio Garcia, Friction compensation in
control valves: Nonlinear control and usual approaches,Pages 42-53
- Yong-fang Xie, Shi-wen Xie, Yong-gang Li, Chun-hua Yang, Wei-hua Gui,
Dynamic modeling and optimal control of goethite process based on the
rate-controlling step,Pages 54-65
- Pichet Suebsaiprom, Chun-Liang Lin, Anumat Engkaninan, Undulatory
locomotion and effective propulsion for fish-inspired robot,Pages 66-77
- Tousif Khan Nizami, Arghya Chakravarty, Chitralekha Mahanta, Design and
implementation of a neuro-adaptive backstepping controller for buck
converter fed PMDC-motor,Pages 78-87
- Skander Taamallah, Xavier Bombois, Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Trajectory
planning and trajectory tracking for a small-scale helicopter in
autorotation,Pages 88-106
- Sandro Nüesch, Anna G. Stefanopoulou, Multimode combustion in a mild
hybrid electric vehicle. Part 2: Three-way catalyst considerations,Pages
- Leszek Jarzebowicz, Krzysztof Karwowski, Wlodek J. Kulesza, Sensorless
algorithm for sustaining controllability of IPMSM drive in electric vehicle
after resolver fault,Pages 117-126
- Huirong Zhao, Jiong Shen, Yiguo Li, Joseph Bentsman, Coal-fired utility
boiler modelling for advanced economical low-NOx combustion controller
design,Pages 127-141
- Hao Liu, Danjun Li, Zongyu Zuo, Yisheng Zhong, Robust attitude control
for quadrotors with input time delays,Pages 142-149
- Nima Mahdian Dehkordi, Nasser Sadati, Mohsen Hamzeh, A backstepping
high-order sliding mode voltage control strategy for an islanded microgrid
with harmonic/interharmonic loads,Pages 150-160
- Georg Stettinger, Martin Benedikt, Martin Horn, Josef Zehetner, Clenn
Giebenhain, Control of a magnetic levitation system with communication
imperfections: A model-based coupling approach,Pages 161-170
- René D.O. Pereira, Massimiliano Veronesi, Antonio Visioli, Julio E.
Normey-Rico, Bismark C. Torrico, Implementation and test of a new
autotuning method for PID controllers of TITO processes,Pages 171-185
- M.L. Corradini, G. Ippoliti, G. Orlando, An observer-based blade-pitch
controller of wind turbines in high wind speeds,Pages 186-192
- I. Salgado, D. Cruz-Ortiz, O. Camacho, I. Chairez, Output feedback
control of a skid-steered mobile robot based on the super-twisting
algorithm,Pages 193-203
- Haitao Li, Xin Ning, Bangcheng Han, Speed tracking control for the gimbal
system with harmonic drive,Pages 204-213
- Joni Backas, Reza Ghabcheloo, Kalevi Huhtala, Gain scheduled state
feedback velocity control of hydrostatic drive transmissions,Pages 214-224
- Wen-hua Ding, Hua Deng, Yi-min Xia, Xiao-gang Duan, Tracking control of
electro-hydraulic servo multi-closed-chain mechanisms with the use of an
approximate nonlinear internal model,Pages 225-241
- Ning Sun, Yongchun Fang, He Chen, Tracking control for
magnetic-suspension systems with online unknown mass identification,Pages
- Marcos Quiñones-Grueiro, Cristina Verde, Comments on the applicability of
“An improved weighted recursive PCA algorithm for adaptive fault
detection”,Pages 254-255
- Ivan Portnoy, Kevin Melendez, Horacio Pinzon, Marco Sanjuan, Response to
comments on the applicability of the WARP algorithm and a formal prove of
the complexity reduction it achieves,Pages 256-259
- J. Geoffrey Chase, Balazs Benyo, Ali Cinar, Thomas Desaive, Steffen
Leonhardt, Marcos Tsuzuki, Editorial,Pages 260-261
- Bernhard Laufer, Paul D. Docherty, Andreas Knörzer, Yeong Shiong Chiew,
Ruby Langdon, Knut Möller, J. Geoffrey Chase, Performance of variations of
the dynamic elastance model in lung mechanics,Pages 262-267
- Ari Pritchard-Bell, Gilles Clermont, Timothy D. Knab, John Maalouf,
Michael Vilkhovoy, Robert S. Parker, Modeling glucose and subcutaneous
insulin dynamics in critical care,Pages 268-275
- Olavo Luppi Silva, Raul Gonzalez Lima, Thiago Castro Martins, Fernando
Silva de Moura, Renato Seiji Tavares, Marcos Sales Guerra Tsuzuki,
Influence of current injection pattern and electric potential measurement
strategies in electrical impedance tomography,Pages 276-286
- Geoffrey W. Rodgers, Roger Welsh, Laura J. King, Anthony J. FitzPatrick,
Tim. B.F. Woodfield, Gary J. Hooper, Signal processing and event detection
of hip implant acoustic emissions,Pages 287-297
- Berno J.E. Misgeld, Matthias Kramer, Steffen Leonhardt, Multivariable
friction compensation control for a variable stiffness actuator,Pages
- Wilian M. dos Santos, Glauco A.P. Caurin, Adriano A.G. Siqueira, Design
and control of an active knee orthosis driven by a rotary Series Elastic
Actuator,Pages 307-318
- Nicholas Kirsch, Naji Alibeji, Nitin Sharma, Nonlinear model predictive
control of functional electrical stimulation,Pages 319-331
- Dimitri Boiroux, Anne Katrine Duun-Henriksen, Signe Schmidt, Kirsten
Nørgaard, Niels Kjølstad Poulsen, Henrik Madsen, John Bagterp Jørgensen,
Adaptive control in an artificial pancreas for people with type 1
diabetes,Pages 332-342
- Filipa N. Nogueira, Teresa Mendonça, Paula Rocha, Nonlinear controller
for bispectral index tracking: Robustness and on-line retuning,Pages 343-353
4.7. Contents: Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
Contributed by: PIAM, proceedings.iam at gmail.com
Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.5, N.2, 2016
ISSN 2225-0530,
- Algorithm to solution of the optimal control problem with three point
boundary conditions having non separablity inside and end of the interval
with applications to the oil extraction by gaslift method, N.I.Velieva,
M.M. Mutallimov, Sh. A. Faradjova.
- The finiteness of the number of eigenvalues of an hamiltonian in fock
space, T. H. Rasulov.
- Spectral problems for regular canonical dirac systems, E. S. Panakhov, M.
- A numerical solution of the modified burgers equation using linearized
finite difference methods, Y. Ucar, N. M. Yagmurlu, S. Gulbahar, E. G. Kose.
- Holder continuity of the solutions of p-Laplacian that degenerates in the
part of the domain with Makhenhaupt weight, S.T. Huseynov.
- The Triple Lacunary statistical convergence on Г over p-metric spaces
defined by Orlicz function, Deepmala, N. Subramanian , L. N. Mishra.
- Analysis of the industrial production of Azerbaijan and its econometric
model, E.R. Shafizade.
- Algorithm to solution of identification problem to determine the
parameters of discrete dynamic systems, N.S. Hajieva, A.A. Namazov, I.M.
Askerov, I.A. Maharramov.
4.8. CFP: Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Contributed by: Tushar Jain, tushar at iitmandi.ac.in
CFP: Special Issue on System Modeling, Control, and Diagnosis for Energy
Efficiency in Buildings, Journal of Control Science and Engineering
Energy utilization in buildings relies on numerous factors, such as
building structure, energy management systems design, and effective control
and maintenance under the varying thermal or cooling load. Their
heterogeneous operational characteristics contribute to serious
environmental and economic problems due to excessive consumption of energy
and other resources.
Consequently, there is a growing interest in high performance buildings
where the underlying concept of performance incorporates energy efficiency,
thermal performance, and healthy indoor environment.
Achieving this high performance objective is mainly dependent on enhanced
control strategies and the continuous commissioning of the building
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems under the
constraints of economically managing the energy flows within the building
to meet the needs of the occupants. The related challenges encompass
describing the complex nonlinear dynamics of the building, deriving
mathematical models for control, and deploying different control strategies
for different weather conditions and occupancy profile.
Even when the building automation system or when advanced controllers are
applied to enhance system efficiency, faults can occur during installation,
routine operations, or scheduled preventive maintenances, resulting in
excessive energy waste. This calls for more sophisticated and tailored
algorithms for analysis and control, yielding energy efficient solutions
for smart buildings.
The purpose of this special issue is primarily to publish high quality
research papers as well as review articles on recent advances on operating
buildings in an energy efficient way through building and HVAC modeling,
diagnostics, and controls. Original contributions that are not yet
published or that are not currently under review in other journals or
peer-reviewed conferences are invited, in particular, manuscripts
containing novel ideas and algorithms with practical/experimental
Potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Monozone/multizone modeling approaches and HVAC components modeling
Building simulation tools and platforms
Optimal supervisory control and model-based predictive control for building
Energy-optimal control for space-conditioning systems
Fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC and building systems
Fault-tolerant control of HVAC systems
Continuous commissioning
Whole-building optimization
Green energy rating systems in buildings
Economic performance analysis of the building
Authors can submit their manuscripts through the Manuscript Tracking System
at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/jcse/smcd/.
