[Bnc-faculty-all-list] Action Required - BNC Cleanroom Situation, ON BEHALF OF JOHN WEAVER

Deborah S Starewich dstarewi at purdue.edu
Fri Jul 24 10:58:34 EDT 2009

> To BNC Faculty:
> The situation in the BNC Cleanroom has degenerated to the point  
> that serious action must be taken.  The current conditions in the  
> cleanroom have resulted in unsafe situations as well as significant  
> interruptions of research.  Both of these consequences stem from  
> poor citizenship of the users.  Sloppy use of chemicals, not  
> cleaning up after themselves, leaving chemical spills, not rinsing  
> empty chemical bottles, and like actions are the primary issues  
> that must be addressed.
> I am requesting that you as a faculty member support the correction  
> of the current situation in two ways:
> 1)   Please enter the cleanroom at least once per week and make  
> your presence known to your students.  Observation of the  
> activities and your presence should inspire better citizenship.
> 2)   Talk about good cleanroom and laboratory practices in your  
> group meetings.  By setting the expectation that students will  
> practice good citizenship you will be supporting all the efforts to  
> bring the cleanroom back into a safe, efficient facility.
> There will be meetings held in August for all cleanroom users where  
> these issues will be addressed.  Your support over the next few  
> weeks will be instrumental in correcting the issues that are  
> currently impacting safety and research.  It is hoped that your  
> activities and the cleanroom-user meetings will correct the  
> situation, and that more drastic measures will not be required.
> Thank you in advance for your support of BNC operations.
> John
> John R. Weaver
> Facility Manager
> Birck Nanotechnology Center
> Purdue University
> (765) 494-5494
> jrweaver at purdue.edu

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