[BNC-grads-list] [NSAC] Group Game Night (Avalon) Tues @ 7pm!

Sam Peana speana at purdue.edu
Tue May 12 19:17:52 EDT 2020

Hi guys,

Just a reminder that the avalon game is starting now! Just follow this link
to join:


-Sam Peana

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On Mon, May 11, 2020 at 1:56 PM Sam Peana <speana at purdue.edu> wrote:

> *WHAT: The Resistance: Avalon <https://avalon.fun/> *
> *WHEN: Tuesday (5/12/20) @ 7 PM*
> *WHERE: NSAC Microsoft Teams Gaming Channel
> <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a5cde788805374d7fa3f3ed5a73cd8c4d%40thread.tacv2/Gaming?groupId=5bf94bef-11c6-4867-b6b1-a3a6d90de4e9&tenantId=4130bd39-7c53-419c-b1e5-8758d6d63f21>WHY:
> For maximum fun!*
> [image: Image.jpeg]
> Hello everyone!
> NSAC is hosting a quarantine board game party online! We will be meeting
> up on MS Teams in the gaming channel to play *The Resistance: Avalon*.
> You don't need to install anything; just come and play!
> The game is a social deduction game, pretty much like Mafia or Werewolf.
> Here is a nice video <https://youtu.be/rXlK3NZjLGc> where the game rules
> are explained. Even if you have no prior knowledge of this game, please
> join us, as we will explain rules when we actually sit down to play.
> I look forward to seeing you all there!
> Sincerely,
> - Sam Peana
> A few extra details about The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good
> and Evil in a battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur
> represents the future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet
> hidden among his brave warriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions. These
> forces of evil are few in number but have knowledge of each other and
> remain hidden from all but one of Arthur's servants. Merlin alone knows the
> agents of evil, but he must speak of this only in riddles. If his true
> identity is discovered, all will be lost.
> [image: Mailtrack]
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> Sender
> notified by
> Mailtrack
> <https://mailtrack.io?utm_source=gmail&utm_medium=signature&utm_campaign=signaturevirality5&> 05/11/20,
> 01:49:49 PM
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