Manuscript Due Friday, 17 March 2017
First Round of Reviews Friday, 9 June 2017
Publication Date Friday, 4 August 2017
Lead Guest Editor:
Tushar Jain, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Guest Editors:
Joseph J. Yame, University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
Alessandro Beghi, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Du Zhimin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
4.9. CFP: Control Engineering Practice
Contributed by: Fan Yang, yangfan at tsinghua.edu.cn
CFP: Control Engineering Practice
Call for Papers to Special Issue on Advanced Alarm Monitoring for Complex
Industrial Facilities
Alarm systems play critically important roles for safety and efficiency of
modern industrial plants such as oil refineries, petrochemical facilities,
mineral processes, pulp-paper and power plants. However, in industrial
practice many existing alarm systems are associated with poor performance,
with the most common observation being that "there are far too many alarms
to be handled by industrial plant operators". Driven by the big gap between
poor performance of industrial alarm systems and their importance for
operational safety and efficiency, alarm systems have received increasing
attentions recently from both academic and industrial communities. Many new
technologies for alarm systems have been emerging in recent several years,
but certainly there are far more problems to be solved in order to fill the
big gap mentioned above. These emerging techniques are interdisciplinary,
involving knowledge from process operation, statistics, signal processing,
human factors engineering and other areas. In addition, it has become
apparent that the concepts and related unsolved problems for alarm systems
are very unique, for example, the detection and removal of nuisance alarms
including chattering alarms, oscillatory alarms, and long-standing alarms,
the assignment of dynamic alarm priorities and the analysis and prediction
of alarm floods. These problems are very different from relatively
well-developed techniques in related areas such as fault detection and
diagnosis, and process controller design, even though these areas are
closely interrelated to some extent. Therefore, a special issue on Advanced
Alarm Monitoring for Complex Industrial Facilities is proposed, in order to
present some new techniques for alarm systems, and attract more academic
researchers and industrial practitioners into working and shaping this
fascinating and important area.
Guest Editors:
Jiandong Wang, Peking University, China, jiandong at pku.edu.cn
Fan Yang, Tsinghua University, China, yangfan at mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Tongwen Chen, University of Alberta, Canada, tchen at ualberta.ca
Sirish L. Shah, University of Alberta, Canada, sirish.shah at ualberta.ca
Chris Aldrich, Curtin University, Perth, Australia,
chris.aldrich at curtin.edu.au
Submission deadline: 1 Mar 2017
Final acceptance notification: 1 Oct 2017
Learn more about this topic at
5. Conferences
5.1. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Contributed by: Youmin Zhang, Youmin.Zhang at concordia.ca
Call-for-Papers: 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems
(ICUAS'17) (http://www.uasconferences.com)
On behalf of the ICUAS'17 Organizing Committee, this is to invite you to
submit your contributions to the 2017 International Conference on Unmanned
Aircraft Systems, ICUAS'17, http://www.uasconferences.com, to be held on
June 13-16, 2017 in the luxurious Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay, Miami, FL,
The conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE CSS and RAS, and several other
The ICUAS'17 will be started on June 13 with a Workshop/Tutorial day,
followed by a three-day technical Conference on June 14-16. Judging from
the interest ICUAS has drawn over the past eight years and its growth,
ICUAS’17 is again expected to continue on this path and attract the highest
number of participants from academia, industry, federal and state agencies,
government, the private sector, users, practitioners and engineers who wish
to be affiliated with and contribute technically to this highly demanding
and rapidly evolving and expanding field. Details may be found at
http://www.uasconferences.com and related links. ICUAS’17 is fully
sponsored by the ICUAS Association, a non-profit organization; Information
about the organization may be found at www.icuas.com.
The theme of ICUAS’17 will focus on the very challenging and timely topic
of ‘networked unmanned systems’. National and international organizations,
agencies, industry, military and civilian authorities are working towards
defining roadmaps of UAS expectations, technical requirements and standards
that are prerequisite to their full utilization, as well as legal, policy
and ethical issues. The next generation of UAS is expected to be used for a
wide spectrum of civilian and public domain applications. Challenges to be
faced and overcome include, among others, see-and-avoid systems, robust and
fault-tolerant flight control systems, payloads, communications, levels of
autonomy, manned-unmanned swarms, network-controlled swarms, as well as
challenges related to policies, procedures, regulations, safety, risk
analysis assessment, airworthiness, certification issues, operational
constraints, standardization and frequency management, all of paramount
importance, which, coupled with ‘smart’, ‘environmentally friendly’,
"reliable" cutting edge technologies will pave the way towards full
integration of UAS with manned aviation and into the respective national
ICUAS’17 aims at bringing together different groups of qualified military
and civilian representatives worldwide, organization representatives,
funding agencies, industry and academia, to discuss the current state of
UAS advances, and the roadmap to their full utilization in civilian and
public domains. Special emphasis will be given to current and future
research opportunities, and to ‘what comes next’ in terms of the essential
technologies that need to be utilized to advance further UAS.
Conference topics include (but not limited to): Airspace Control;
Integration; See-and-Avoid Systems; Airspace Management; Interoperability;
Security; Airworthiness; Levels of Safety; Sensor Fusion; Air Vehicle
Operations; Manned/Unmanned Aviation; Simulation; Autonomy; Micro- and
Mini- UAS; Smart Sensors; Biologically Inspired UAS; Navigation;
Standardization; Certification; Networked Swarms; Swarms; Control
Architectures; Payloads; Technology Challenges; Energy Efficient UAS; Path
Planning; Training; Environmental Issues; Regulations; UAS Applications;
Fail-Safe Systems; Reliability of UAS; UAS Communications; Frequency
Management; Risk Analysis; UAS Testbeds.
Unmanned system collaboration and coordination, cooperative/formation
control, validation and verification and unmanned system design for assured
autonomy, are topics of great interest to ICUAS’17.
Through Keynote addresses, round table panel discussions and presentations,
it is expected that the outcome of the Conference will be a clear
understanding of what industry, military, civilian, national/international
authorities need, and what are the crucial next steps that need to be
completed before UAS are utilized in everyday life applications.
Important Dates: (Please check the latest information at
February 12, 2017: Full Papers/Invited Papers/Tutorial Proposals Due
April 14, 2017: Acceptance/Rejection Notification
May 5, 2017: Upload Final, Camera Ready Papers
April 14 – May 5, 2017: Early Registration
Paper Submission:
All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go to
https://contols.papercept.net. Click on the link “Submit a Contribution to
ICUAS’17” and follow the steps. The paper format must follow IEEE paper
submission rules, two-column format using 10 point fonts, Times New Roman.
The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is 10. For accepted papers,
up to two additional pages will be permitted for a charge of $100 per
additional page. Illustrations and references are included in the page
count. Invited and Special Sessions: Proposals for invited/special sessions
must be submitted/uploaded electronically. A Summary Statement describing
the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, invited paper titles
and author names must be uploaded electronically by February 12, 2017. In
addition, authors must submit FULL versions of invited papers
electronically, through https://contols.papercept.net. Each paper must be
marked as 'Invited Session Paper'. Workshops/Tutorials: Proposals for
workshops/tutorials should contain title, the list of speakers, and
extended summaries (2000 words) of their presentations. Proposals must be
sent by e-mail to the Tutorial/ Workshop Chair by February 12, 2017. Paper
Review Process: All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process
coordinated by the Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members
and qualified reviewers. Authors will be notified of results at the latest
by April 14, 2017. Accepted papers must be uploaded electronically no later
than May 5, 2017. Authors are encouraged to accompany their presentations
with multimedia material, which will be included in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. Conference Proceedings will be acquired by IEEE and they
appear in IEEE Xplore.
Welcome and look forward to receiving your contributions and attendance to
the ICUAS'17!
5.2. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
Contributed by: Didier Theilliol, didier.theilliol at univ-lorraine.fr
25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - MED'17
Valletta, Malta
July 3-6, 2017
Important Dates/Deadlines:
Full Papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals: February 6, 2017
Acceptance / Rejection Notification: April 17, 2017
Upload Final Papers: May 5, 2017
Early Registration Deadline: May 5, 2017
The theme of MED’17 centers on control and automation challenges and
opportunities in the 21st century and on control of autonomous systems.
MED’17 spans four full days. July 3 is devoted to Tutorials and Workshops,
followed by the three day technical conference on July 4-6. The conference,
through its technical program and keynote presentations, will provide a
unique opportunity for the academic, research and industrial community to
address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research
directions. A broad range of topics is proposed, following current trends
of combining control and systems theory with hardware/software and
communication technologies, as well as new developments in robotics and
mechatronics, autonomous systems, unmanned systems, cyber physical systems,
network controlled systems, with the goal of strengthening cooperation of
control and automation scientists with industry.
MED’17 will feature keynote lectures by:
- Professor Raffaello D’Andrea from the Institute for Dynamic Systems and
Control at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH);
- Professor Visakan Kadirkamanathan from the Department of Automatic
Control and Systems Engineering at the University of Sheffield;
- Professor Marios Polycarpou from the KIOS Center for Intelligent Systems
and Networks at the University of Cyprus.
