[BNC-grads-list] RSVP for NSAC Election & Social

Prabhu Kumar Venuthurumilli pvenuthu at purdue.edu
Wed Apr 17 17:22:50 EDT 2019

Dear all,

Due to bad weather on Friday, we will have our NSAC election in Birck 1001.

NSAC election is on April 19th, where we will have live music, free food and elect new officers of NSAC 2019-20. Professor Dana Weinstein will be our special guest.

What: NSAC Election
When: Friday, 4/19/2019 5:30 pm
Where: Birck 1001

Please RSVP using the link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvnkm3nOuuKB5a0Si77PSGpbE05fPk6Ho0bdgURmNW2kKwBA/viewform> to order the food accordingly.

Officer Election
NSAC will have the election for the 2019-20 Executive Board for four positions: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary. We would have open nominations from the attendees. If you want to run for a position, you must attend the spring picnic. Also, please prepare for a 1-2 minute speech addressing the following questions:

  *   What leadership experience do you have?
  *   What voluntary activities within NSAC have you participated in?
  *   What is your vision for NSAC for the upcoming year?
  *   Any particular ideas that you want to implement if you become the NSAC officer.
  *   How much actual time commitment can you make to NSAC? (Consider if you would be too busy to participate/lead in the activities of NSAC before running.)

5:30 Remarks by the current NSAC President & Deputy Director of Birck, Prof Dana Weinstein
5:45-6:15 Officer Election of NSAC/Dinner
6:15- Live Music Performance


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