Important - Avoid MacOS High Sierra Update for a few weeks

Sundeep Rao sundeep at
Fri Jan 26 14:32:40 EST 2018


We are seeing a higher than normal number of problems with the latest MacOS - High Sierra (10.13.x). This update is causing problems ranging from frequent reboots to unrecoverable OS corruption.

Our advice is to avoid updating to High Sierra for the next few weeks - but please do continue applying patches to MacOS El Capitan (10.11.x) and Sierra (10.12.x).

Of course, always make sure that you have a good TimeMachine backup of your data before applying any patches or updates.

If you have already updated to High Sierra successfully, there’s nothing more to do. If you have updated to High Sierra and are having problems, please let us know right away. If you have any questions, please direct them to - and we will respond as soon as possible.


Sundeep Rao

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