[Cce-faculty-list] Finding registration PIN's

Ricksy, Jennifer R jricksy at purdue.edu
Tue Jul 23 08:37:40 EDT 2024

Hello CCE Faculty!

I just got notification this morning that the Registrar has added the registration PIN to the "new myPurdue." Here are the instructions (I have already provided feedback that this process is more cumbersome than the "old myPurdue" process.)

Log in to myPurdue
Go to the "Advising: Student Record......" tile.
Click on "Advisor Student Profile" link.
Select the appropriate semester, then click on the "View my Advisee Listing" button
Your list of advisees should be reported
Click on the student name
Click on "Registration Notices" in the upper right-hand section of the student file
The Registration PIN will be listed there.

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