For topics of interest please visit the conference website.
Paper Submission:
The Program Chairs are soliciting contributed technical papers for
presentation at the Conference and publication in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. All papers must be submitted and uploaded electronically. Go
to https://controls.papercept.net. Click on the link “Submit a Contribution
to MED’17” and follow the steps. The paper format must follow IEEE paper
submission rules, two-column format using 12 point fonts, Times New Roman.
The maximum number of pages per submitted paper is 6. Up to two additional
pages will be permitted for a charge of 100 € per additional page.
Illustrations and references are included in the page count.
Invited and Special Sessions:
Proposals for invited and special sessions by topic of interest must be
submitted and uploaded electronically. A Summary Statement describing the
motivation and relevance of the proposed session, invited paper titles and
author names must be uploaded electronically by February 6, 2017. In
addition, authors must submit full versions of invited papers
electronically, through https://controls.papercept.net. Each such paper
must be marked as 'Invited Session Paper'
Workshops – Tutorials:
Proposals for workshops - tutorials should contain the title of the
session, the list of speakers, and extended summaries (2000 words) of their
presentations. Proposals must be sent by e-mail to the Tutorial and
Workshop Chair by February 6, 2017.
Paper Review Process:
All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the
Program Chairs, Advisory Committee Members, IPC members and qualified
Authors are encouraged to accompany their presentations with multimedia
material (i.e. videos), which will be included in the Conference Digital
Proceedings. Conference Proceedings will be acquired by IEEE and appear in
IEEE Xplore.
For information and details about the Conference, contact by e-mail the
General or Program Chairs (med2017 at um.edu.mt).
Important Dates/Deadlines:
Full Papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals: February 6, 2017
Acceptance / Rejection Notification: April 17, 2017
Upload Final Papers: May 5, 2017
Early Registration Deadline: May 5, 2017
5.3. International Conference on Information Fusion
Contributed by: Zhansheng Duan, zsduan at mail.xjtu.edu.cn
20th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2017)
July 10-13, 2017
Xi’an, China
URL: http://www.fusion2017.org
The International Conference on Information Fusion is a premier forum for
interchange of the latest research in information fusion and discussion of
its impacts on our society. The conference brings together researchers and
practitioners from industry and academia to report on the latest scientific
and technical advances. Authors are invited to submit papers describing
advances and applications in information fusion.
Fusion 2017 will be held in Xi’an, China at the Wyndham Hotel on July
10–13, 2017. Xi’an is the best representative city of Ancient China It has
more than 3100 years of history Since the 11th century BC it had been
China's Capital for more than 1100 years under 13 dynasties, including
several most important ones such as Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang. Xi'an
was the root of the Silk Road, which connected the East and the West, and
is the home of the world-famous Terracotta Army of more than 2200 years
ago. In modern times, Xi'an has re-emerged as the center of the northwest
Topics of interest
1. Theory and Representation: Probability theory, Bayesian inference, fuzzy
sets and fuzzy logic, Dempster-Shafer theory, belief functions, logic-based
fusion and preference aggregation, random sets, finite set statistics,
topic modeling.
2. Algorithms: Registration, detection, localization and signal processing,
automatic target recognition and classification, nonlinear filtering,
tracking and data association, automated situation assessment, prediction,
pattern and behavioral analysis, distributed fusion process and sensor
resource management.
3. Solution Paradigms: Sequential inference, data mining, graph analysis,
machine learning, ontology.
4. Data Specific Processing and Fusion: Image and video, radar, passive
sensors; soft data sources.
5. Modeling, simulation and evaluation: Target and sensor modeling,
benchmarks, testbeds, fusion performance modeling and evaluation.
6. Applications: Aided fusion, sensor networks, persistent surveillance,
defense and intelligence, security, robotics, transportation and logistics,
manufacturing, economics and financial, environmental monitoring, medical
care, bioinformatics.
20th Anniversary Forum: Fusion 2017 will organize a special forum to
celebrate the 20th anniversary. Candidate topics include: the (early)
history of the Fusion Conferences and ISIF, significant achievements and
major challenges of fusion research representative successful applications
of fusion technologies, future trend and development of fusion research and
Paper Submissions: Prospective authors are invited to submit papers
electronically via the system found at the conference web page. Paper
templates and submission instructions will be available at the conference
website. Paper submissions are due by 1 March 2017 and should be no more
than ten pages in length. There will be a charge for each additional page
beyond eight pages. All papers must be approved for public release via the
appropriate procedure of their employers/funding agencies prior to
submittal. The research papers published in Fusion proceedings had been
indexed by EI. All accepted papers must be written in English and will be
published in Fusion conference proceedings, which will be indexed by EI and
IEEE Xplore.
Special Session Proposals: Proposers are invited to submit via the
conference web page the theme of the special session as well as a list of
possible committed papers. Proposals for special sessions are due by 1
February 2017. Papers for special sessions must also be submitted for
review by 1 March 2017.
Tutorial Proposals: The first day of the conference will be devoted to
tutorials on information fusion. Proposals for tutorials are invited. A
title and description of the tutorial and biographical sketch of the
instructor are due via the conference web page by 1 February 2017.
Student Paper Program: Fusion 2017 is featuring a student paper program to
encourage the involvement of young engineers and scientists in information
fusion. Conference fees will be discounted for all student attendees.
Further details will be available at the conference website.
Important Deadlines:
Special session proposals, tutorial proposals February 1, 2017
Full paper submission March 1, 2017
Notification of acceptance May 1, 2017
Final paper submission, early registration June 1, 2017
5.4. International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
Contributed by: Pawel Dworak, pawel.dworak at zut.edu.pl
22nd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and
28-31 August 2017
Amber Baltic Hotel, Międzyzdroje, Poland
It is our great pleasure to invite You to participate in the 22nd
International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics,
MMAR 2017 to be held in Międzyzdroje, Poland, from August 28th to August
31st, 2017.
The Conference will be a good opportunity for highlighting the new results
and directions of Automatic Control theory, technology and applications. As
such, it mainly will concentrate on the following key points:
– emphasis on invited lectures including plenaries,
– industry participation promotion,
– attract young people to study and work in the field.
The participants of the 22nd International MMAR Conference will have the
opportunity to take part in the wide spectrum of categories for technical
presentations, including plenary lectures, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, and panel discussion. We look forward to seeing
our old and new friends in Poland. You are kindly invited to participate in
the 22nd International MMAR Conference in Międzyzdroje, Poland.
Important Dates: (Please check the latest information at www.mmar.edu.pl)
6 March 2017 – Full Paper Submission
15 May 2017 – Notification of Acceptance
26 June 2017 – Author Registration and Payment
3 July 2017 – Camera-Ready Paper Submission
The proceedings of the conference will be submitted for review and approval
for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library
and will be submitted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation
Index - Science (ISI Web of Science).
For more information see http://www.mmar.edu.pl
5.5. IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation
Contributed by: Lu Liu, luliu45 at cityu.edu.hk
2017 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA
July 3-6, 2017
Ohrid, Macedonia
Deadline for Manuscript Submissions: extended to January 20, 2017
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (IEEE ICCA
2017) will be held on July 3-6, 2017, in Ohrid, Macedonia. It is to create
a forum for scientists and practicing engineers throughout the world to
present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of control and
automation. The conference is featured with Best Paper Award and Best
Student Paper Award. Past IEEE ICCA Proceedings have been included in EI
Compendex, IEEE Xplore and ISI Proceedings.
The conference will be held in Ohrid, a beautiful city in the Republic of
Macedonia and the seat of Ohrid Municipality. It is the largest city on
Lake Ohrid and notable for once having had 365 churches. It was accepted as
Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO and one of only 28
sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are both Cultural and
Natural sites.
Important Dates
Deadline for Manuscript Submissions: January 20, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2017
Submission of Final Manuscripts: April 15, 2017
Conference: July 3–6, 2017
Topics of interest include but not limited to Modeling of Complex Systems,
Linear Systems, Robust and H-infinite Control, Nonlinear Systems and
Control, Fuzzy and Neural Systems, Estimation and Identification, Fault
Detection, Process Control & Instrumentation, Motion Control, Flexible
Manufacturing Systems, Integrated Manufacturing, Factory Modeling and
Automation, Petri-Nets and Applications, Micro and Nano Systems, Modeling
of Complex Systems, Linear Systems, Robust and H-infinite Control,
Nonlinear Systems and Control, Fuzzy and Neural Systems, Estimation and
Identification, Fault Detection, Process Control & Instrumentation, Motion
Control, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Integrated Manufacturing, Factory
Modeling and Automation, Petri-Nets and Applications, Micro and Nano
Systems, Sensor networks and networked control.
Keynote Speeches:
- Extremum Seeking and its Applications, Professor Miroslav Krstic,
University of California at San Diego, USA.
- Analysis and Control of Collective Behaviour in Complex Multi-agent
Systems, Professor Mario di Bernardo, University of Bristol, U.K. and
University of Naples, Italy.
- Representations of the Saturation Nonlinearities and Constructions of
Lyapunov Functions for Control Systems with Actuator Saturation, Professor
Zongli Lin, University of Virginia, USA.
