[Bncnews-list] BNC E-news: Week of July 26th, 2021

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Jul 26 13:17:09 EDT 2021

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Seminars /Workshops / Events

Bindley and Birck Joint Virtual Seminar

Dr. Wen Jiang

"Technology Challenges in seeing how molecules work at atomic resolution in a cell-structural biology today, tomorrow and later"<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php?view=3669>

Thursday, July 29th | 11:00am - 12:00pm

Zoom:  https://purdueedu.zoom.us/j/99221627543?pwd=YUkvdy9aR1R5OTAxUVpFNzVVNTlRdz09<https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/99221627543?pwd=YUkvdy9aR1R5OTAxUVpFNzVVNTlRdz09>

BNC Faculty Seminar Series (will resume fall semester, 2021)

Previous Talks: https://engineering.purdue.edu/Intranet/Groups/BNC/FacultySeminars

Birck Events<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/events/index.php> and Birck News<https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/news/index.php>

Birck Nanotechnology Center Advanced Capabilities

[cid:image004.jpg at 01D78220.76326EE0]Plasma-Therm Apex HDPCVD SLR

(High Density Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition)
Deposition Capabilities:

  *   Silicon Dioxide (170°C, SiH4/O2/Ar)
  *   Silicon Nitride (150°C, SiH4/N2/Ar)
  *   Amorphous Silicon (170°C, SiH4/Ar)
  *   Silicon Carbide (Future Capability)


  *   Lower Temperatures (10-170°C)
  *   Ammonia-Free Nitride
  *   Fast! (100nm/min SiO2)
  *   Highly Automated (Load/Start/Unload)
  *   600W Bias, 1000W ICP Power Supplies
  *   4" Wafer Size
Location: Cleanroom R Bay
Contact: Rich Hosler (hosler0 at purdue.edu<mailto:hosler0 at purdue.edu>)

Please visit the Birck Wiki<https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/BNCWiki/> to learn about the wide array of fabrication and characterization equipment at the facility

Opening in OxideMEMS lab

Sunil Bhave's OxideMEMS Lab <https://engineering.purdue.edu/oxidemems/publications.html> explores inter-domain coupling in Opto-mechanical, Spin-Acoustic and Atom-MEMS devices. PhD, Postdoctoral and Research Associate positions are available in these areas:

·      Superconducting qubit and cryo-CMOS circuits
·      Resonators and switches
·      MEMS-engine for LIDAR
·      Piezo-on-nitride transducers for atom-mechanics
Expertise in many and most of Microfabrication, PiezoMEMS, Photonics, Quantum Mechanics, Microwave circuits, PCB design, ADS/HFSS, Comsol, Python and Labview is required.
Please send CV to bhave at purdue.edu<mailto:bhave at purdue.edu>  if you are interested.link<http://interested.link>

ECN: Planned Power Outage on July 31st

A large number of ECN Servers that are housed in the MATH building will need to be powered down while electrical work is completed to accommodate additional power for the supercomputing cluster "Anvil".

The work is expected to start Saturday, July 31st BEFORE 8AM, and the outage is expected to last 16 hours. This means that almost all ECN services will be unavailable during that timeframe.

If you plan on working on this day, please make arrangements to copy data offline/elsewhere. If you need assistance, please reach out ASAP via https://www.purdue.edu/ECN/ContactUs .

Instructors - If your summer students use ECN services, please forward this message to them as well.

Please expect one more emailed reminder for this outage on July 30th.



BNC Purchasing Procedures and Virtual Conference Registrations

With the start of the new semester quickly approaching and also seeing a rise in the number of personal reimbursements being submitted I wanted to send a gentle reminder of Birck's purchasing procedures and how to register for virtual conferences and workshops.

Please remember that instead of using your personal card for work related purchases, they should be purchased either through Ariba using Purdue's pre-approved vendors or with a departmental credit card.  Purdue is a tax exempt organization and when purchasing through Ariba or with a departmental credit card, taxes are deducted.

The following link outlines the BNC purchasing procedure along with the purchase request form: https://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/birck/for-birck-users/order.php.  Brenda Meador (meador3 at purdue.edu<mailto:meador3 at purdue.edu>) or Nancy Black (blackn at purdue.edu<mailto:blackn at purdue.edu>) can then help you to place the order.

When registering for a virtual conference or workshop please reference the below instructions provided by Purdue's travel department.

Online Conference and Workshop Registrations

  *   A travel waiver is not required for online conference or workshop registrations. Fees of $1,000 or more should be reviewed by the appropriate business office before the conference or registration is booked.
  *   Online conferences should be paid by:
     *   Individuals who have a Purdue Travel Card:
        *   Request a temporary card increase using the online form.<https://purdue.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_29btpe6iXd002b3?_ga=2.21922812.670833682.1587985451-1851295025.1559759579>
        *   Enter the conference fee in the "Single Transaction $$ Increase to" field.
        *   Select attend a Virtual Conference.
        *   Submit the form.
     *   Individuals without a Purdue Travel Card:
        *   Department Purchasing Card should be used.
        *   If the charge does not go through, contact pcard at purdue.edu<mailto:pcard at purdue.edu> for assistance. The Merchant Category Code (MCC) may need to be opened for the card to post.

If you have any questions on BNC purchasing or virtual conference registrations, please feel free to contact Brenda, Nancy or myself.

Jaime Turner

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

[Facebook icon]<https://www.facebook.com/nano.purdue.edu/>    [Twitter icon] <https://twitter.com/BNCPurdue>

Jaime Turner
Lead Administrative Assistant to the Director | Birck Nanotechnology Center
BRK | 1205 W State Street | West Lafayette, IN 47907
o: 765-494-3509<tel:7654943509> | m: 765-491-3064<tel:7654913064> | jjturner at purdue.edu<mailto:jjturner at purdue.edu>


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