[BNC-grads-list] Fw: COMSOL Purdue webinar survey

Di Wang wang1292 at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 8 15:34:31 EST 2017

Dear all,

If you are interested in the COMSOL webinar, please take 2 minutes to fill out the google form to indicate your interested area and availability. This is the final opportunity to indicate your preference! I'm looking forward to seeing your responses,


From: opsc-bounces at lists.purdue.edu <opsc-bounces at lists.purdue.edu> on behalf of Di Wang <wang1292 at purdue.edu>
Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2017 12:23 PM
To: spie at lists.purdue.edu; opsc at lists.purdue.edu; bnc-grads-list at ecn.purdue.edu; 'bnc-all at ecn.purdue.edu'
Subject: Re: [Opsc] COMSOL Purdue webinar survey

Dear colleagues,

Viswajith (Vish) Hanasoge from COMSOL, Inc. called me and expressed his intent to host an online COMSOL webinar exclusively for Purdue users. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the google form to indicate your preferred topics and availabilities at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuNRKmxJxBKc7irMCDBa5jyVFT4syR7wllz2R3s796ZCCStA/viewform. I will send the results to Vish and he will select the topic and time for the webinar accordingly. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing your responses.


COMSOL Purdue Webinar Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuNRKmxJxBKc7irMCDBa5jyVFT4syR7wllz2R3s796ZCCStA/viewform>
Viswajith (Vish) Hanasoge from COMSOL, Inc. would like to host a webinar exclusively for Purdue users. Please indicate your interested topics and time availability. Thanks!


Di Wang

From: Di Wang
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:59:55 PM
To: spie at lists.purdue.edu; opsc at lists.purdue.edu; bnc-grads-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Subject: COMSOL Purdue webinar survey

Dear colleagues,

Viswajith (Vish) Hanasoge from COMSOL, Inc. called me and expressed his intent to host an online COMSOL webinar exclusively for Purdue users. If you are interested in attending, please fill out the google form to indicate your preferred topics and availabilities at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuNRKmxJxBKc7irMCDBa5jyVFT4syR7wllz2R3s796ZCCStA/viewform. I will send the results to Vish and he will select the topic and time for the webinar accordingly. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seeing your responses.


COMSOL Purdue Webinar Survey<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuNRKmxJxBKc7irMCDBa5jyVFT4syR7wllz2R3s796ZCCStA/viewform>
Viswajith (Vish) Hanasoge from COMSOL, Inc. would like to host a webinar exclusively for Purdue users. Please indicate your interested topics and time availability. Thanks!


Di Wang
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