[BNC-grads-list] Reminder! Get the MOST out of being a TA! (and some FREE food!) TOMORROW

Chanel M Beebe beebe at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 20 14:47:45 EDT 2016

Engineering students,

If you are currently a TA or plan to be a TA or teach in the future, ASEE would like to invite you to a panel event where we will explore how to get the most out of your TA or teaching experience. We'll even talk about how you could earn a teaching certificate (which would look great on your CV) without even being a TA! The panel will include the following members:

  *   Jason FitzSimmons, Instructional Developer, PhD Curriculum and Instruction, MS and BS in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Jason can speak to the importance of teaching in the engineering field and how teaching sets a faculty member/candidate apart and differentiates from others. He speaks from the perspective of an administrator that ran a teaching certificate program, feedback from graduate students, and the value a teaching certificate program be in enriching a grad student experience and help in getting a job.
  *   Erica Laylaw, Instructional Developer, MA in Earth Sciences, and completing a PhD in College Science Teaching.Erica can speak to the importance of teaching experience and professional development (whether a certificate or attending workshops) for obtaining a job after graduation, as well as networking by meeting students from other fields, which can influence a graduate student's teaching, research, and the added bonus: social life.
  *   Parth Panchmatia, CIE graduate assistant, Civil Engineering. Parth is the most familiar with the Graduate Teacher Certificate Program, and other resources CIE offers to graduate students at Purdue. He holds the Tier 2 certificate and is working on the Tier 3 Advanced Graduate Teacher Certificate.

The event will be Wednesday, September 21st from 12:00 - 1:00 PM at ME 3006 and Jimmy John's subs will be provided.

Please see the attached flyer.

Best regards,
Nathan Hicks

Nathan Hicks
Engineering Education PhD student
Purdue University
President: American Society for Engineering Education<https://engineering.purdue.edu/ASEE>
Pronouns: he/him/his

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