[BNC-grads-list] NSAC Election Nominations!

Sam Peana speana at purdue.edu
Wed Aug 5 11:03:49 EDT 2020

Hello everyone,

NSAC is still looking for nominations for next year's officers! We are
looking for nominations for NSAC President, Vice President, Treasurer, and
Secretary. If you know someone  (or yourself) who you believe would be an
excellent leader for NSAC please nominate them. *To nominate someone please
fill out this form: https://forms.gle/kraCSC1ibNHNwjDw6

NSAC is an extremely good opportunity to learn how to manage people,
organize events, and to expand your professional network. Additionally, it
is a fantastic opportunity to serve your community in Birck and to enhance
the experience of your peers during their academic careers.

As for myself, I found my tenure in NSAC to be incredibly educational
regarding public speaking, networking, organization, and management. I am
very proud to list this organization on my resume.

Finally, due to the COVID-19 situation, the current executive committee has
agreed to have a long advisory period to get the new committee up to speed
with management of NSAC. So if you are worried that you don't have the
experience or knowledge the current comm is happy to help you get rolling.


-Sam Peana
President of NSAC 2018-2020

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