[BNC-grads-list] Volunteers Needed for 2018 SURF Symposium August 2

Shruthi Suresh suresh9 at purdue.edu
Mon Jul 2 11:31:08 EDT 2018

Dear Researchers and Graduate Students:

The Purdue Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program will
host the annual SURF Research Symposium on *Thursday, August 2, 2018*. We
are very excited to have *137* undergraduate students from Purdue and other
universities presenting their research via poster and oral presentations!
The research topics will span multiple engineering, science, and
agricultural disciplines.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in the
SURF Symposium as a session chair (facilitators of the oral presentations)
or judge (poster or oral).*We need many professional judges to evaluate
oral and poster presentations throughout the day. *We are asking volunteers to
judge for approximately 1.5- to 2-hour blocks (but we would be grateful if
judges could stay for multiple sessions!). The SURF students appreciate
that Purdue scientists and engineers, and the surrounding community come to
the symposium to learn about their research projects.

If you would like to help, please complete the following survey by

For more information on the SURF please visit:

Please feel free to let us know if you have questions, and we appreciate
your participation and support.
Thanks and Regards,

Shruthi Suresh
SURF Graduate Assistant
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