ECEA Meeting Update - tomorrow, 6 pm EE 118

Madalina Vintila mvintila at
Mon Jan 17 21:50:39 EST 2011

Hello ambassadors,

It has come to my attention that some of you have class on Tuesdays until 5:45 and would not be able to make it to the meeting on time. As such, we will hold the meetings at 6 pm instead so everyone can be there, especially since many of our meetings tend to be pretty short. 

Attendance is mandatory, so if you cannot make it please email Joyeta (joyeta8 at with your excuse so she can mark that in the attendance record. We will soon reevaluate our member list and deactivate those who don't attend or send in an excuse to the secretary.

See you all tomorrow!


P.S. Officers, please meet me at 5:45 (or as soon as you can make it from class) at EE 118 so we can talk before the meeting begins at 6.

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