Submission of Papers:
Authors should submit the full version of their manuscripts online through
the conference website at http://www.ieee-icca.org (or
http://uav.ece.nus.edu.sg/~icca17/). General inquiries should be addressed
directly to Program Chair, Professor Lu Liu, at City University of Hong
Kong (email: lliu4579 at gmail.com).
Proposals for invited sessions in the related areas are also solicited and
should be submitted through email to Invited Session Chair, Professor Keyou
You at Tsinghua University(email: youky at tsinghua.edu.cn).
More detailed information about conference sponsors, conference technical
program, organizing committee and more can be found on the conference web
5.6. Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power
Contributed by: Vaclav Smidl, vsmidl at rice.zcu.cz
Call for papers
4th Symposium on Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power
Electronics, PRECEDE 2017
We are pleased to invite you to this year’s IEEE International Symposium on
Predictive Control of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (PRECEDE
2017), a forum for international experts to discuss questions and concepts
concerning both related fields of research.
Bring together specialists for deep focused discussion of predictive control
Prefer quality over quantity
Single-track oral presentation and long time planned for discussions
- New predictive control algorithms and applications.
- Robustness and stability of predictive control methods.
- Implementation issues (e.g. FPGA, DSP, etc.).
- Impact of secondary effects (saturation, noise).
- Parameter identification/estimation.
- Applications and case studies: industrial, transportation, power
engineering, domestic
Digest Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: June 15th 2017
Final Submission Deadline: August 5th, 2017
Pilsen is a a historical town in West Bohemia, Czech Republic. It is famous
for the "pilsner" style beer that was first brewed here. Brewery tour is a
part of the social program of the conference. Nowadays it is an industrial
town with growing high tech industrial zone.
The conference will take place in a newly constructed regional innovation
center for electrical engineering, RICE: http://rice.zcu.cz
Submission of blind digests is required for double blind review process.
After acceptance, the final paper should be prepared in IEEE style and will
be published in IEEE Xplore.
5.7. Professional Engineering Seminars to Advance Machine Fluid Power,
Electronic Control
Contributed by: Karl Robe, karl.robe at karljames.com
Professional engineering seminars to advance machine fluid power,
electronic control
MUKWONAGO, Wis.—December 13, 2016—GS Global Resources, industry leaders in
mobile and industrial machine performance, and MSOE Applied Technology
Center today announced a new seminar series for industry professionals and
hydraulic systems engineers.
“Machine manufacturing professionals now can explore leading-edge fluid
power and electronic control applications at one of industry’s
highly-regarded systems integrators,” MSOE Director of Professional
Education & Research Development Dr. Medhat Kahlil says.
Seminar attendees will gain technical knowledge and industry contacts. This
combination of professional development and networking is designed to
enhance careers and ongoing development within MSOE’s renowned technical
training structure.
The 2017 seminar series will be hosted at GS Global Resources’ new
115,000-square-foot facility, where the systems integrator delivers
advanced machine design and application engineering solutions to OEMs. The
first of seven seminars begins in January and runs through October. (See
full schedule below.)
“For many years we’ve provided our OEM customers with supplier-led
innovation and education on machine performance technology,” GS Global
Resources President John Thornton says. “Partnering with MSOE on this
seminar series is a natural extension of practical hydraulic, electronic,
mechanical and software application insights we offer manufacturing
For more information and to register, visit www.msoe.edu/seminars
2017 MSOE Applied Technology Center & GS Global Resources Seminar Series
Jan. 23-27: Introduction to Hydraulics for Industry Professionals
Feb. 20-24: Electrohydraulic Components & Systems
May 1-5: Introduction to Hydraulics for Industry Professionals
June 19-21: Hydraulic Specialist Certification Review
Sep. 11-15: Introduction to Hydraulics for Industry Professionals
Oct. 13-17: Hydraulics Systems Modeling & Simulation for Application
Oct. 16-20: Service and Operation for Improved Hydraulic System Reliability
About GS Global Resources
GS Global Resources is the foremost machine performance resource trusted by
industrial and mobile OEMs who demand competitive advantage from every
solution. At GS Global Resources, the leading engineering minds in
hydraulic, electronic, mechanical and software applications simplify the
complex. We use innovative, reliable technologies to speed solutions to
market. And, whether reacting to market forces or changing markets
altogether, GS Global Resources is essential to achieving total machine
performance. From system and component design to production and market
support, GS Global Resources helps OEMs interpret, adapt and adopt
technology. Visit www.GSGlobalResources.com to learn more.
About MSOE Applied Technology CenterTM
MSOE Applied Technology CenterTM (ATC) regularly offers seminars that are
designed to keep engineers and managers abreast of cutting-edge
technological development, current applications and newly developed
techniques. While some of these seminars focus on the foundation of fluid
power, others explore more advanced sophisticated concepts in a high-tech,
applications-oriented environment. Visit www.msoe.edu/seminars to learn
6. Positions
6.1. PhD: Brose Fahrzeugteile GmbH, Germany & UPC-BarcelonaTech, Spain
Contributed by: Cristian Kunusch, cristian.kunusch at brose.com
Project title:
Control strategies for high speed compression systems: application to fuel
cell vehicles
Project description:
The aim of the project related to the offered position is to develop and
implement nonlinear control strategies for the fuel-cell-based vehicles.
Based on a state of the art related to air turbo-compressor technology, the
work will be focused on both the design of control strategies and the
experimental validation of Hardware in the Loop (HiL) approaches at
component level. Certain vehicle integration tasks will be also performed.
The PhD researcher will spend at least 80% of time at Brose Fahrzeugteile
GmbH (Würzburg, Germany) and rest of the time at UPC-BarcelonaTech
(Barcelona, Spain). She/he will be awarded a doctoral diploma upon a
successful completion.
What do we offer: an interdisciplinary 3 years research project, a
stimulating environment in a well-known automotive company and at a
Europe's top university, a balanced and personally tailored PhD trajectory,
exposure to both academic and industrial environments, and a highly
competitive salary.
Eligibility criteria:
The applicant should have a MSc. (or equivalent) degree in
Electrical/Mechanical Engineering (or equivalent), a strong mathematical
background with good knowledge in control, good programming skills,
proficiency in Matlab/Simulink environment and excellent writing and
communication skills in English.
Previous experience in the following areas will be highly valued:
• Electrical drives and motor control
• Automotive engineering
• Real-time systems
• Automatic control theory
• Fuel cell systems
• Fluid dynamics
• Compression systems
• CAD and mechanical design
• German language
Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact Dr. Cristian
Kunusch (cristian.kunusch at brose.com) with the following information:
- CV with contact details
- Bachelor and master transcripts (including list of courses with
corresponding grades)
- A summary of (or an e-link to) your master thesis
- Name and email of two references
Closing date for applications
6.2. PhD: University of Leicester, UK
Contributed by: Andrea Lecchini-Visintini, alv1 at leicester.ac.uk
Fully funded PhD scholarship in Bioinformatics
The College of Science and Engineering and the College of Medicine,
Biological Sciences and Psychology, University of Leicester, offer a fully
funded PhD studentship in Bioinformatics:
Intracranial pressure estimation using ultrasound for non-invasive
diagnosis and monitoring of brain injury
Raised Intracranial Pressure (ICP) can occur in patients with bleeding or
swelling of the brain due to head trauma, and if untreated, can lead to
devastating damage. Prompt recognition and treatment is of paramount
importance, but current monitoring methods require measuring ICP by
neurosurgical insertion of a device beneath the skull, which is extremely
This PhD project will develop and assess a new method for non-invasive
estimation of ICP based on ultrasound measurements of brain tissue
pulsation. The project will support the development of a portable clinical
ultrasound prototype being pioneered at Leicester for rapid assessment of
brain injury.
The PhD will start with the development of a hydro-mechanical model of
healthy and injured brain tissue pulsation, to capture the impact of blood
perfusion, ICP, brain tissue compliance, and other parameters. This will
then be used to estimate ICP non-invasively for validation against invasive
ICP measurements from head trauma patients monitored in intensive care.
This research has potential to revolutionise treatment of brain-injured
patients and is expected to generate several high profile biomedical
engineering and clinical publications, international conference
presentations, and collaborations with medical device manufacturers.
The studentship is full-time and available to UK/EU students. Fees, bench
contribution and RCUK equivalent stipend will be covered.
The ideal candidate will have a degree in Engineering, Physics, or Applied
Mathematics and an interest in applying physiological modelling and
estimation techniques for the benefit of patients.
The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr Andrea Lecchini-Visintini
(Department of Engineering) and Dr Emma Chung (Department of Cardiovascular
The full advert is available online at: http://goo.gl/0wDmy2
The closing date is 12 noon (UK time) on 17 February 2017.
Candidates should contact Dr Lecchini-Visintini <alv1 at leicester.ac.uk>
before applying.
6.3. PhD: University of Georgia, USA
Contributed by: Javad M. Velni, javadm at uga.edu
PhD position in control of multi-agent systems at the University of Georgia
We have an opening for an outstanding PhD student to work on developing
coverage control algorithms for heterogeneous multi-agent systems. The
position is available from May 2017. Candidates should have a strong
background in stochastic control, as well as optimization theory. Prior
knowledge of multi-agent systems control and graph theory is desirable.
