[Cce-faculty-list] Representative to the CoE ECC

Crawford, Melba M mcrawford at purdue.edu
Sat Jul 6 12:56:57 EDT 2024

Civil and Construction Engineering Faculty,

We are in the process of setting up a ballot to elect a CE Representative to serve a three-year term on the College of Engineering Curriculum Committee. Faculty of all ranks are eligible for membership. The College of Engineering indicates that, "The Engineering Curriculum Committee (ECC) of the College of Engineering provides oversight of curricular changes, including new courses, course changes, and program changes across the COE."

Please let both Brad Caffery (who will be administering the ballot) and me know by Monday, July 15th at Noon if you do not wish to have your name included on the ballot. Otherwise, I will assume that you are willing to serve if elected.


Melba Crawford
FAC CE Representative

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