[BNC-all] Workshop on Electrical and Magnetic Characterization at Birck

Abrol, Sangeeta Saddul abrols at purdue.edu
Wed Jun 15 11:06:11 EDT 2022

Mini-Workshop on electrical and magnetic characterization at Birck

Where: MRGN 121
When: Thursday June 16, 1-3pm

Dear users of the Birck's Spin Lab and J Bay,
It's time for a workshop to refresh knowledge and learn about new capabilities, including...

  *   magnetic and electrical measurements: best practices, troubleshooting and artifacts
  *   new electrical transport capabilities: LakeShore M81 and microwave probe with VNA
  *   J Bay probe stations overview: Keithley 4200A-SCS parameter analyzers, semi-automatic probe station
  *   General J Bay update
  *   Question/Answer session: bring your data and questions, we can discuss them privately or with the group

I'll have coffee and snacks, please accept the meeting invitation so I can plan for enough goodies.
Thanks, see you soon-
Neil Dilley
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Neil R. Dilley, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Birck Nanotechnology Center , Rm 1010
1205 West State St.
West Lafayette, IN  47907-2057

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