To apply, please submit your CV and a cover letter describing your interest
in the position in a single pdf file to Dr. Javad M. Velni at javadm at uga.edu
6.4. PhD/PostDoc/Research Assistant: New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE
Contributed by: Nikolaos Freris, nf47 at nyu.edu
The Cyberphysical Systems Lab at New York University Abu Dhabi is hiring
researchers at all levels: PhD Student, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research
Assistant, in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.
About: The focus of the Cyberphysical Systems Lab (CPSLab) is to conduct
interdisciplinary research across a wide range of topics and applications
related to cyberphysical systems, such as: a) distributed algorithms for
estimation, optimization and control, b) big data: data mining/machine
learning algorithms, c) wireless sensor networks, d) system theory: control
& optimization, e) signal processing: sparse sampling and online
algorithms, as well as applications in signal processing, transportation,
cybersecurity, networking, robotics, and biomedical modeling.
Requirements: Research Assistant and PhD applicants must hold (or be close
to completing) an MS degree, and Postdoctoral Fellows a PhD, in Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science, or Applied Mathematics with significant
research experience in at least one of the aforementioned areas. PhD
applicants need to also apply directly to NYU for admission by Dec. 15. A
proven publication record, solid mathematical background, excellent
communication skills, and the ability to work in multi-disciplinary teams
are essential. Applicants must submit a CV, research statement, cover
letter with a brief research plan, along with the names and contact
information for three recommenders in a single PDF file to Prof. Nikolaos
Freris (nf47 at nyu.edu).
Start date & Salary: The start date is flexible. A very competitive salary
and benefits package (including relocation, housing, insurance,
transportation and conference travel support) are provided – note: UAE do
not levy any income tax.
For more information, please visit: https://wp.nyu.edu/cpslab
About NYUAD: New York University has established itself as a Global Network
University, a multi-site, organically connected network encompassing key
global cities and idea capitals. The network has three foundational
degree-granting campuses: New York, Abu Dhabi, and Shanghai, complemented
by a network of 12 research and study-away sites across five continents.
Faculty and students circulate within the network in pursuit of common
research interests and the promotion of cross-cultural and
interdisciplinary endeavors, both local and global.
Entering its sixth year, NYU Abu Dhabi has recruited a cohort of faculty
who are at once distinguished in both research and teaching. Our students
are drawn from around the world and surpass all traditional recruitment
benchmarks, both US and global. NYU Abu Dhabi’s highly selective liberal
arts enterprise is enhanced by an institute for advanced research,
sponsoring cutting-edge projects across the Arts, Humanities, Social
Sciences, Sciences, and Engineering. NYUAD is housed at a newly built
campus in the vibrant city of Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE.
NYUAD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer
6.5. PostDoc: KTH, Sweden
Contributed by: Henrik Sandberg, hsan at kth.se
1-3 Postdoctoral Researchers at the ACCESS Linnaeus Centre at KTH Royal
Institute of Technology
The ACCESS Linnaeus Centre is one of Europe’s largest university research
centers in networked systems. 36 senior researcher and over 70 PhD students
are involved in developing fundamental understanding and engineering
principles for designing self-managed and scalable communication, control
and sensor networks in which applications may share real-time information
and cooperate in an efficient, affordable, reliable, and secure manner.
The three positions would be placed at different schools within KTH. Read
more about the schools at our website; The School of Electrical
Engineering, The School of Computer Science and Communication and The
School of Engineering Sciences.
We seek candidates to conduct research in the following broad areas:
- Cyber-physical systems: systems, control and communication theory, signal
processing, and applications including but not restricted to: multi-agent
systems, planning and coordination, critical infrastructure resiliency,
advanced automotive systems, and smart buildings
- Software-defined networking: wireless and cloud networking, system and
protocol design and evaluation, optimization, stability and scalability for
software-based networked systems
- Data analytics: statistical inference, signal processing, machine
learning, data fusion, multi-stage and distributed methods, data modeling,
and information theory
- Security, privacy, and trust: design, analysis, verification,
implementation and empirical evaluation of secure and privacy-preserving
systems; including but not restricted to: network security, software
security, cyber-physical security, privacy enhancing technologies,
KTH offers an attractive working environment with significant employment
benefits. ACCESS postdoctoral researchers have the opportunity to
participate in numerous activities and events (workshops, summer/winter
schools, seminar series), be active in one or more thematic areas of the
ACCESS center and work in a diverse research environment that can great
advance their careers.
Candidates should have a strong background in at least one of the four
aforementioned areas: (i) cyber-physical systems, (ii) software-defined
networking, (iii) data analytics, and (iv) security, privacy, and trust.
The ability and the interest to work across areas, possibly even across
traditional disciplines, as well as initiate new research collaborations
are essential.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. (or be near completion) in a relevant field
and have an outstanding research and publication record.
Deadline Jan 31, 2017
More information and link to application:
6.6. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) offers 3
postdoc positions in control engineering as soon as possible thereafter. We
are interested in candidates in the broad areas of advanced control theory,
multi-agents formation, machine learning, pattern recognition, industrial
networked control systems, etc.
Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- Apartment with very cheap rent
- It is a 2 year position and can be extended to 4 years
Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your your research statements,
your achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email :
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shasnghai 200240, China.
6.7. PostDoc: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Postdoctoral position in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
The Engineer Research Center of Marine Automation, Shanghai Municipal
Education Commission (in the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong
University, China) offers 3 postdoc positions in control engineering as
soon as possible thereafter. We are interested in candidates in the broad
areas of control engineering, ocean engineering, marine engineering,
unmanned autonomous systems, etc.
Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 120-200k/year (approximately, 18-30kUSD)
- Apartment with very cheap rent
- It is a 2 year position and can be extended to 4 years
Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Weidong Zhang, Email :
wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address: Dongchuan Road 800,
Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shasnghai 200240, China.
6.8. PostDoc: Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Contributed by: Daniel Zelazo, dzelazo at technion.ac.il
Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
We currently have an open post-doctoral position available in the Faculty
of Aerospace Engineering at the Technion. We are seeking outstanding
applicants with a strong background in nonlinear control theory,
optimization theory, and networked systems. Our research group focuses on a
variety of problems related to networked dynamical systems, cooperative
control, and multi-agent systems. Interested applicants should send their
CV, publication list, and a cover letter summarizing your interests and
expertise to Prof. Daniel Zelazo (dzelazo at technion.ac.il).
6.9. PostDoc: Mid-Sweden University, Sweden
Contributed by: Mikael Gidlund, mikael.gidlund at miun.se
Two postdoctoral positions available.
The Communication Systems and Networks (CSN) group at Mid-Sweden University
offers one post-doctoral position in the areas of control over low-power
wireless networks and one in security and privacy for cyber-physical
systems. The CSN group belongs to the research center Sensible Things that
Communicate which is one of the leading research centers in Sweden in the
area of sensor networks and systems.
The positions is for one year with possibility to extension with one year.
The positions are based in Sundsvall. Candidates should have a PhD in
computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering, Signal
processing, automatic control or related areas, and a track record of
publications in high-quality journals and/or conferences. Good written/oral
communication skills in English, and ability to work effectively in a
collaborative team, are required. Skills and experience in both analytical
and empirical research are highly desirable.
For more information about the positions and how to apply is given here:
Last day to apply is January 17th, 2017.
6.10. PostDoc: Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Contributed by: Balazs Kulcsar, kulcsar at chalmers.se
Information about the division
The Department of Signals and Systems within the Chalmers University of
Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, consists of several divisions such as
Systems and Control, Communication Systems, Signal Processing and
Biomedical Engineering, and Antennas. This research knowledge is
complemented by a new initiative from Chalmers, through the Transport Area
of Advance aiming at promoting cross-fertilized transportation research and
by the SAFER Vehicle and Traffic Safety Center focusing on safe and
efficient transportation solutions.
Major responsibilities
We invite candidates to apply for a post-doctoral position in the research
field of decentralized sensing and control algorithms for large-scale
transportation networks. Our main goal is to develop real-time vehicle
routing strategies for a mixed human- and self-driven vehicular network,
with emphasis on post-accident scenarios in large-scale road networks. We
will rely on an inter-disciplinary approach between traffic theory,
communication technologies and accident risk management. The topics include
the duality of theoretical and application-oriented research. Her/his
research activity will be shared between the Automatic Control, the
Communication Systems, and the Vehicle Safety Groups (SAFER) at Chalmers
University of Technology.
More information, and instructions how to apply, can be found at
Application deadline: 31/01/2017.
6.11. PostDoc: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Contributed by: Emanuele Garone, egarone at ulb.ac.be
POSITIONS AVAILABLE : 2 Post-doc positions
SUPERVISOR : Emanuele Garone
DURATION: 24 months
SALARY: approximately 2250 Euros/months after taxes
DESCRIPTION: This postdoc is in the framework on the MIS project
“optimization-free constrained control of nonlinear systems”. The ideal
candidate should have a strong background in control and should master at
least one of the following subjects
- nonlinear control;
- Model Predictive Control;
- Continuous Optimization Methods;
- Set invariance;
- Sum of Squares ;
STARTING DATE: Between January and June 2017
REQUIREMENTS: The candidate must have obtained the title of PhD less than 5
years before the date of start of the post-doc contract. He must have spent
or worked in Belgium less than 24 months in the last 36 months.
