[Cce-all-list] Out of office Monday

Vance, Roberta Lynn vancer at purdue.edu
Fri Oct 18 13:23:34 EDT 2024

I will be out of the office on Monday, October 21. Please contact the following people, giving them grace time to be able to help. I'll be glad to help when I return. Otherwise, attached is the duty roster until we have added two more admins to our staff. Happy schooling.

Orders... Diana Knecht RM 1259
Conference Room... Heather Philhower RM 1141
Printing Requests... Cole Stonebraker RM 1225
Purchasing Cards... Heather Philhower RM 1141

Please only send your request to
so we do not duplicate tasks.

Bobbie Vance
Administrative Assistant
Environmental and Hydraulics & Hydrology
Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Delon and Elizabeth Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering
550 Stadium Mall Drive
Hampton Hall 3145 M,W,F & 1101 Tu,Th
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
Phone:  765-494-2194
Email:  vancer at purdue.edu<mailto:vancer at purdue.edu>

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Together, We Build.

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