[BNC-grads-list] FW: Purdue Leadership Summit 2017

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Thu Feb 16 08:33:20 EST 2017


Purdue Leadership Summit 2017:

Celebrating Diversity through Mindful Leadership

6pm-8:30pm Tue Feb 22, 2017 (PMU South Ball Room)

  *   Individual RSVP: pls2017.eventbrite.com<http://pls2017.eventbrite.com>

  *   Group RSVP: https://goo.gl/forms/xXGdy7WV1d380Jr82 (due 2/16)

Purdue Leadership Summit 2017 is a cutting-edge mindful leadership training & celebration. It will begin and end with a campus-wide club showcase including a variety of cultural and artistic performances. FREE of COST with snack, dinner, mindful leadership training (breathing & meditation to center the mind) & 20 free t-shirts for raffle ticket withdrawal.

PLS 2017 Schedule: Tue 6-8:30pm Feb 22, 2017 (PMU South Ball Room)
*      6:00pm-6:30pm: snack time, diverse student org showcase, artistic & cultural performances
*      6:30pm-7:30pm: mindful leadership training with Annelies Richmond
*      7:30pm-8:30pm: dinner time, diverse student org showcase, artistic & cultural performances

Annelies Richmond, one of the most outstanding international experts in leadership, mindfulness and meditation from IAHV, will give us an experiential leadership training to address diversity and increase dynamism through mindful approaches. These skills can be used right away in our lives to enhance our ability to communicate, connect and thrive in diverse settings, teams and environments.

Shih-Ping Kuo :)
skuo at purdue.edu<mailto:skuo at purdue.edu>
Doctoral Candidate, Learning Design & Technology, Purdue University<https://www.education.purdue.edu/academics/graduate-students/degrees-and-programs/graduate-programs/learning-design-technology/>
Graduate Assistant, Admissions, Purdue University Graduate School<http://www.purdue.edu/gradschool/>
President & Instructor, Yesplus at Purdue<http://boilerlink.purdue.edu/organization/yesplus>
Volunteer, International Association for Human Values (IAHV)<http://www.iahv.org/us-en/>
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