[Bnc-facility-notice] CRITICAL SHUTDOWN NOVEMBER 21, 2012

Weaver, John R jrweaver at purdue.edu
Fri Nov 9 11:09:00 EST 2012

As part of the BNC Exhaust Expansion Project, an air handler will be lifted into the BNC by crane on Wednesday, 21 November 2012, the day before Thanksgiving Break. Because of the size and weight of this lift, NO PERSONNEL ARE ALLOWED UNDER THE LIFT RADIUS OF THE CRANE.  

This means that several areas of the building will be off limits all day on Wednesday, 21 November 2012. Included in this area are the Biocleanroom, portions of the two bays and one chase of the main cleanroom, some laboratories on the southeast area of the building, the maintenance shop, etc.

PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED POWERPOINT PRESENTATION TO SEE THE AREAS THAT ARE OFF LIMITS. Note that you will NOT be allowed to enter those areas during the day on Wednesday.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this necessary shutdown activity.

John Weaver
Facility Manager
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