[BNC-grads-list] Interaction Between Research Staff and You

Drew Candebat dcandeba at purdue.edu
Wed Mar 16 11:19:20 EDT 2011

Dear BNC Graduate Student,

NSAC will be discussing the interaction between the Research Staff and students with the Scientific Director of BNC and other BNC managers.  Please reply to me with any thoughts you may have, good or bad, on improving this interaction.

BNC has a wide range of tools at the student's disposal but some have restricted access due to their complexity.  The research staff are here to not only operate equipment but facilitate your research by providing recipes, processes, etc so you do not have to 'reinvent the wheel.'  Again, please let me know your thoughts on how the research staff at Birck can work better with you.

Thank you

Drew Candebat
NSAC President
dcandeba at purdue.edu

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