[BNC-grads-list] Judges Needed - Lafayette Regional Science Fair 2019

Howe, Deidra M howede at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 20 09:42:53 EST 2019

Judges needed for the Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair- Friday 3/8/2019


Would you be willing to act as a judge at the 2019 Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair on Friday, March 8?

If you are receiving this message, it means you are eligible to volunteer as a judge

in the 2019 Lafayette Regional Science and Engineering Fair on March 8. This year, we have over 600 young experimentalists (5-12 graders) eagerly awaiting a chance to share their projects with “real scientists”. The fair is only a few weeks away, so right now they are putting the final touches on their posters and practicing their talks.  We are always in need of many judges to handle the large volume of students.

That’s where you come in.

For those who may have done this in the past you remember how it was the first time you judged- so many abstracts and projects to look at! Because of this, we need lots of help to give these students a great science fair experience. Judging really is a lot of fun, and not terribly difficult since the kids are high school age or younger. Please come out and help support this event!

As always, a complimentary buffet dinner in the Purdue Memorial Union will precede judging in Stewart Center. You will receive follow up instructions regarding exact times and locations, but typically dinner begins around 4:30 pm and judging begins at 6 pm.

If you would like to judge this year, please fill out the following survey:


Feel free to email me at lrsciencefair2019 at gmail.com<mailto:lrsciencefair2019 at gmail.com> with any specific questions or concerns not covered in the survey. Detailed instructions will go out closer to the time of the event. I hope you can make it! We have a record number of projects again this year and need all the judges we can get.

Best Regards,

Gillian Barth (lrsciencefair2019 at gmail.com<mailto:lrsciencefair2019 at gmail.com>)

2019 Judge Coordinator


Dr. Cynthia Stauffacher

2019 Director

Gillian Barth
Deputy Director
Lafayette Regional Science Fair
Purdue University
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