[Bnc-faculty-all-list] ECE Web-Seminar Series returns this Fall -- Speaker Professor Arka Majumdar from University of Washington

Bhave, Sunil A bhave at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 1 12:14:33 EDT 2020


The ECE Web-Seminar series returns for the Fall semester. Our first speaker is Professor Arka Majumdar from University of Washington who will present a talk on "Phase Change Material Integrated Silicon Photonics: GST and Beyond”.

The seminar will be this thursday, September 3rd from 10a-11am. The seminar will be on Zoom:

Shriram, Chen-Lung, and David, can you please forward the talk announcement to MSE, Physics, CS and PSQEI respectively.

See you all there. I attach the talk abstract and Calendar invite to this email.

thank you,

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