[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Childcare on campus - Patty Jischke Center daycare demolition

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Wed Feb 3 15:17:48 EST 2021

Dear Colleagues,

As some of you may have heard from your school or department, there is a recent article<https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/purduetoday/releases/2021/Q1/purdue,-kindercare-announce-closure-of-campus-child-care-center.html> in Purdue Today about the closure of the Patty Jischke Early Care and Education Center, effective June 1st. This is one of the three on-campus childcare centers. In 2019 Purdue had announced plans for a replacement facility with higher capacity, but these plans were not explicitly mentioned in this article. Instead, it is mentioned that “the Purdue Research Foundation will embark on a market study on child care needs in the community now and in the future,” causing concerns about the future of this facility. Purdue exponent also published a relevant article<https://www.purdueexponent.org/campus/article_440c2e8d-26c5-5fe4-890f-ef4fd07e3554.html> yesterday.

Childcare is a critical issue for many at Birck and so we wanted to bring this to your attention. In addition, we wanted to let you know that a number of us have signed a letter underlining the importance of quality childcare on campus to our University leadership. You may also want to consider signing the letter here: http://bit.ly/SavePJC2021<https://bowtie.mailbutler.io/tracking/hit/38b9cfad-ea18-4ef4-8e50-e47f67276590/1b73fbd2-1c78-4041-ada0-40d62164583b>.

Best regards,
Ali, Zhihong and Sunil

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