[Ececourtesy-list] Guest Speaker Seminar: "Current and Future NASA Space Telescopes", Joseph Howard (NASA), Thursday, April 27 at 10AM, Fowler Hall

Hodges, Kendra Renee khodges at purdue.edu
Tue Apr 4 09:19:51 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues and Students,

It is my pleasure to invite you to a special seminar given by Dr. Joseph Howard from NASA. Dr. Howard is an engineer at NASA responsible for the design and deployment of the James Webb Telescope. In case you missed the news, James Webb Telescope is the largest space telescope project since Hubble Telescope. I met Dr. Howard at Electronic Imaging Conference 2023 early this year. He gave a mind-blowing talk about how the NASA team designed the James Webb, how to fold the telescope, put it on the rocket, launch it, unfold it in space, and send pictures back to Earth. The scale and complexity of the project are simply remarkable.

Dr. Howard has accepted our invitation to visit Purdue, as part of the NASA outreach program, to talk about the James Webb Telescope. I would highly encourage you to take this opportunity to learn about this giant telescope project in our recent history.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Stanley Chan


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