[BNC-grads-list] NSAC Trip to Chicago: Argonne National Lab

Alfredo Tuesta alfredotuesta at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 22:48:19 EDT 2009

Hello everybody,

As part of NSAC's research awareness initiative, we are planning a trip on
the third week of November (16-20) to visit the Center for Nanoscale
Materials (CNM) at the Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. Since
researchers are responsible for the tours and only available from Monday
through Friday, we must go during a weekday.

Information about CNM's research and facilities can be found here:

In order to make our trip to Chicago more enjoyable and worthwhile, we are
considering staying in the city for a great pizza dinner and possibly
visiting a museum. We have made no further detailed plans for this but would
like to know if you are interested as well.

If you are interested in taking a trip to Chicago and visiting this
magnificent lab and possibly staying for dinner and a museum, fill out this


A visit to the lab is FREE and we will coordinate carpooling after we gather
information from those interested. Please fill out the form by next Friday,
Oct. 16, 2009.

Your NSAC Officers:
John Wilcox, Cara Smith, Alfredo Tuesta and Caitlin Burger
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