[Bnc-faculty-all-list] BRK process characterization and improvement program: update and kick-off meeting ; 1-2pm BRK 1001

Peroulis, Dimitrios dperouli at purdue.edu
Fri Jun 2 15:36:01 EDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

Right after the June 15th faculty meeting (11.30am, BRK 1001), we will have our kick-off meeting for the process characterization and improvement program. The first part of the program started in March 2017 by requesting information (please see relevant email sent on March 3rd). We received processing information throughout the month of March. In April and May we processed the submitted information from all groups that contributed processes, and developed a systematic approach to help us start in an organized manner.

In this kickoff meeting we would like to:

1.       Discuss the developed processing plan and collect feedback.

2.       Discuss the logistics for sharing and using data.

3.       Discuss the timeline for the next few months.

4.       Assign student-trainers from the groups that submitted the requested information and/or from additional groups that did not originally submit processes but would like to be involved from this point on. We have designed the processes to be quite generic and we expect to benefit a wide range of process and characterization steps.

All are welcome to attend and contribute. Please feel free to ask an experienced person from your group to join the meeting if you prefer.

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