ECEA Fwd: Astronaut Scholarship Foundation presentation on 10/22/09

Catherine Strickland slatercg at
Mon Oct 19 19:45:16 EDT 2009

There will be a reception for Jim Lovell, NASA Commander of Apollo 13 this
Thursday. The Development Office wants a minimum of TEN ambassadors to
attend. It will be held from 1:30-2:00 pm in EE 118. Please let me know if
you can attend.

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Underwood, Carrie R <crunder at>
Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 11:30 AM
Subject: Astronaut Scholarship Foundation presentation on 10/22/09

Hello Cathy and Dan,

This Thursday 10/22/09 in EE 400 from 12:30 - 1:20pm Captain Jim Lovell,
NASA Commander of Apollo 13 will be lecturing in EE 400 and presenting ECE
Grad student Yuri Kubo with a scholarship check from the NASA Astronaut
Scholarship Foundation.

It would be great to have ECE represented by ECE Ambassadors during the
talk. Originally we had a luncheon scheduled, however due to Capt. Lovell's
travel plans, he will not be able to attend this luncheon. We are however
putting together a small brief reception in EE 118 immediately after the
lecture from 1:30 - 2:00

We would like to have at least 10 ambassadors to represent during the
lecture and the reception.

Let me know if this is possible.

Thank you,

Carrie R. Underwood
Development Assistant
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
crunder at
Phone: (765) 494-3441
Fax: (765) 494-3544
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