[BNC-grads-list] PQC Workshop 2017: Poster Session Registration

Purdue Quantum Center pqc at purdue.edu
Sat Apr 22 00:18:20 EDT 2017

Dear postdocs and students:

We would like to encourage you to participate in the poster session at the imminent PQC workshop.

The poster session will take place in the Mann Hall 1st floor atrium from 12-1pm on April 28th. To register your poster please fill out the following form:


Important information:

  1.  Poster size should be 24"x36".
  2.  You may print your poster at MRGN by emailing your pdf document to mrgnposterprinter at gmail.com<mailto:mrgnposterprinter at gmail.com>. You will receive a notification email upon printing completion. If you have further questions regarding printing, please contact Maria Longoria-Littleton (mlongori at purdue.edu<mailto:mlongori at purdue.edu>).

Please let us know if you need assistance or have any questions.

Thank you!


Organizers of the PQC Workshop 2017

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