ECEA news

Tally, Anne C atally at
Fri Feb 3 15:12:54 EST 2017


There are a few things that I wanted to bring to your attention. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Please remember that ECEA members are expected to attend 75% of meetings. If you are unable to make a meeting, you should email me (atally at<mailto:atally at>) to let me know why.

Ambassador Training Sessions
Ambassadors who have not yet completed Purdue ambassador training are required to attend one COE ambassador training session. Ambassadors who have already attended the program are strongly encouraged to return for a refresher. If you are unable to make the training due to a valid conflict, please email me at atally at<mailto:atally at> with your reason and documentation supporting it (e.g., a screenshot of your class schedule.) I will update everyone with the location when I hear back from OFE.

Session 1
Wednesday, February 8th @ 2:30-3:20 pm

Session 2
Thursday, February 16th @ 9:30-10:20 am

Register here to sign up for the SP17 COE Ambassador Training<>

ECEA Google Drive, Tours
This link<> contains the Google drive folder for ECE Ambassadors. Some files, like events attendance and meeting attendance, are view-only so you can verify where you stand. Other files, such as ECEA Pins and Polos and ECEA Tour Sign-Up, are for you to fill out.

For the tour page, please sign up for a start time for your tour; these times should be within the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 with a preference for afternoons. If no one has requested a tour for that day, Rachel will email you to let you know that you do not need to show up. Tours that do occur will count towards your events attendance.

ECE 400 Lunches
Please remember that only 2 of your 4 minimum events can be ECE 400 lunches. If you do not participate in events other than the lunches, you are ineligible for future membership in ECEA. You can track your progress of event and meeting attendance in the ECEA Google drive folder. If you believe there is a discrepancy, or if you have documentation supporting an excused absence, please email me.

Pins and Polos
I have not heard from everyone whether they need a nametag or a polo. Please update the sheet in Google drive or email me to let me know by next Wednesday 1) whether you need a pin or polo and 2) what size polo you need.

Anne C. Tally
Academic Advisor/Scholarship Coordinator
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
465 Northwestern Avenue, EE 136
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2035

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