[Cce-faculty-list] Non-Thesis MSCE Final Exam Forms (Form 7)

Ricksy, Jennifer R jricksy at purdue.edu
Mon Jul 8 16:05:16 EDT 2024

Hello CCE Faculty!

All students, including non-thesis masters students, must have a "final exam" form on file with the graduate school in order to graduate. I just initiated the final exam forms (Form 7) for the non-thesis masters students today, so they will be available for you to review and approve.  Please note that this includes the online MSCE students.

The database is available through the following URL:


To locate this form, please login to the Database, select the "My Signature" icon at the top of the screen, and then scroll down to "Exam Forms Awaiting Signature." The form must first be initiated by the Chairperson, then it will be available to the rest of the committee. Please check the system periodically to make sure you are reviewing the forms in a timely manner.

The forms must be fully approved by Civil Engineering by July 15, 2024, in order to meet the August graduation deadline.  PhD and MSCE thesis option students are responsible for initiating the paperwork for their defense events.


Jenny Ricksy

Burke Graduate Program Administrator

Ph: 765-494-2436 Fax: 765-494-0395

Lyles School of Civil Engineering

Purdue University

550 Stadium Mall Drive - HAMP 1141

West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051

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