ECEA Calling all ambassadors Purdue Day State Fair Aug 10

Johnson, Mark C mcjohnso at
Wed Aug 1 14:53:13 EDT 2012

ECE  Ambassadors,

Are any of you going to be back around either campus or Indianapolis Aug 10? That is Purdue Day at the Indiana State Fair. There will be an ECE tent at which we have a variety of ECE demos, give away items, and will be talking to lots of people. Some ECE staff, including me, will be taking shifts staffing the table, but student help is needed also. If you could come even for an hour or two, it would help a lot. Here is the tentative plan (I should have something final start of next week).

9-10am setup demos at ECE tent. I will be bringing the demo items. Right now I have just one volunteer to help with setup.

10am Fair opens to the public

10am-7pm want at least one student and preferably two at all times.

                Right now I have one volunteer for the 10am-noon slot. We could use one more during that time.

                After 12:00 we don't have any students yet.

7pm pack-up and leave. One of the ECE staff (TBD) will take the demo items back to Purdue.

I'm pretty sure that people staffing the tent get a free fair admission and one meal, but I'll have to confirm that.




Voice: (765) 494-0636
Email: mcjohnso at<mailto:mcjohnso at>
Office: EE248
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