[BNC-grads-list] NSAC Meeting TODAY 3 PM BRK 1099

Cara Smith smith543 at purdue.edu
Thu Oct 15 11:17:17 EDT 2009

The Birck Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC) will be holding its
monthly meetings on the third Thursday of each month, starting at 3 PM.
Our next meeting will be held TODAY!, October 15th at 3 PM in BRK 1099.

*Items to discuss:*

Trip to Argon National Lab
Committee kick-off- we need your help! (includes Social and Hospitality,
Research and Awareness Development, and Policies and Procedures committees)
NSAC Constitution
Future social activities

We hope to see you there!

John, Cara, Alfredo and Caitlin
NSAC Officers
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