[BNC-grads-list] Women in Optics and Nanoscience Discussion Forum + Lunch

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Aug 5 09:34:58 EDT 2019

Dear All,

Please join us on Monday, 5 August, 12:30PM at BRK 1001 for the SPIE/OSA hosted
Women in Optics and Nanoscience discussion forum.

The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) disciplines and industries so far remain a challenging environment for women. But what hindrances does a woman face to pursue a career in Optics and Nanoscience?

The event will feature a forum comprising women in various stages in their research journey, led by experienced panelists like Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva, Prof. Dana Weinstein and Dr. Swati Pol who will discuss topics like challenges faced by women in their careers in science, and steps we can take to address the challenges. The participants are encouraged to ask questions and share their experiences. Our goal is to promote personal and professional growth for women through community building and networking opportunities.

There will be free lunch and beverages!

Soham Saha

Graduate Student Researcher

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Purdue University
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