[Bnc-facility-notice] Equipment Training in the Birck Center

Reger, Ronald K rreger at purdue.edu
Thu Jul 9 14:37:29 EDT 2020

Dear Birck Research Community,

There has been guidance issued across campus relative to using Enhanced PPE in research when individuals cannot maintain the minimum 6’ spacing while doing certain tasks.  Please see more information here:


One area called out in this guidance is ‘user training on instruments.’  The enhanced PPE listed includes a surgical mask, face shield, nitrile gloves (or equivalent), and lab coats (optional).  In our Birck cleanroom we already don masks, gloves, and the cleanroom gown.  Additionally we have 9 air changes per minute which continues to supply filtered air to the entire cleanroom and we maintain a positive pressure relative to the external hallway.  The only Enhanced PPE item that we don’t use on a routine basis is the face shield.  Therefore we are implementing a tool training protocol that requires the use of a face shield by both the engineering staff trainer and the new user trainee.  For now we are also implementing a protocol that will limit training sessions to one trainee at a time.  Note, we are working to develop other methods of training including video taping and very detailed SOPs for equipment operation, and these will be tested in the near future.

With the cleanroom opening up under our new SOP protocol we anticipate many new users, and a high demand for training on equipment.  Please use iLabs to register/log your training requests.  We want to emphasize two things for this new training scenario:

  1.  Since it has been many weeks of down time we want to ensure we train users who have an immediate and/or urgent need for the tools.  Please be considerate of your fellow researchers and don’t ask for training until you need it.
  2.  Due to the high demand, please make sure you’re ready for your training session when it is scheduled.  If for any reason you can’t attend your training please cancel it as soon as possible so another might take your time slot.

As we move toward a full research facility, albeit under these extraordinary COVID conditions, we are trying to accommodate as many people as possible.

As always, work with your engineering staff member and please stay safe!  Your feedback is sought and welcome as we move into this next phase.


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