[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Purdue/Colombia Partnership: Invitation to Sept. 22 Lunch and Oct. 11-13 workshop

David B. Janes janes at ecn.purdue.edu
Fri Sep 9 13:06:57 EDT 2011

Nano Colleagues,

As many of you are aware, Purdue has been developing an extensive 
partnership with universities in Colombia.  To date, there are two key 
a) a fellowship program for Colombian students to pursue PhDs at Purdue, 
initially targeted at areas of nanotechnology and biotechnology.  An 
internship program (for students at "beginning grad school" level may 
also be available in the near future).

b) establishing research partnerships/collaborations with faculty at 
Colombian universities. 

Although Engineering has been the primary point of contact to date, 
these programs are not excluded to Engineering.

In conjunction with these efforts, I wanted to invite you to participate 
in two upcoming events:

1) A lunch (Sept. 22) in which you can learn about the Colombian 
program, with particular focus on the fellowship program and an overview 
of research areas/opportunities.

2) a joint workshop with Colombian faculty and university officials (at 
Purdue, Oct. 11-13).  We expect over 50 Colombian visitors from a number 
of top universities.  Toward the goal of fostering collaborations, we 
would like to have Purdue faculty participate, including poster 
presentations to overview your group's work. 

Details are include in the attached word doc.
Note that there is a RSVP form for each event -- please return these to 
Melissa Schwartz at your earliest convenience ( lanem at purdue.edu ).

I will be following up with people individually -- please let me know if 
you would like more information.



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