[Che-dnp] Various updates for the CHE-DNP

Kim, Sangtae kim55 at purdue.edu
Thu Feb 29 08:32:08 EST 2024

CHE Distinguished and Named Professors, various updates in reverse chronological order.

  1.  Alina Alexeenko/AAE action to nominate for Riley Professorship - straw poll; I have heard from 5 members of the CHE-DNP, all in support. We will have a formal vote at our meeting today, right after the CHE Faculty meeting.
  2.  Outside letters for Named Professorship nominations (update)
     *   Steve Beaudoin; based on feedback from the CHE-DNP and after consultation with the donor and Steve Beaudoin, this has been changed from a limited-term named professorship to a limited-term named directorship (for PERC). Given the history of successes leading PERC including the recent breakthrough with ACMI's massive investment in Indiana, I believe it will be straightforward to get very strong external letters of support for Steve.
     *   Vilas Pol; we will go for outside letters after the positive impact of the Jaker Technology contract and gifts have been incorporated into Purdue (still waiting for these action items to finalize).
     *   Liz Topp and John Morgan; proceed with outside letters for the Nichols and Swanson chairs.

    --- Sang

Sangtae Kim
Distinguished Professor
Jay and Cynthia Ihlenfeld Head
Davidson School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University

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