[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships program

Jeff Goecker jgoecker at purdue.edu
Wed Jan 19 14:08:10 EST 2011

This email is being sent on behalf of Sue Grimes
>NSF has released a new solicitation for the Science and Technology Centers: 
>Integrative Partnerships program. This program supports innovative, potentially 
>transformative, complex research and education projects that require 
>large-scale, long-term awards. STCs conduct world-class research through 
>partnerships among academic institutions, national laboratories, industrial 
>organizations, and/or other public/private entities, and via international 
>collaborations, as appropriate. STCs may involve any areas of science and 
>engineering that NSF supports.  More information is available 
>For this opportunity, Purdue may submit three proposals as lead.
>Internal deadlines are as follows:
>Monday, February 7: Letters of intent due to the OVPR.
>Monday, February 28: Pre-proposals due to the OVPR.
>Please note: Letters of intent and pre-proposals to the OVPR, should be e-mailed 
>to OVPRlimited at purdue.edu. Purdue's limited submission policy and template for 
>letters of intent may be found 
>at http://www.purdue.edu/research/vpr/funding/lsid1.php. For any case in which 
>the number of internal letters of intent received is no more than the number of 
>proposals allowed by the sponsor, the OVPR will notify the PI that an internal 
>pre-proposal will be unnecessary.
>Please let me know if you have questions about the limited submission process or 
>this competition.
>Best wishes,
>Sue Grimes
>Assistant Director of Research Development Services
>Office of the Vice President for Research
>Hovde Hall, Room 321
>610 Purdue Mall
>West Lafayette, IN 47907-2040
>(765) 494-5858
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