[Bnc-faculty-all-list] University of Notre Dame Undergraduate Research Competition in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Thu Jan 20 14:09:18 EST 2011

Please pass this information along to your undergraduate students:

The University of Notre Dame is holding a competition to recognize outstanding 
undergraduates engaged in research in nanoscience and engineering. In the spring 
and summer of 2011, Notre Dame will provide research initiation awards ($500) 
for students who submit the most promising research proposals. Prizes for the 
best final projects (and presentations) will be awarded at a conference held at 
Notre Dame in the Fall of 2011.

Download NDConnect Flyer 

Students email a one page proposal outlining their research project including 
their name, university, email address, research advisor, and engineering or 
science discipline. The application should be sent to mbb1adr at nd.edu by one of 
the two proposal deadlines listed on this page. For additional information send 
e-mail questions to mbb1adr at nd.edu or by phone to Heidi Deethardt at (574) 

The top proposals will receive a cash award of $500 to augment their research. 
The research should take place during the spring or summer of 2011. Contest 
finalists will be provided travel support to present the results of their work 
at Notre Dame in the fall of 2011. However, all students are eligible to attend 
and compete. Awards will be given for the best projects:
First Place $5000,
Second $3000,
and Third $1000
Key Dates:
2.15.2011 Deadline for Spring Research Proposals
3.1.2011 Notify Spring Research Proposal Winners
5.1.2011 Deadline for Summer Research Proposals
5.15.2011 Notify Summer Research Proposal Winners
8.14.2011 Students submit powerpoint of research findings and letter of 
recommendation from their adviser
Fall 2011 - NDConnect Research Competition - Finalists arrive at Notre Dame for 
a one-day event including student presentations, campus tour, and dinner
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