[BNC-grads-list] Lab Open House (11/14) and Dinner with NCN (11/20)

Laura Biedermann biedrmnn at purdue.edu
Thu Nov 13 16:00:44 EST 2008


Lab Open House: Friday, 11/14, at 12:30 pm
Lab Open House continues with a tour this Friday of Birck 1217 at  
12:30 pm.  This week's tour will feature the PVD Product's Pulsed  
Laser Deposition System, which is a physical vapor deposition system  
that can be used to deposit oxide thin films.  Graduate student  
Caitlin Burger will be our tour guide.  A wide variety of oxides can  
be deposited via PLD, including ferroelectric oxides, which enables  
the possibility for non-Silicon based oxide integration into  

Dinner with NCN: Thursday, 11/20 at 6:00 pm
All grad students at Birck are invited to a dinner with the NCN  
graduate students.  NCN is the Network for Computational  
Nanotechnology.  This dinner, on Thurs., Nov 20th at 6 pm at the  
Purdue Memorial Union, is a great chance to meet computational  
nanotechnology grad students from a variety of disciplines.  If you  
would like to attend, please e-mail Raseong Kim (kim369 at purdue.edu) by  
Sunday, Nov. 16th.  See the flyer below for more information.



Begin forwarded message:

> From: kim369 at purdue.edu
> Date: November 13, 2008 2:21:54 PM GMT-05:00
> To: Laura Biedermann <biedrmnn at purdue.edu>
> Subject: Invitation to NCN dinner on 11/20/08
> Hello Laura,
> NCN Student Leadership Council is going to have the NCN at Purdue Fall  
> Dinner on
> 11/20/2008 (Thu), and we'd like to invite NSAC students.
> The dinner will be from 6pm to 9pm, in the Anniversary Drawing Room  
> at Purdue
> Memorial Union. We also have invited speakers who will give us  
> informal talks
> on "Preserving Research Data".
> Those who are to participate should RSVP (kim369 at purdue.edu, Raseong  
> Kim) by
> Sunday, Nov. 16. The details (speaker list, dinner menu, etc.) are  
> shown in the
> attached flyer. Please distribute the flyer to other students (and  
> print out a
> few copies and post them around if possible).
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Raseong Kim

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