TO APPLY: Send an email to Prof. Emanuele Garone (egarone at ulb.ac.be) with
you curriculum vitae in English, as well as contact information of two
6.12. PostDoc: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Contributed by: Emanuele Garone, egarone at ulb.ac.be
POSITIONS AVAILABLE : 1 Post-doc position
SUPERVISOR : Emanuele Garone
STARTING FROM: January 2017
DURATION: 12 months (possibility of renewal)
SALARY: approximately 2250 Euros/Months after taxes
DESCRIPTION: This postdoc is in the framework on the BATWAL project and
concerns the optimal usage of battery energy storage in a local micro-grid
context. The ideal candidate should have some experience for what concerns
Model Predictive Control.
REQUIREMENTS: The candidate must have spent or worked in Belgium less than
24 months in the last 36 months.
TO APPLY: Send an email to Prof. Emanuele Garone (egarone at ulb.ac.be) with
you curriculum vitae in English, as well as contact information of two
6.13. PostDoc: Umeå University, Sweden
Contributed by: Leonid Freidovich, leonid.freidovich at umu.se
PostDoc: Umeå University, Sweden
Umeå University announces one stipend for postdoctoral research in
Automation for heavy-duty mobile hydraulic cranes with applications in
agriculture and forestry. The stipend is part of a massive effort on
autonomous systems for industry and society of the future, with eight
postdoctoral stipends in eight separate subprojects (see
This subproject is aimed at proposing and testing new algorithms for
automation of particular working scenarios relevant for industry-standard
agricultural front-end loaders and forestry cranes. The key challenges
include: the need to handle active supervision and operator take-over, the
complexity of standard industrial mobile hydraulic systems with sharing
hydraulic flows among various subsystems, inaccuracy of sensors functioning
in harsh outdoor conditions, and the need for appropriate human-machine
interface to beneficially use partial or full automation of working cycles.
The scientific methods include both classical model-based approaches and
new techniques, involving, in particular, switching between autonomous
operation and assistance for an active human-in-the-loop control or
The stipend is for two years with a starting date to be negotiated. The
stipend, provided by the Kempe Foundations, amounts to 300 000 SEK per
year. The stipend is not subject to taxes.
A qualified applicant is required to have a PhD degree or a foreign degree
that is deemed equivalent to PhD degree in Control Systems or Computer,
Electronic, Electrical, Systems, or Mechanical Engineering, or Electronics
or another subject of direct relevance for the project. The PhD degree
shall not be more than three years old by the application deadline unless
there are special reasons. The applicant should be strongly motivated and
interested to develop new competencies, as well as to act in an
international environment and collaboration with companies.
Documented knowledge and proven research experiences in at least three of
the following five fields: Control Systems Engineering, Hydraulics,
Industrial Automation, Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and
Electronics Engineering is required. Good research merits and scientific
publications in the area of the position are strongly meriting.
International research experience is also a merit.
A successful candidate should be capable of performing practical
implementations of controllers and performing hardware experiments, as well
as producing scientific publications in English. Very good knowledge in the
English language, both spoken and written, is required.
Application deadline is February 1, 2017. Please see
http://www.umu.se/english/about-umu/news-events/grants/6-2280-16 for more
6.14. PostDoc: University of Sydney, Australia
Contributed by: He Kong, h.kong at acfr.usyd.edu.au
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Multi-Vehicle Planning, Australian Centre
for Field Robotics, University of Sydney
The Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) is based in the School of
Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering at The University of
Sydney, and is dedicated to the research, development, application and
dissemination of autonomous and intelligent robots and systems for
operation in outdoor environments. The group has substantial experimental
facilities including three laboratories and a field test site, a range of
experimental and production vehicles, industry-quality mechanical and
electrical design and fabrication facilities, and employs the latest in
embedded computing, sensing and control technologies.
Prof. Salah Sukkarieh’s team at ACFR is looking to grow its research
capabilities in the area of motion planning and scheduling for intelligent
and autonomous aerospace systems, with a focus on planning and/or
scheduling for multi-vehicle systems, and its practical application in air
traffic flow management. We are currently seeking a self-motivated and
well-qualified researcher to conduct theoretical and applied research in
this area.
The research focus will be on the development of novel algorithms as well
as the prototyping and validating of those algorithms to address multiple
aspects of this complex planning problem. The research outcomes will be
applied to an industry partnership that the ACFR has established to develop
and implement algorithms for air traffic flow management in commercial
aviation to provide improved operational effectiveness and airspace
This position is full time, fixed term for 1 year, remuneration package:
$104K-$139K AUD p.a. which includes leave loading and up to 17% super. This
position will provide an exceptional opportunity to work closely with
academia and industry at the intersection of fundamental research into
optimisation and air traffic flow planning and management.
The successful person will have:
--A PhD in an engineering, computer science, applied mathematics or a
related discipline.
--Good communication skills and be a team player.
--Expert knowledge of state-of-the art motion planning or scheduling
--Expert knowledge in one or more of the following fields: numerical
optimisation, graph search algorithms, aircraft performance and/or
multi-robot motion planning.
--Sound knowledge of algorithm complexity, scaling and performance.
--Experience in software development in one or more of the following
languages: C++, Python and/or Bash.
For more information on how to apply for this position, please go to
http://sydney.edu.au/recruitment/ and search with reference number
CLOSING DATE: 20 January 2017 (11.30pm Sydney time)
6.15. Research Fellow: University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributed by: Peter Dower, pdower at unimelb.edu.au
Research Fellow: University of Melbourne, Australia.
A research fellow with a solid background in applied mathematics (or
equivalent) is sought to conduct mathematical systems theory research in
the area of optimal control for continuous time nonlinear dynamical
systems, with an emphasis on the development of new theory and
computationally efficient methods arising from min/max plus analysis of
dynamic programming. Initial appointment is for one year, with a possible
extension to two years.
Closing date for applications: 29 January 2017.
All application / submission details: Search jobs.unimelb.edu.au for
"0042275" or "optimal control”.
6.16. Research Fellow: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed by: Rong Su, rsu at ntu.edu.sg
Research Associate/Fellow position available at Nanyang Technological
One candidate for a research fellow or research associate position is
sought for an NRF NTU-Delta Corporate Lab project on Hierarchical Modelling
and Real-time Operation Planning for Low Volume High Mix Reconfigurable
Manufacturing, which has started since July 1, 2016. The candidate will
work on discrete-event based system modeling and analysis for low volume
high mix (LVHM) operations, and is expected to possess a master or PhD
degree in electrical engineering, systems engineering, computer science or
software engineering with substantial experience in discrete-even modeling,
simulation and analysis. The salary is competitive including a base salary
and an annual performance bonus, proportional to the candidate's research
experience. The first contract is for one year, and can be renewed up to
three years. An interested candidate may send his/her CV, a list of
publications with relevant journal impact factors, and a list of at least
two references to me via my email address at rsu at ntu.edu.sg.
Application Procedure:
Interested candidates please send your application materials to:
Prof Rong Su
S1-B1b-59, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
Electronic submission of application is highly encouraged. Only shortlisted
candidates will be notified for interview.
6.17. Research Fellow: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed by: Rong Su, rsu at ntu.edu.sg
Research Fellow positions available at Nanyang Technological University
Position 1: A candidate for a Research Fellow position is sought, who will
be placed in a project on Distributed Adaptive Urban Traffic Signal Control
based on V2X Information Infrastructure, which has started in May 2015, and
will last for four years. The candidate is expected to have a PhD degree in
the areas of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, systems
engineering, or applied mathematics with a strong background in modelling
of complex systems, optimization and control of a large-scale system. Past
experience in urban traffic signal control and software simulation (via
tools such as VISSIM) of large-scale networks will be a plus. The candidate
is expected to undertake research on modelling a large urban traffic
network, and develop computationally efficient traffic light scheduling
algorithms within a V2X infrastructure.
Position 2: A candidate for a Research Fellow position is sought, who will
be placed in a project on Air Traffic Flow Management. The candidate is
expected to have a PhD degree in the areas of electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, systems engineering, or applied mathematics with a
strong background in modelling of complex systems, optimization and control
of a large-scale system. Past experience in (air) traffic management and
control will be a plus. The candidate is expected to undertake research on
modelling a large air traffic flow network, and developing computationally
efficient flight routing and scheduling algorithms, which can be either
easily fit in the current ATFM framework, or implementable in a ground
breaking new flow management framework that is technologically feasible
within 5-10 years.
The salary is competitive including a base salary and an annual performance
bonus, and proportional to the candidate's research experience. The first
contract is for one year, and can be renewed up to the end of the project.
Application Procedure:
An interested applicant may send his/her CV, a list of publications with
relevant journal impact factors, a clear indication of the position to
apply for, and a list of at least two references to Prof Rong Su at the
following contact address:
Prof Rong Su
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
email: rsu at ntu.edu.sg
Electronic submission of application is highly encouraged. Only shortlisted
candidates will be notified for interview.
