ECEA Fwd: new Facebook page for ECE

Madalina Vintila mvintila at
Thu Mar 10 18:54:37 EST 2011

Hello ambassadors,

In a previous meeting we discussed the possibility of increasing alumni engagement with current students via social networking. Please see below the descriptions and links for the two Facebook pages that were set up by our department. Please visit these pages and send me any thoughts/comments/suggestions you might have. Your feedback will be valuable in improving the connection between students and alumni/friends of our department.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Nancy Cope <ecedraw at>
> Date: March 9, 2011 3:19:54 PM EST
> To: mvintila at
> Subject: new Facebook page for ECE

> Hi Nina,
> We finally got our new Facebook pages going. We actually created two pages. One page will be for students and alumni, where awards, job listings, etc. will be posted and hopefully some interaction between students and alumni will be going on.
> We also created an official ECE Facebook page, which is a general page where we will be announcing spotlights, research, and other general ECE announcements.
> Here is the student page:
> Here is the general page:
> Could you please spread around this information?
> Thanks, and any feedback you receive, I'd love to hear!
> Nancy Cope
> ECE Graphics Specialist
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