ECEA major favor

lauc at lauc at
Thu Oct 22 18:24:11 EDT 2009

Dr. Melloch,
    I also am available and would be happy to talk about anything they are 
interested in.  I can go over my research and discuss Purdue ECE in general 
along with Virgil.

Please just let us know a meeting time+place.


Quoting Virgil Hsieh <vhsieh at>:

> Dan and Dr. Melloch,
> If no other ambassadors can do this, I have that time free. However, I 
> have done little research, so my discussion of ECE would mainly be about 
> my senior design and courses I have taken.
> As this is the case, if anyone with more experience/research under their 
> belt can do this, it would probably give a better impression of our school.
> If not, I would be glad to serve in this capacity, given a meeting place 
> and such.
> Virgil Hsieh
> Daniel Aguiar wrote:
> > I wasn't sure that this message from Dr Melloch got out, so I wanted
> > to re-send it.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dan
> >
> > ECE student ambassadors,
> >
> > I have a friend from college coming to the Illinois game with his son,
> > who I believe is a junior in high school. They live in Columbus, Ohio
> > and his son is very familiar with Ohio State. He is trying to get his
> > son interested in Purdue engineering. Last year they came up for a
> > game and I showed them around EE. We ran into Barret Robinson and he
> > talked to them for a while and showed them some undergraduate labs. My
> > friend was thinking it would be good for his son to hear an
> > engineering student's perspective on curriculum and campus life at
> > Purdue.
> >
> > So now the big favor. Would anyone be available this Saturday morning
> > around 9:00 am to meet with them? Besides talking, if you have
> > anything interesting, such as your senior design project, research you
> > are involved in, etc. to show them that would just add to the
> > experience.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Mike Melloch
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