[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Brick Faculty Meeting; June 15, 11:30am

Turner, Jaime J jjbiggs at purdue.edu
Mon Jun 12 15:33:36 EDT 2017

REMINDER: Birck Faculty Meeting, this Thursday, June 15th at 11:30am in BRK 1001, if you haven’t already, please let me know if you plan to attend so I may order enough lunches.

BNC Faculty meeting
Thursday June 15, 2015
Birck 1001


·         New Faculty/Staff

·         New laboratories and equipment installations

·         Financial update; Equipment usage

·         Staff cross-training

·         Common process characterization

·         Birck Faculty Leadership Council

·         Equipment replacement/ new equipment priorities

·         Q&A



From: Shakouri, Ali
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 3:24 PM
To: bnc-faculty-all-list at ecn.purdue.edu
Cc: Turner, Jaime J <jjbiggs at purdue.edu>; Reger, Ronald K <rreger at purdue.edu>; Zemlyanov, Dmitry Y <dzemlian at purdue.edu>; Diaz Rivas, Rosa E <rdiazri at purdue.edu>; Lagoutchev, Alexei S <lagutch at purdue.edu>; Dilley, Neil R <ndilley at purdue.edu>; Kwok, Tim <kwokt at purdue.edu>; Raghunathan, Nithin <nithin at purdue.edu>; Peroulis, Dimitrios <dperouli at purdue.edu>
Subject: Brick Faculty Meeting; June 15, 11:30am

Dear Colleagues,

We will have our mid-year Birck Faculty meeting on Thursday June 15 at 11:30am in BRK 1001. Please let Jaime know if you can make it so that we order enough lunches. We will also have WebEx (please let Jaime know if you plan to participate remotely).

See below the agenda of the meeting. In addition to regular updates, we will discuss about the equipment replacement/purchase priorities. For the latter, we look forward to hear your input. The priority will be given to a shared equipment that is used by a wide range of users and/or unique facilities that can set Purdue apart for major center proposals. We encourage acquisitions for which partial funding will be provided by faculty, departments and/or colleges. For faculty or staff who may be interested to make a pitch for a tool, please send me by Monday June 12 at 5pm, 2-3 viewgraphs about the equipment’s main capabilities and cost, key groups that can benefit from the tool in current or future projects and their anticipated usage. The pitch should be 2-3 minutes (except for major tools where we will spend more time as needed).

Please let Dimitri or me know if you have any suggestions about what else we should discuss at the meeting.

Best regards,

BNC Faculty meeting
Thursday June 15, 2015
Birck 1001


·         New Faculty/Staff

·         New laboratories and equipment installations

·         Financial update; Equipment usage

·         Staff cross-training

·         Common process characterization

·         Birck Faculty Leadership Council

·         Equipment replacement/ new equipment priorities

·         Q&A


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