[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Question about Undergraduates working at Birck

Shakouri, Ali shakouri at purdue.edu
Sun Mar 22 04:54:09 EDT 2020

Dear All,

Couple of colleagues have raised concerns about undergraduates coming back to Birck after Spring break travel. Some have suggested to limit UG access for 14-day because it is hard to keep physical distancing in dorms with roommates who may have travelled.

Sunil, Zhihong and I look forward to receive additional input/comments from faculty. Could you let us know if you have any undergraduates working in Birck lab and if their work is important for your research in the next two weeks?


On Mar 21, 2020, at 12:26 PM, Shakouri, Ali <shakouri at purdue.edu<mailto:shakouri at purdue.edu>> wrote:

To All Birck Students:

Dear All,

I understand that some students cannot work from home and need to use our labs and cleanroom for their research. Birck as a shared facility can function only when users obey strict sanitizing, hand washing and social distancing rules.

Students should minimize the use of shared offices, kitchen and other public spaces especially if they can’t keep 6ft distance. Also plan so that you minimize time in the cleanroom or labs and visit the facility only once per day. Students who need to work close to each other, should coordinate their schedules to minimize overlap.

I strongly encourage each faculty member to ask their students who have been traveling out of state to stay home for 14 days. There is a widespread shelter in place in several states and since there are no signs early on, it is important that we minimize the risks to other users.

Please also review Sam’s email from yesterday. I appreciate very much NSAC’s great initiatives in these critical times.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments

Best regards,

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