6.18. Faculty: Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Contributed by: Xiang Qiu, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Faculty Position: Zhejiang University of Technology , Hangzhou, China
Contributed by: Xiang Qiu, qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Recruitment Announcement
Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), sitting by the beautiful West
Lake, Hangzhou, is a Zhejiang Province and the Ministry of Education
co-supported, provincially governed key university, who owns one of the
only 14 Collaborative Creation Centers in the first initiative of the state
“2011 Program”. ZJUT has its beautiful campus covering more than 3000 mu,
which accommodates 24 Colleges, more than 37,000 full-time students and
more than 3,300 staffs. ZJUT is proudly to have 2 self-owned and 2 sharing
Fellows of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as more than 1400
faculties with senior professional titles. ZJUT has State Key Disciplines,
State Engineering Research Centers, State University Science Parks, Centers
for Postdocs, as well as the power of awarding Doctors, Masters, MBAs and
recruiting foreign students and those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The Control Science and Engineering Discipline within the College of
Information Engineering was one of the Priority-among-Priorities
Disciplines (selected by Zhejiang Provincial Government in 2009), and is
now one of the Zhejiang First-Class (Class A) Disciplines in the first
initiative of the Program in 2015. The Discipline now has the Doctoral
Program at the first-level discipline, the Center for Postdocs, and the
Zhejiang Collaborated Key Laboratory of Embedded Systems. The College of
Information Engineering where the Discipline is in has 5 undergraduate
programs: Automation, Electrical Engineering and Its Automation, Electronic
Information Engineering, Communication Engineering, and Electronic Science
and Technology. The Discipline is now recruiting faculties in the following
areas at the levels of State and Zhejiang Provincial “1000 Plan” high-level
talents, Zhejiang “Qianjiang Scholars”, ZJUT “Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors”, “ZJUT Professors”, outstanding PhDs and postdocs, etc.
(1) Control Science and Engineering, including advanced control theory,
robotics, machine vision, pattern recognition, industrial networked control
systems, MES, etc.
(2) Electrical Engineering, including electric drive, power electronics,
new energy, etc.
(3) Mechatronic Engineering, including high-precision servo control of
mechatronic devices, the modelling and dynamic analysis of robots, etc.
(4) Computer Science and Technology, including smart city, smart
healthcare, big data, cloud computing, IoT, industrial control software,
A. Selection criteria
High-level talents (Changjiang Scholars, 1000 Plan Scholars, Qianjiang
Scholars, etc.) You have major achievements and influence in your research
area that have already been recognized by national and international
researchers, or have great potentials of future development; You also meet
the criteria of corresponding talents programs.
ZJUT Professors /Associate Professors You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institutes with at least one year of
oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute; You have
research achievements recognized by national and international researchers;
Your application also passes the review process at the university level
Outstanding PhDs/Postdocs You have a PhD degree obtained from a recognized
university or research institute; You have high-quality research outputs
and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and great
potentials of your future career.
B. Salary and welfare
(1)National-Level Top Tier Talents:Fellows of Chinese Academy of Sciences
or Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Special Support Program” Distinguished
Talents, Principal Investigators of NSFC Innovative Research Team, or other
talents at the equivalent level. Treatment:Negotiation on the case by case
(2)National-Level Top Tier Talents:National “1000 Plan” Scholars
(long-term), Changqiang Scholars, NSFC Distinguished Young Scholars,
“Special Support Program” Outstanding Talents, winners (rank first) of
three major national science awards, or other talents at the equivalent
level. Salary (CNY):≥700K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):3M-5M; Startup
Funds(CNY):Case by case.
(3)National-Level Young Talents:“Special Support Program” Outstanding Young
Talents, “1000 Plan” Young Scholars, “Changjiang Young Scholars, NSFC
Outstanding Young Scholars, 973 Program Young Scholars, “Millions of
Talents Program” Scholars, or other talents at the equivalent level. Salary
(CNY):≥450K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M-2.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):1M-3M.
(4)Provincial-and-Ministry-Level Talents,Yunhe Specially-Appointed
Professors:CAS “100 Plan” Scholars, Zhejiang ”Qianjiang Scholars”, Zhejiang
“1000 Plan” (long-term) Scholars, or other talents who have made
significant academic contributions with great potentials of development and
who are awarded “Yunhe Specially-Appointed Professors” after the review of
ZJUT. Salary (CNY):≥350K /Year; Housing Benefit(CNY):1.5M; Startup
(5)ZJUT Professors,ZJUT Associated Professors:You have a PhD degree
obtained from a recognized university or research institutes with at least
one year of oversea research experience in a well-known foreign institute;
You have research achievements recognized by national and international
colleges; Your application also passes the review process at the university
level. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the appropriate levels; Housing
Benefit(CNY):0.4M-0.5M; Startup Funds(CNY):0.1M-0.2M.
(6)Outstanding PhDs/Postdoctors:You have a PhD degree obtained from a
recognized university or research institute; You have high-quality research
outputs and the professional skills required by a university lecturer, and
great potentials of your future career. Salary (CNY):Salaries at the
appropriate levels; Housing Benefit(CNY):0.3M.
(7)Postdocs (leading to a faculty):Besides the basic salary and welfare,
50K/Year subsidy is provided for the first two years, with the possibility
of continuing this subsidy plus a one-off 200K housing benefit if you are
accepted to ZJUT public institution business unit.
C. Required documents
(1)One self-recommendation letter covering your study and professional
records, your teaching and research statements, your achievements, your
work plan as well as your possible requirements from us.
(2)A list of your research funds, awards, and publications in the recent
five years.
D. Contact us
Dr. Qiu,
Email : qiuxiang at zjut.edu.cn
Mobile: +86-13867469319
Address: Xiaoheshan College Park, College of Information Engineering,
Zhejiang University of Technology, 310023
Zhejiang Control Science and Engineering First-Class (Class A) Discipline
Dec 02, 2016
6.19. Faculty: University of Twente, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Hans Zwart, h.j.zwart at utwente.nl
Assistant Professor in Complex Systems at the Department of Applied
Mathematics, University of Twente
The University of Twente (UT) is seeking a researcher with an outstanding
record in Mathematics and its applications in Science and Engineering for a
Faculty position in Scientific Computing within the Department of Applied
Mathematics. More information can be found:
6.20. Faculty: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Faculty Position in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
The Optimization & Control Engineering Research Center of Shanghai (in the
Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China) invites
applicants for two full-time research positions in control engineering as
soon as possible thereafter. The center seeks individuals with exceptional
promise for, or a proven record of, excellence in theory or application
research. We are interested in candidates in the broad areas of advanced
control theory, multi-agents formation, machine learning, pattern
recognition, industrial networked control systems, etc.
Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 200k/year (approximately, 30kUSD)
- It is a 5-N year position, depending on working performance
- Applications will be assessed by an expert committee
Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications
For further information on these job offers, please contact Prof. Dr.
Weidong Zhang, Email : wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address:
Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shasnghai 200240, China.
6.21. Faculty: Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Contributed by: Weidong Zhang, wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn
Faculty Position in Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
The Engineer Research Center of Marine Automation, Shanghai Municipal
Education Commission (in the Department of Automation, Shanghai Jiaotong
University, China) invites applicants for two full-time research positions
in control engineering as soon as possible thereafter. The center seeks
individuals with exceptional promise for, or a proven record of, excellence
in theory or application research. We are interested in candidates in the
broad areas of control engineering, ocean engineering, marine engineering,
unmanned autonomous systems, etc.
Requirements and qualifications:
-PhD degree
-Documented experience with research dissemination in international
scientific journals
-Experience with writing research applications
-Good communication skills in English or Chinese
-Self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team
player with researchers from different disciplines
Main tasks:
-Active involvement in research efforts
-Supervision of student projects and thesis at both master and Ph.D levels
Salary and others:
- RMB 200k/year (approximately, 30kUSD)
- It is a 5-N year position, depending on working performance
- Applications will be assessed by an expert committee
Required documents
-One self-recommendation letter covering your research statements, your
achievements, as well as your possible requirements from us
-A list of your publications
For further information on these job offers, please contact Prof. Dr.
Weidong Zhang, Email : wdzhang at sjtu.edu.cn, tel: +86-21-34204019. Address:
Dongchuan Road 800, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shasnghai 200240, China.
6.22. Faculty: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Contributed by: Agung Julius, agung at ecse.rpi.edu
Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY
The Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, NY, seeks an outstanding
faculty candidate for a full-time tenure-track position at the Assistant or
Associate Professor level. The candidate must have earned a Ph.D. (or
foreign degree equivalent) in Electrical Engineering or a closely related
Science/Engineering field with research emphasis in electric power and
energy systems. Research expertise can be in systems or any sub-area such
as wide band-gap power devices, advanced power electronics, advanced
electrical drives and transportation systems, advanced power system
modeling and control, and smart grid and distribution system engineering.
