[BNC-grads-list] Small project

Justus C Ndukaife jndukaif at purdue.edu
Fri Apr 21 21:56:13 EDT 2017

Dear Fellow Engineers and Scientists:

Please see email thread below. You participation in the survey would help educate K-12 students on the day-to-day activities of Engineers. Please feel free to also share with your colleagues who could participate.

Thanks for your consideration,



From: Tanya Faltens <tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 2:20 PM
To: Justus C Ndukaife
Subject: Fwd: Small project

Dear Justus,

One of our collaborators is doing some engineering education research and would like input from engineers, including graduate students and post docs.  Could you please forward this email to people who might like to participate or to other students in leadership positions who may have a network to connect to?

Also, if you know anyone out in industry, their responses would be very helpful.

Thank you,


Tanya Faltens, Ph.D.
Educational Content Creation Manager
Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Purdue University
207 South Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1971
tfaltens at purdue.edu<mailto:tfaltens at purdue.edu>
(765) 494-6318
www.nanohub.org<http://www.nanohub.org> <http://www.nanohub.org/>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tamecia R. Jones, MA, MDiv <tameciajones at gmail.com<mailto:tameciajones at gmail.com>>
Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: Small project
To: Tanya Faltens <tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com<mailto:tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com>>
Cc: Informal Research <tameciajones at purdue.edu<mailto:tameciajones at purdue.edu>>

Dear researcher or engineer,

We are doing career profiles of engineering disciplines and specialties for K-12 students.  There are students who are learning about engineering, but beyond their projects or hearing the types of majors they say that they don't have concrete ideas of what engineers do from day to day.  We decided to do profiles of careers from various majors and specialties so students will have examples and stories to remember.  We are you to answer an online survey about your field and job.  Be as specific as you can, use your technical jargon or layman's terms, and we will take your responses and generate profiles that students can view online.

We want you to share it with others in your field or friends in other engineering disciplines.  You have the option of remaining anonymous.

You can complete the short survey at the following link:


Thank you!

Tamecia Jones
Graduate Research Assistant, Engineering Education
Purdue University
tameciajones at purdue.edu<mailto:tameciajones at purdue.edu>

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Tanya Faltens <tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com<mailto:tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Tamecia,

Great!  I can connect you with some grad students -- there are some student societies who may be able to help.

Please send me a blurb that I can directly email to a few people.  It should ask them to help find participants and send it to their members or others who may be interested.

My work has only peripherally been about nano-- through things like NanoDays outreach and nanoHUB.



Tanya Faltens, Ph.D.
Educational Content Creation Manager
Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Purdue University
207 South Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1971
tfaltens at purdue.edu<mailto:tfaltens at purdue.edu>
(765) 494-6318<tel:(765)%20494-6318>
www.nanohub.org<http://www.nanohub.org> <http://www.nanohub.org/>

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:41 AM, Tamecia R. Jones, MA, MDiv <tameciajones at gmail.com<mailto:tameciajones at gmail.com>> wrote:

Grad students would be a great start as I could focus on their research and give great examples of how the work applies to real life!

Would you be willing to be one of the profiles as well and talk about your dissertation if it was connected to nano?


On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Tanya Faltens <tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com<mailto:tfaltens.purdue at gmail.com>> wrote:
Dear Tamecia,

Would grad student researchers work for you?  There are several working in different areas (nanophotonics, mems, materials, devices)



Tanya Faltens, Ph.D.
Educational Content Creation Manager
Network for Computational Nanotechnology
Purdue University
207 South Martin Jischke Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1971
tfaltens at purdue.edu<mailto:tfaltens at purdue.edu>
(765) 494-6318<tel:(765)%20494-6318>
www.nanohub.org<http://www.nanohub.org> <http://www.nanohub.org/>

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Tamecia R. Jones, MA, MDiv <tameciajones at gmail.com<mailto:tameciajones at gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Tanya,

I hope everything it going well.  I have been looking at another research project and students are interested in profiles of some engineering disciplines.  We wanted to start with nanotechnology and nano-engineering so we can add some things to NanoHub.  Do you know of any people currently working in the center who would be open to asking a few questions about their background and job?  It would be a survey questionnaire they could do online, and then I would write up a profile of them.  We wouldn't force them to take pictures, but that would be nice.

Would you have some suggestions and be willing to make email introductions so I can invite them to participate?


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