[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Coral Reservation Abuse - ACTION REQUESTED - on behalf of John Weaver

Wereley, Steven T. wereley at purdue.edu
Fri Aug 27 22:29:59 EDT 2010

I also could not find an attachment and I am curious to see if any of my students are offenders…

My doctor has a solution for appointments that aren’t canceled 24 hours ahead of time—she bills me anyway.  If these repeat offenders are charged for their unused reservations, they will certainly draw the attention of their advisors when the cost to fabricate some widget doubles.  I’m sure this would bring the practice to an end.

Steve Wereley, Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Birck Nanotechnology Center, Room 2019, 1205 West State Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907
phone: 765/494-5624, fax: 765/494-0539
web page:  http://engineering.purdue.edu/~wereley

From: bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu [mailto:bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu] On Behalf Of Peroulis, Dimitrios
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 10:17 PM
To: Eric Stach; Jeff Goecker; Weaver, John R
Cc: Dmitri Zakharov; BNC Faculty
Subject: Re: [Bnc-faculty-all-list] Coral Reservation Abuse - ACTION REQUESTED - on behalf of John Weaver

Hi all,

Although I do not know who the students are (John, I could not find an attachment to your email) and this impacts my students probably more than anyone else’s, I have a somewhat different approach than Eric’s. In my opinion, when something reaches epidemic proportions, there may be a deeper reason. I am not sure what the reason is, but I think we need to find out.

I personally would like to volunteer to talk to the students and find out what is going on. Either something in the system is not working (I doubt it but we need to consider it) or students are irresponsible (the second and most likely possibility). Either way, I think we can find out. In the first case we can probably fix things. In the second case, I would follow Eric’s approach, as we should not tolerate abuse.

If you agree, maybe a small sub-committee (I could be part of it) could talk individually to students next week to identify the problem and also deliver a strong warning to them that they are forcing BNC to take action against them.


Dimitrios Peroulis
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
Birck Nanotechnology Center Room 2266
1205 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907
tel: (765) 494-3491
fax: (765) 496-6443
email: dperouli at purdue.edu

From: bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu [mailto:bnc-faculty-all-list-bounces at ecn.purdue.edu] On Behalf Of Eric Stach
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 9:19 PM
To: Jeff Goecker; Weaver, John R
Cc: Dmitri Zakharov; BNC Faculty
Subject: Re: [Bnc-faculty-all-list] Coral Reservation Abuse - ACTION REQUESTED - on behalf of John Weaver

John & Colleagues:

The answer to this is very, very simple.   That user should have had their user privileges revoked somewhere between 3-5 of these events.   It is a privilege to access equipment, not a right.

I say this based on now ∼20 yrs of working in electron microscopy labs: you don't show up, you lose your privilege to use the equipment.


(yes: I don't work at BNC anymore, but this would have NEVER been OK in my labs there.)

On Aug 27, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Jeff Goecker wrote:

BNC Faculty –

I need your help on a situation that is impacting the ability of researchers to use the BNC equipment.  We are beginning to reach epidemic proportions of people reserving equipment and not using the equipment – and not cancelling their reservations so that someone else can use that equipment.  This practice causes false bottlenecks and leaves the equipment unused.  In the first 8 weeks of this fiscal year, we have had 1165 incidents.

An example is one user who has 20 unused and not canceled reservations on the MJB-3 aligner in 8 weeks – that’s 2 ½ unused reservations every week.  This is a very highly used piece of equipment, and we are receiving complaints that this equipment is not available.  This same user has 12 unused and not canceled reservations on the CHA evaporator – another critical piece of equipment.

The CHA evaporator has had 82 unused and not canceled reservations in the last 8 weeks, more than 10 per week.

Please ask your students to be more courteous to the other researchers in the BNC.  The attached spreadsheet shows those users with at least 8 unused and not cancelled reservations in the past 8 weeks by Coral user name.  I have also highlighted incidents where one user had at least 8 unused and not cancelled reservations on a particular piece of equipment.

While it is understood that there are legitimate incidents where a user reserves a piece of equipment but cannot use it, this happening at a very high frequency is more likely abuse.

Thanking you for your consideration,

John R. Weaver
Facility Manager
Birck Nanotechnology Center
Purdue University
(765) 494-5494
jrweaver at purdue.edu<mailto:jrweaver at purdue.edu>

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