Candidates for Associate Professor must have at least six years of
experience; a proven record in attracting funding and conducting
outstanding research; a strong commitment to education; evidence of
effective teaching, and possess academic credentials to qualify for a
tenured faculty appointment at Rensselaer. Industrial experience is
desirable but not necessary. Candidates at the Associate Professor level
will be considered for a concurrent position as Associate Director of the
New York State Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES) currently
re-designated by NY State for another 10 years of funding. At either level,
candidates will be expected to teach assigned graduate and/or undergraduate
courses; to establish and maintain a robust program of sponsored research,
and to serve the department and school administratively and academically.
Electric Power and Energy Engineering at Rensselaer is one of the oldest
and most productive programs in the country. It is aligned with the
Institute priority of Energy, Environment, and Smart Systems. In addition
to individual research contracts, Rensselaer maintains two major research
centers in electric power and energy: the NSF/DoE Center for
Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT)
and the NYSTAR Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES). ECSE faculty
members have access to world-class research facilities and an atmosphere
that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. The Center for Computational
Innovation (CCI) has one of the fastest supercomputers available at a
private university.
Founded in 1824, Rensselaer is the first technological university in the
English-speaking world. It is a private research university located in
historic Troy, New York, which is part of the greater capital region of New
York that includes Albany, the capital as well as Saratoga Springs and
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The anticipated
start date is August 16, 2017. Applicants must send a cover letter,
complete CV, a statement of research accomplishments and goals, a
description of teaching interests, and contact information for a minimum of
four professional references. Please send material in a single PDF document
to employment at ecse.rpi.edu subject line: ECSE Faculty Position. We also
request that you complete the voluntary confidential summary information
form for Human Resources, found on our website https://www.ecse.rpi.edu/
(under Employment).
6.23. Faculty: Ohio State University, USA
Contributed by: Wei Zhang, zhang.491 at osu.edu
Faculty Positions in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
The Ohio State University invites applications for multiple tenure track
faculty positions in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
All areas and ranks will be considered. We are especially interested in (i)
robotics, including human/robot interactions, (ii) mobile health sensing
and health analytics, (iii) both junior and senior faculty in cybersecurity
(including hardware-enabled cybersecurity and mobility, (iv) electric
machines and variable frequency drive systems, and (v) Director of the
ElectroScience Laboratory (ESL) at OSU.
For the robotics position, a successful candidate should have substantial
research experience in the general field of robotics for both fundamentals
and applications. Interested areas include but are not limited to
intelligent robots, human/robot interactions, mobile robots, industrial
robots for modern manufacturing automation, and service robots for civilian
and defense applications. Details of other positions can be found at
All positions may involve joint appointments with other engineering
departments. Applicants must have a Ph.D. and outstanding academic
credentials. Successful candidates are expected to develop a vigorous
externally funded research program, show excellence and leadership in
academic and scholarly activities, and demonstrate outstanding teaching at
the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Some of these positions are partially funded by Ohio State's Discovery
Themes Initiative, a significant faculty hiring investment in key thematic
areas that build on the university’s culture of academic collaboration to
make a global impact. The Ohio State University is committed to
establishing a culturally and intellectually diverse environment,
encouraging all members of our learning community to reach their full
potential. We are responsive to dual-career families and strongly promote
work-life balance to support our community members through a suite of
institutionalized policies. We are an NSF Advance Institution and a member
of the Ohio/Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Higher Education Recruitment
Applicants are requested to send, in this numbered order: 1) a letter of
application (2) curriculum vitae, (3) statement of research plans, (4)
brief statement of teaching philosophy, (5) name, address, and email
addresses of four references, to Professor John L. Volakis at
eng-ece-search at osu.edu
6.24. Faculty: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Contributed by: Bart De Schutter, b.deschutter at tudelft.nldir
Professor positions at all levels at the Delft Center for Systems and
Control (DCSC)
The Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC) of Delft University of
Technology in Delft, The Netherlands is aiming to strengthen, expand, and
renew its international competences through new strategic recruitments
sponsored by the Executive Board of the Delft University of Technology. We
are looking for excellent candidates with a proven track record of
ground-breaking scientific research, a challenging and innovative research
program, and a commitment to higher education.
We are offering several faculty positions at various entry levels
(assistant, associate, full professor) in the following areas to complement
existing research efforts at the department:
Within the Numerics for Control & Identification team:
* Randomization and optimization for systems and control
* Identification and control of spatial-temporal dynamical systems based on
insights from machine learning, rank approximation, etc.
* Nonlinear systems
Potential application areas of interest include: Quantum control, Imaging
systems and Smart optics, Optical computing and Bio and Life-sciences
Within the Hybrid, Adaptive & Nonlinear Systems team:
* Human-in-the-loop control
* Big data methods for systems and control
* Control of nonlinear time-delay systems
Within the Data-Driven Control & Integrated System Design team:
* Fault-tolerant control
* Robust control
* Systems engineering
Potential application areas of interest include: Large-scale mechatronic
systems, Dynamic positioning systems, Ocean-energy-harvesting systems, and
Wind-energy-harvesting systems.
Within the Networked Cyber-Physical Systems team:
* Multi-agent and mixed human-machine decision networks, games on networks
* Network and population dynamics, social and biological networks,
telecommunications and smart infrastructure
For more information on the positions and how to apply, check our website:
or contact the Department Head, Prof. Hans Hellendoorn,
j.hellendoorn at tudelft.nl
6.25. Faculty: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Contributed by: Changyun Wen, ecywen at ntu.edu.sg
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in School of EEE at Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore
Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU
Singapore) is ranked 13th globally. NTU is also placed 1st amongst the
world’s best young universities. NTU is also placed 1st amongst the world’s
best young universities. The School of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering (EEE) at NTU Singapore is one of the largest EEE schools in the
world and ranks 8th in the field of Electrical & Electronic Engineering in
the 2016 QS World University Rankings by Subjects.
(EEE) is one of the founding Schools of the Nanyang Technological
University. Built on a culture of excellence, the School is renowned for
its high academic standards and research. With more than 150 faculty
members and an enrolment of more than 4,000, of which about 1,000 are
graduate students.
The School of EEE is seeking applications for a tenure-track Assistant
Professor position in the field of Power Engineering.
Applicants should possess the following qualification and attributes:
• A Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering or in relevant discipline, with
an outstanding scholarship record and a strong commitment to excellence in
research and teaching;
• Strong background in power engineering, preferably have experience in one
of the following areas:
1)Power system analysis, control, planning, design and protection,
2)Power generation, transmission and distribution,
3)Electrical and/or smart grids,
4)Power electronics and drive systems,
5) Electric machines and electrical propulsion,
6) Energy conversion and energy systems,
7) Electrical energy storage systems;
8) Energy management and control systems
• Ability to contribute towards strategic research focus in sustainable
electrical power and energy systems.
• Preferences are given to candidates with relevant postdoctoral or
working/teaching experience in top research institutions or universities
but outstanding fresh Ph.D. graduates would also be considered.
Emoluments and General Terms and Conditions of Service:
Salary will be competitive and will commensurate with qualifications and
experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package.
Apart from the attractive remuneration package, each successful candidate
will also receive a start-up package of at least S$300,000 comprising
$100,000 (for equipment, manpower, travel etc) and about S$200,000
scholarship to fund a graduate student (PhD) for 4 years.
Join the SCHOOL OF EEE http://www.eee.ntu.edu.sg as a faculty member and
embark on a challenging and exciting career in research innovations and
discoveries and teaching excellence, so as to prepare engineering leaders
of the future.
Application Procedure:
IMPORTANT -- Please indicate clearly the post applied for (i.e.
Tenure-track Assistant in Power Engineering), when submitting an
application or inquiring about this job announcement.
The "Guidelines for Submitting an Application for Faculty Appointment" is
available at:
Please ensure that all requested information is enclosed in your
application and send via email to Chairman, School Search Committee (Area)
c/o School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (eeehr at ntu.edu.sg)
Electronic submission of applications is encouraged. Only short-listed
candidates will be notified.
Position Start Date: Available Immediately
Closing Date: Until Position Filled
6.26. Faculty: Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Contributed by: Hiro Mukai, facsearch at ese.wustl.edu
Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty
Washington University in St. Louis
Electrical and Systems Engineering
The Preston M. Green Department of Electrical & Systems Engineering at
Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for faculty
positions at all levels, for fall 2017. The Electrical & Systems
Engineering department enjoys a new building, Preston M. Green Hall, with
state-of-the-art facilities. Candidates should be exceptionally strong,
possess novel and creative visions of research, and commit gladly to
teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They should have an
earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied
Physics, Systems Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Operations Research
or related fields.
Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to, applied
physics, integrated circuits, nano devices, device packaging, imaging,
signal processing, cyber-physical systems, control systems, operations
research, optimization, applied mathematics, and applied statistics.
Applications include biomedicine, robotics, financial engineering, and
modeling of physical and complex systems. Successful candidates are
expected to conduct high-quality research and teaching, publish in
peer-reviewed journals, and participate in department and university
Applications will be accepted immediately, and interviews will begin after
January 1, 2017. The details of the application process and necessary
documents are found at the following site:
Washington University in St. Louis is a medium-size private university,
which is 19th in the national university ranking and 14th in the
undergraduate teaching ranking, both according to the U.S. News & World
Washington University in St. Louis is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
Action employer, and invites applications from all qualified candidates.
Employment eligibility verification required upon employment.
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